Free Step Dodge

It is an honour to Continue the Tradition... I can only hope that I live to the Title and do right by this curse.

I am curious as to what exactly you think is wrong wuth Irithal Dungeon.

As for the Enemy designs... I don't think they're bland at all you get a crapton of Variety of enemy types and each type is semi distinct in its appearence and Attacks.
As for Gundyr... he's om of the only Bosses where parrying is constistent... even with a medium shield I can get clean non trading successful parries on him... I'm still on the process of doing this for the rest of the Bosses in the game.
That being said, you are overlooking the disadvantages of trying to Parry. Namely the fact that the game doesn't tell what is parryable and what isn't so you have to use trial & error to figure that out... and there's still the problem of The Parrying Glitch where you suffer all the consequences of a partial parry even if you parry succesfully...
If I were to to weigh all those factors together then parrying is 50/50... which is impractical. Particularly against the Abyss Watchers and Prince Lorian & Sulyvan.

My next Boss is The Dragon Slayer Armor.
If I were to to weigh all those factors together then parrying is 50/50... which is impractical. Particularly against the Abyss Watchers and Prince Lorian & Sulyvan.

My next Boss is The Dragon Slayer Armor.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
medium shield parrying and bare hand parrying have been nerfed in DS3 (and DS2) but parrying with the parry dagger, buckler, curved swords, and katanas have all been buffed, but they all have their own unique timings (actually i think the buckler and parry dagger have the same timing), so if you're messing up parries with one weapon, try something else
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Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
in dark souls 1 i preferred parrying bare handed because it's timing felt the most natural to me and it kept me under 25% all day. in dark souls 2 i used the offhand curved sword parry cause it was too good and i wasn't using a shield anyway. in dark souls 3 i played a straight up sword and board so i wasn't a parrying fiend like i used to be, but the claw and caestus were really good parrying tools
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You also have to put in the factor of Fun. There are people that will find fun in figuring out if something is parriable, and if so, try to find the perfect timing or setup for doing it so. You can't just quantify what is practical because of that, because some people will find more practical something that they find more fun.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Whose going off about parries not being practical? once you're comfortable with your parry window and you can react to parriable attacks, it makes things so much easier. Why waste time blocking dodging and shielding when you can destroy a boss with a few well timed parries?
@Camel with 2 thumbs
I don't know what the timings are... all I know is even the fastest one takes too long to go active.

This was probably the case in Dark Souls 1 aswell but that game also slower Attack Start Ups so it unless you were up against a Dagger or Rapier Weilding enemy you could parry everything nice and clean with a high success rate.
I normally used the Caestus in DS3 because its lightest and the fastest but its not fastest enough to parry Great Sword Weilding Black Knights... or maybe speed isn't the issue... its the angle ir the tiny hitbox... whatever it is... its a problem.
Uhm no... whether its fun or not isn't going to change how practical a mechanic is... and considering this is a series that people think its fun to invade other players whether they want to or not I think its best that fun isn't a factor.
Don’t play online if you don’t want to get wrecked by invaders
Great Advice...
No they're not "useless", just a pain in the ass to reliably pull off, but that's just because of how clunky combat in general is in Souls games, which is why I prefer sticking to ranged attacks.

This is also why most players just circle around fishing for backstabs instead.

not "useless", just riskier, and a lot of people feel its simply not worth the risk.
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Thats basically what I said... Useless. ;)

Also doesn't it piss you off when you press roll to evade an attack... and your character gets hit....then after the hit stun they Roll... and get hit again.

From Software at their Finest.
tbh i usually die from just the game not letting me roll at all. Like I see an attack coming, press roll, and my character just stands there and eats it.

And no, "Risky" does not mean "Useless" because it's high risk high reward. Parries lead to MASSIVE counter damage.
How is one shotting a person “useless”??
Hi Reward ?

Critical Damage has been nerfed hard compared to DS1... even with the Hornet Ring.

If you can one shot them with a Critical Hit then you can probably two shot them with a regular hit... the only difference is how much health you want to lose trying to parry the fucker.
I just Took Down Champion Gundyr only using Parries.... it cost me 7 Estus Flasks...