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  • Damn, Alexandro69 said that he's tired of "asking for improvements" on DOATEC's Twitter, and uninstalled DOA6. I say that's a win for most people's sanity haha. Now there's a couple more spammers that need to "uninstall" Twitt... err.. DOA6.
    lel, you don't order TN around. TN is like that exclusive ramen shop where the boss can choose his costumer
    Not surprised. Half of the community has uninstalled this game.
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    I haven't uninstalled the game (I am so close to getting Raidou's 3K title). But I am playing a lot less now.
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    Oh snap, the shade here lol:
    Out of curiosity why do people care about backwards compatibility so much? I thought the point of a new console is to play new games?
    @Force_of_Nature That's kinda on them for buying a console on day 1. Never buy a console on day 1. Price=highest, barely any new games on it and huge issues with it. Remember the 4k TV issue when the PS4 Pro launched? Depending on what I hear about PS5, I might make an exception with it, one of the reasons being that I can play some PS4 games in 4K but I need more than that to buy it day 1.
    Hmm... You unfortunately do have to have people buy a console Day 1, or else the console's launch would be deemed a "failure". Which is not good for future investments. But yeah, if an individual can't afford the extra expenditure, then it is indeed better to buy the console at a later date.
    I always wait 2-3 years to get the new consoles. Like I didn't get a PS4 until 2016
    Overall, Michael Murray retweeting it is basically no different than any other retweet. DOA and Tekken communities seem to be looking for fire to spark that doesn't actually exist. Similar to the scripted beef via Itagaki and Harada.
    Yeah, it's dumb. Harada was taking the piss and probably Murray too, but they underestimated how degenerate the fanbases can be haha.

    As for the price-tag comment, that sounds a lot like KT. Basically, if an endeavour won't immediately bring in $$$$, they don't care.
    What are you talking about? Harada is dumb. He didn't want frame data in Tekken because he thought people would stop playing sooner if they knew everything. He actually thinks he could make a VF as well as his followers. Guys are stupid. They just want VF to be like Tekken yet the game now has a lot of combo starters to try and get the Tekken heads. VF4 had bounds first, anyway.
    Ok, this is pretty funny lol. "I believe I shall take out the garbage"
    Anyone have trouble installing Tamaki on the XBone? My system is refusing to "acknowledge my license" to use her.
    Tamaki's animations look very stiff. Kind of looks like a VF character in a weird way haha. Could be fun to mess around with her.
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    I'd love to at least try Tamaki some time, though Tina strictly remains my main in DOA. My main in Tekken is Asuka, though. I love doing her counter/hold (4 RP+RK I think) where she makes the opponent do a circular flip like in this video, lol. Imma make a pretty flower outta you!
    Eww... Asuka's that spam b2+4 are not cool haha.
    Hey, I didn't say I spam it :/ But it's so fun to do and see that I should be thanked for resisting the urge to do it.
    Just completed the FFVII:R demo. HOLY SHIT it's fantastic! Game looks amazing thus far!
    Haven't forgiven Square for Versus XIII yet. I didn't mind XV in the end, but it was still a waste of the original vision. And that film cost a bomb and wasted a huge amount of resources. Type 0's HD Remaster was vomit-worthy, too, and don't get me started on their nickel-and-diming in XIV. The housing scam was cancer.

    Plus, you know - Yoko Taro's been given shit tier budgets for a decade too long.
    I don't mind EA so much these days - the exposes from Kotaku made it clear Bioware themselves were responsible for most of the DA/ME/Anthem issues, and EA did address the BF II kickback in a proper manner. It's a stellar game now. They also greenlit Fallen Order, which was amazing.

    I want to hate them for pushing Apex over TF, but ultimately that was down to Respawn, so I can't even pin that on them.
    I guess I might feel differently if I was a Battlefield fan?

    But the big one for me is Bungie. My god have they fucked Destiny up o_0 Again, all blamed on Activision at first, until, you know, that wasn't an option anymore. Used to be my go-to comp FPS... It's vulgar now.
    Alright! The DOA6 Kasumi Advanced Guide is finished in time for the 1 year anniversary!

    There's something very irksome when I post a new video that took a shit ton of work and the first thing I see is "MAKE ONE FOR [Such & Such] PLS". I really can't stand people that show no appreciation and basically demand stuff as if they deserve it.
    If there's any bright side to Koei-Tecmo's scumbaggery is that it's ironically united the DOA6 community.
    That's true actually lol!
    It totally hasn't tho. Vast numbers of people are still throwing money at the VV gacha. Hair dye tickets are still getting sold and screenshotted, proudly. The Gust asset flips are still being bought. Nioh 2 is still being hyped.
    There's nothing united about the response other than a bit of grumbling. People outside the franchise's fanbase have been grumbling for years about DoA. What did that achieve for their agendas? I mean, it's still a game full of bikinis, bare-chested men, and panchira, right?

    Money is all a game dev/pub will ever listen to.
    I can't stand KT's business practices anymore than the next person, but I hate to be that guy that has to say it that: the reason why KT/TN don't do much with the Player Points is because they don't physically make any money from releasing content to be "bought" with PP's (such as the random free costumes with recolours last year). Complaining about an abundance is asinine in that respect.
    ...However, a reasoning to release some content for "free" (i.e. purchasable with just PP's), is to encourage more people to play online. For instance Overwatch has released a shitton of free content within its past 3.5+ years on the market. This helps keeping people playing online for years. Awkward comparison I know, since OW has sold around 40,000,000 units, but the point remains intact.
    But passing the info through word of mouth in social media is a great suggestion by Ponton Sama. I m with the boss on this one. Fight business with business. ME LOVES IT! XD
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