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  • Will we ever get buttons to represent Counter, Hi Counter, Back Turn, and Critcal Burst, and Power Blow?
    Where do we contact the devs? Do they check this forum?
    to contact the devs, we can hit them up on twitter. sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't. It's a big world, and everyones got an opinion. I meant buttons for the forum though so when I write up combos, we can have something a little more flashy than "!CB!!"
    So will we ever get official button to represent Critical Burst, Back Turn, and maybe counter hit and hi-counter hit
    I wonder when game developers will realize that some of us don't want to sit here for an hour trying to unlock a costume on the hardest mode
    Anyone have a 6th costume for anyone? If so, what difficulty do you have to do it on to get it?
    Man, Kokoro is a satisfying character, her juggle damage might be low but he mixup game is beautiful. Combo Thread Anyone?
    Does anyone actually press free/hold to free cancel combos? I'm finding it very useful for Eliot who can delay his combos to hell.
    Oddly enough, I saw someone use it to cancel the third hit of Ayane's 66KKK. It resets them on the ground with such little recovery that they combo straight from it. I've also been seeing a few instances where it would be a really useful tactic. I never saw it that way in any DOA before 5.
    I get better when I get mad, which is after losing. It seems that I start to realize more moves and no one has been able to read me in anger
    There are moments where I love her, and other where I feel she's completely gimped. I think she's fine but the alpha version of her was much better. I'd speculate she's probably somewhere around mid/upper tier
    Ah I see.
    Yeah... she's alright. she can be competitive, she's just not the sexy pick.
    CyberEvil, at the wall maybe, but people are less likely to guard low, and I do it to bait people more than anything cause it's 0+-
    Am I the only one that loves to spam 2p's with Eliot like Swoozie spams 1p's as Kasumi for Oki? It looks cool as hell.
    @JDE yea that lag is mad ridiculous. I lost my first match online because of it. Come to think of it, are you on PS3 or 360?
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