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Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Neptune panty shots and IF jiggle physics legit make me uneasy :/ and it's weird because out of all the animu games i play i don't have beef with sexualized characters, but in Hyperdimension it feels weirdly out of place, maybe it's cause the majority of the cast look like prepubescent girls that for some reason have grown woman breasts, which is just odd design to say the least, its kanna kamui all over again!
I bet this is a low budget RPG.

-Looks it up-

Yeah I knew it, I already know the company that made those games. Low budget RPGs with previous games having typos and all that sorts of bits that makes it feel like it's bootleg.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
if anything makes it feel booleg it's that fact that thematically it's all over the place and it has no sense of visual consistency. it's like, you start the game with the cute girls and your killing a bunch of cute monsters and it all makes sense
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
but then you get to the next area and it's populated with giant wolves that look like they belong in 3D Castlevania game, some straight up Gundams, and one of the main bad guys looks like a mook from Shinobi 2. the lack of consistency bugs the fck out of me, but i still like the game, good writing, fun and memorable characters, addictive gameplay, it's just the super out of place fanservice that makes me say naw
If it's any game I wouldn't mind toning Up is MK.There has to be a balance. I mean I know certain people criticize on what certain characters wear and think it's ridiculous in 9 , but come on that shouldn't bother anyone compared to the messed up and ridiculous fatalities. It's just my opinion though.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
I liked the mk girls when they looked like battle strippers :/
I would like a Neptunia fighting game tbh. Maybe by the same people that made Nitroblasters. I'd be fine with them toning down sexualization because honestly I was more interested in the hilarious game references and jokes.
Come on, we all know Shao Kahn is the best stripper of all. He'll smash anybody with his hammer.
The enemies themselves are references to games so it makes sense they’d be all over the place visually. I fully agree the series needs to tone down the fan service, I love the characters and jokes but that stuff makes me uneasy
the cute waifu game HAS to have that stuff though... A majority of fans of that series are fans BECAUSE of the fan service. That's just how it is, and it helps the Nep series sell especially the 3D ones.

And I'm pretty sure the Nep gang are like 19 or something maybe the sisters are underage though
The smol characters are [redacted] years old because Japan.
Why not find a different game? Toning stuff down is honestly just plain unnecessary, especially when there many other titles that isn't overtop with sex appeal.
What other game has a story like neptunia where characters represent game consoles & the story is based on actual video game history