Omega SYSP
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  • I wish they would have made the back short and the front a little longer for the bobs!
    I wish the all the bobs didn't follow the generic Anna Williams/Dora the Explorer. Yes it worked for Christie but somehow odd looking on Momiji.
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    Thank FUCKING you lmaoo Christie is the only one that it works for. God knows Hitomi looks a fucking mess
    Maybe if they change the fringe into side-parted bangs, it could probably work on them.
    "Why you always tackling me" "omfg get off me" "That move is so OP" "I was punching you how did you grab me wtf".... am I playing mila rigt?
    • Like
    Reactions: GreatDarkHero
    Certainly! Just don't forget the tD feint mix ups and options at certain spaces!
    Indeed you are. Don't worry, people always complain about her, it just means you're doing something right.
    Yup, sounds about right lol.
    Wow he is cute as hell lol but he has a bit of a potty mouth... I don't think ill be watching anymore of his vids smh
    IKR, but if he acted like everyone else his videos wouldn't be as funny. Lol
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    when he dropped that f (Fag and faggot) bomb a couple times he became less funny to me... I try to be less sensitive about these things which is the reason i didnt turn it off the first time he said it lol I waited to see if hed just leave it a once but nope...
    Oh ok, fair enough.
    I've had the "PLEASURE" of meeting KattGun once lol Well she can keep that shit cause she is rude as fuck smh Dr. Dogg on the other hand :)
    omg drag ha omega DRAG HA
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    Lmaoo @Leeloo it wasnt that bad. I just excused myself and avoided her the rest of the tournament cause ummm girl you're not even that big a deal hahaha
    Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    Maybe she just didn't have time?

    Speaking of Dr. Dogg, his Helena is so weird, man. I'm glad he's repping her but his style is like, an older version of Helena, lol.
    Marie annoys me to no end lol Why do i keep playing her ?! omg >_>
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    and don't be too frustrated by her base damage output. When she does actually open her opponent, she can get get a lot of good hits in, and her damage does beautifully stack.
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    Ive been working on her advanced hold stuff lately because of her lack of momentum
    Her high and mid expert holds are the best to know. Her lows are okay, but the memorization isn't worth isn't really worth it, because her basic low holds already are pretty decent.
    I just knew they were going to make Marie's super hero costume plain like her Halloween one but i guess i was wrong cause i like it lol
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    Reactions: Glitterati
    Wait how do you know? Where did you see this?
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    if you look at the twitter feed for the latest costume tease you can see on the monitor in game ! Thats her stance and everything
    You're a gay of the worst kind ! youd laugh with someone who insults/hates you and everyone like you smh id never play with some like that
    A gay guy having a crush on a straight guy? Heh, thats foolish on so many levels...especially considering that this shit went down over PSN (or Xbox Live, I'm not sure since you never specified)...
    Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    Did he even know you are gay? Maybe it's not even the problem. I mean, if I call you a dickhead I don't mean you look like a dickhead or your head has the shape of a dick. I mean you're acting like a dickhead.

    Maybe they didn't know you're gay and faggot was just a word thrown out?
    Wait, @Omega SYSP's gay? Oh shit, sorry if what I said came off as offensive in any way...
    There are 2 types of trolling lol The obvious "in yo' face" type and the "why are you so upset ? / sneak dis apologizing" type which 1 r u ?
    I'm very obvious, who's "in yo' face", and I tend to be a huge asshole after, and during, the fights for the largest amount of salt possible. :p
    Omega SYSP
    Omega SYSP
    I'm the second lol "why are you upset ? I only whooped you in front of a lobby full for people mashing button against your main" gets them everytime hahaha
    Since I cant take marie and momi on the go ive picked up mila on the vita version. I need to learn a grappler and I like her style
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