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    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    The very first game I played was Tekken 4 back in like 2002-03, the first games that I owned were DBZ Budokai 2 and Final Fantasy X.

    I still have the official strategy guide book too all those years ago!
    I wish I could say DOA2H or SSX like some of you have, but it was probably Tekken Tag Tournament, Street Fighter EX3, or FFX. It might even have been Fantavision, lol. FFX is the first game I bought, I'm sure of that much at least.
    9 more days till Nioh 2!
    @Chisa Never been much a streamer as the interest for me was never truly there, on top that I can't sit still to stream for more than two hours. Even for DOA unless I really push myself to really sit there. It's why whenever someone donates money to me from rare streams, I always end up giving it back to them since I was never really in it for the money.
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    Yeah i get that. I tried streaming for a while too until i realised im not funny enough to be a streamer lol. Mostly did it to have some gamer company since none of my irl friends are gamers.

    I thought you may be funny enough to watch so thats why. I cannot play Nioh myself since i cannot focus enough in games and in Nioh you will need that focus haha!
    @Chisa Don't blame you at all. Maybe one of these days I'll give it another go and do my best to actually sit still and not move around so much. I also have a habit to just go brb like 5-6 times in gaming I swear ahaha.
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    Everyone (especially content creators), as of May 1st, 2020. Any Youtube video that's older than 6 years will have their bitrate reduced to conserve data bits on Youtube. So if you have a video that's 720p as 8mbps, it'll lower down to 4mbps.

    Remember those DOA5U videos with those uploaders back on PS3/360 with 480p? it'll be from 4mbps to 2mbps. Basically even shittier quality.
    Tis a sad time! We are going back to coaxial cable and picture tube type of resolution. With stuff like these its great that we have other streaming options like twitch and mixer.
    @WAZAAAAA He said the source is youtube's twitter page. If you want a link, though, that I can't give because I traversed through the jungles of youtube's recesnt twitter posts and didn't see anything regarding it (dang it DB, I may be back on twitter for a while for DOA but I don't need more reasons to go there! ):< )
    N1ce Dreams
    N1ce Dreams
    Living the dream!
    Hair color incident, people be like "don't buy KT other products". Alright understandable. But that also means you won't buy Tamaki right? because that also influences KT to scheme your wallet.

    DOA peeps: O-oh uhh..s-see the thing is. I uh...

    Yeah I thought so, sit down.
    Stay safe everyone. A man was attacked doing a Chinese food delivery here in NY. That Coronavirus is one thing, but there's another issue where the most radical people will take their anger on an individual just because of the whole coronavirus situation and Asia countries.

    That man was just trying to live in peace and doesn't bother anyone.
    Capcom has ceased this year world tour due to Corona virus:
    A reminder that this man was just trying to live in peace to do his delivery, it's mind boggling to how media portrays other people that can influence people based off it because of it's spread at Asian countries, so people just suddenly attack any random people from Asia countries. That is too disheartening. I'm in New York.
    Stuff like this happened during SARS too. The worst diseases of all are fear and ignorance. Here in Canada, since the first week of the year, the early signs of xenophobia and spreading of misinformation that stigmitized the Asian community was one of the first things the National news warned about.
    Wow yeah that's really horrible that people would do things like that :( And same to you all too, Stay safe!
    Wait wait wait, where are people getting the information on Twitter from that the new IP Hayashi wants to work on is a fighting game? any source?
    Imagine if TN went against all the regular ideals, such as the inclusion of both the females and males, and instead added some mechanized robo fighting action for that one moment (two sides would be stoned lel), and it's intro would be:

    "Show me the memes or fookin die".
    Nioh 2 final demo is out lel.

    Hair color changes on the character creation for..... huh what's this?! for the price of zero dollars!? no way you breaking my leg Nioh, you trolling me no way lololol. For free!? holy roly poly, nicee lel.
    Admit it. The reason why majority DOA players don't use 8/2P+K jump pound attack, is because it looks weird and wonky as shit despite there is actual good use for it, especially near round deaths.
    Yeah, the animation looks horrendous. Like Pre-PS2 shitty. Though it's also mad unsafe on whiff.
    The main reason I don't use it is because it has a small reward, huge risk and small chance of success. You can try to use it on reaction to a wake-up kick, but for the timing to work, it could just as easily be a tech up, and then you get whatever your character's free-standing 8P+K is, instead.
    I still use it, but quite sparingly. I actually like the animation for many of the characters I play, such as Nyotengu and Lisa.
    Nioh has really been evidence to me that the fault isn't with Team Ninja or the devs in general when it comes to DoA6 but really KT's management. TN is totally still capable of magic, they're just not really working on DoA6 thanks to KT's orders.
    I will say that if Nioh also fell into that category while also being abysmal or even average where it would be obvious, then i'd probably use both series as guinea pigs for KT's shenanigans to throw it back at them, but I can't exactly throw Nioh under the bus since the game is actually good until it comes to that conclusion to begin with.
    Course don't get it twisted. I'm a fan of DOA, but i'm also a big fan of other fighting games that's as close to DOA as a fan if not more / general fighting game fan. Same with other games, if other games fuck up I won't risk my entire soul for their own screw ups while following blindly, DOA is no different.
    RE3R will be released on April 3rd 2020 for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. A demo will be upcoming in early March (maybe next week), and RE3R will include Resident Evil Resistance.
    Want to say that i'm proud of each and every one of you. It took hair colors to finally reveal KT's shenanigans which took you this long, but it's ok. While you are at it, see if you can sneak in with your message for a better evasive neutral step and a universal throw break system for throws on NH only.

    Now you are #ImAFighter. Fight the low tier marketing.
    They could have made us use tickets to change even costumes, or decided to put access to frame data behind a paywall since Tekken can do it. Fact is, this and any of those would be crossing a line. Not only crossing, but dancing right over the line.
    I've shared what KT has done with non-DoA fans and even they're shocked by what KT is doing.
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    N1ce Dreams
    N1ce Dreams
    No one gonna talk about revival costumes costing more and the new costumes costing double? For a licence they own.. No one? Y'all really didn't see this hair thing coming?
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