Recent content by YOLOclutch

  1. YOLOclutch

    New York DOA5

    I saw the front page post. This is a surprise. I thought there was no NYC scene (almost lost hope). What is the frequency of meet ups at Next Level? Is it like the VF scene, like every Tuesday?
  2. YOLOclutch

    Community The New York Scene is Growing

    This is a surprise. I thought there was no NYC scene (almost lost hope). What is the frequency of meet ups at Next Level? Is it like the VF scene, like every Tuesday?
  3. YOLOclutch

    Mila in a nutshell by Something-Unique

    These notes are AWESOME! Thank you for posting this!
  4. YOLOclutch

    Mila DOA5U Frame Data

    Wow only ONE move is positive on block? Thanks for updating the frame data
  5. YOLOclutch

    DOA5U Ok! I'm Ready anytime!! Mila DOA5U Matchups & Strategy discussion thread

    I'm surprised this thread hasn't been made yet..... Anyway this thread, is to discuss Mila's matchups, both good & bad, and how to deal with them. Any info that's beneficial will be added to the opening comment. So.... Discuss...
  6. YOLOclutch

    Mila - Boxer or Brawler?

    When I first pick Mila up in Vanilla, to me she felt nothing like a boxer (compared to Steve fox or Brad Burns). Don't get me wrong, I was hyped when they TN announce MMA character that focused on boxing,kick-boxing and val-Tudo. Since the update, I've been playing her as 2 two things: 1...