Recent content by StickyStaines

  1. StickyStaines

    Dead or Alive 5 - Known Bugs/Glitches

    Dunno if this happens to any one else or anybody else can see it, but i always see myself in the lobby list. It was one of the first few lobbies i created but it just stays there in my lobby list and ever since then no has joined my lobby. Can any one else see me there or can only i see it? Im...
  2. StickyStaines

    Dead or Alive 5 - Known Bugs/Glitches

    If i were to guess the reason for that problem is that they probably assign some sort of number variable to the lobby when you request to open the lobby list, but by the time you choose a lobby, some lobbies might have been disbanded or some might have been created, possibly pushing the lobby...
  3. StickyStaines

    Sidestep from disadvantage: some questions

    Do regular throws track to sidestep? In theory you might be able to do the sidestep/throw OS that is in VF for stuff 0 to -4. This also could apply to anything that is -5. You could put yourself at -5, input sidestep then throw. Theoretically you should sidestep if they choose to use a linear...
  4. StickyStaines

    Holds Buffered Off Of A Hit

    Is the buffer just for holds or is across all moves? I know SC's buffer for moves is quite large; especially compared to tekken.
  5. StickyStaines

    Guaranteed Damage!

    I can see where virtualPai is coming from. It's like some unblockables in a few 2D games. It doesn't actually have to be a frame perfect unblockable to be considered unblockable, because while the CPU might be able to block it, a human player finds it way to hard to switch guard in a few frames...
  6. StickyStaines

    I heard there was a patch just released does anyone notice any changes?

    Err you people are looking at this 'character patch' the wrong way. This is like TN just changing the build from E3 to Gamescom say. They had character changes then but you just see it is as a developing game. A day 1 patch like this just means that they HAD to get the game to retailers at a...
  7. StickyStaines

    Any early netcode impressions?

    This happens every time. People get the game early and says the netcode sucks, people say that it isn't released yet and when it is released it still sucks. Happened to KOF and MK. Even patches didn't help. Persona got fixed but that was a different problem. Im not making the same mistake...
  8. StickyStaines

    Dead or Alive 5: Remaining Issues

    Are they really not changed and are they really as good as you are making them out to be?
  9. StickyStaines

    Dead or Alive 5: Remaining Issues

    So because they are from VF they should be made purposely weak? Dumb logic. Strive for strong characters across the board; dont be a fanboy.
  10. StickyStaines

    FSD Online Training Sessions

    People need to stop saying their internet speed when referring to lag in online. It doesn't matter if your speed is 2 down or 1000 down when you are only downloading a few kB/s of data anyway. Even if you had 1GB down, the latency for US to EU will still be 100-200ms, which is the real...
  11. StickyStaines

    DOA5 Fighter Chronicles - The Stages

    C'mon guys, if TN were going to put characters in by how sexy they were, Taka-Arashi would already be in. I'd like to see more of the wackier styles if any other VF characters got in though. Taka, Eileen, or even Goh.
  12. StickyStaines

    My DOA5 rollercoaster and apprehensions about DOA5

    They are showing the new builds not so you can go there and be oh-so-pro and win these tournaments. It's mostly to show the community what changes they've made to the game that affect system balance and character balance. This is all so that the game can end up solid when it's finally released...
  13. StickyStaines

    My DOA5 rollercoaster and apprehensions about DOA5

    Nah what i mean is in VF, when you actually side step an attack and just side stepping normally are 2 different types of side steps.
  14. StickyStaines

    DOA 5 Tina Thread

  15. StickyStaines

    My DOA5 rollercoaster and apprehensions about DOA5

    Are the sidesteps like VF then? Where if it actually sidesteps a move it goes into a new sort of animation (rather than just side stepping normally)