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  • Curious, do you think it's that time for TN to scrap their in-house engine for DOA/Nioh? or do you think it's good the way it is?

    Reason why I brought it up is because UE has been improving their engine (reduced bugs and loading times) which devs can use for free. I mean, TN would be use to it by now since their own gets bug issues as well so why not I guess lol -continue-
    Personally I think it's fine the way it is now. Recently, Yasuda had the most common feedback is that the Nioh graphics were bad (hard to believe I know lol) and stage design were average, but their character models were superb along with their effects as one of the most positive things with Nioh.
    Take it with a grain of salt that this is the most common feedback they received with Nioh. With a sentence that stated "One of the most beautifully well-crafted characters, but I have an eye sore of their level design and visually eye-straining low textures of everything else". I mean if you played Nioh part of that is true, but curious on people's thoughts.
    UE looks great if you don't mind the atrociously long render pipeline, but as soon as you start reducing that for competitive/twitch use, you either get something akin to Overwatch art-style, or incredibly mediocre graphics.

    TN's engine may not be cutting edge in terms of visuals, but it flies onto the screen.
    It's 2020 and people still using Steam charts to determine a game's credibilty.
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    Yeah, it's mad dumb and the practice needs to fuck off.
    @Force_of_Nature Fun bit here. From what I seen for example, you can literally torrent a game, change the .ini file, change green id+replace exe so that it launches properly, add it to the Steam library under a registered account, and then boom. Now Steam thinks you are playing the game while your game time data is uploaded+cloud.
    In other words, the charts already has a massive not-so-true data including DLC until Steam decides to find a way to stop cracked games from being added to the library lol. GTAV has over 40% of people who cracked the game and it's up there lol.
    This COVID-19 patch sucks.

    - Region lock everywhere so you can't world share until the next update.

    - Limited offline PvP gaming action.

    - Traveling and even fitness was hard nerfed.

    - The high-risk high-reward meta is now high risk and more risk. Meta requires mask usage for optimal play.

    - The patch enforces close interactions at packed trains.
    Team NINJA's inside video with Nioh 2:

    - Yasuda wants to get other Team NINJA titles off the ground (Nani? Ninja Gaiden?).

    - Yasuda hinted of a Nioh 3 in the far future and still in discussion about it with just as a interest though.

    - They want to launch a new global IP and is in the works with Team NINJA and KT behind it.

    Some of the hints these last couple of weeks/months make it obvious that Ninja Gaiden 4 will be a thing that'll happen soon. Question is, are they going to re-release the trilogy on PS4, Xbone and PC before that in order to show that "Hey, we know that we haven't had anything NG related in a long time, here, have this trilogy, Ninja Gaiden still lives and we're about to prove it!"
    And they're going to continue to treat the DoA fanbase like c*nts to fund these grand plans?
    The reason why Gen Fu is not in DOA6 is because he has Lumbago.

    However, he went to a mystic mountain to drink a sacred water very deep at the mountains. He found a spring, drank it, and became immortal. Now he will never die and will haunt your dreams for eternity.
    RE3R demo coming in March 19th.

    Fortnite is having Coronavirus DLC. I think Fortnite is ass, but apparently with each purchase of it goes to medical centers in funds to combat it (or so I've heard). Props if it's true.
    How I actually move in Nioh when I'm about to go inside a random cave to kill a bunch of random enemies for Amrita.
    Damn, I didn't know Nioh 2 was pretty good.

    Sike, I did
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    Reactions: Eks
    Time to put over hundreds of hours on to it cause I know I will haha.
    Dating a girl with kids is like playing story mode on another dude's save file.

    And then finishing the part he got stuck at or where he just stopped playing. But if you mess around too much or not grinding it out, you will probably get stuck on the same part he was on lol.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Pretty much every girl I dated between 2007 and 2011 had kids, and the last 2 women I dated were both single moms, if you do it long enough at some point you get used to it, although I'm not sure if that's something you want to get used to :/
    Daughter of my godmother got pregnant from one guy, they broke out and then she knew she was pregnant. So family decided to marry her with another guy, she dated with him before and he loved her so much and agreed to accept her with a child. But then they divorced, actually I don't know why.
    I feel bad for what happens to these people, but before I came out I was with a 17 year old that had a mixed baby. Let's just say the baby daddy hated me. Said some really racist shit. I said how long you gonna put up with this guy? "For the rest of my life." I was out after that.
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