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  • I m outta touch with anime. Any recommends?

    You mean this? OMG please let this be as over the top as Food Wars and Yakikate Japan! XD
    Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone in between of this fine jury! Your Attention please! Email from the general manager and I quote, "MY CONTROLLER GETS STRONGER WITH AGE!"

    Ehehehe! It did get its fair share of abuse long enough that input heavy stuff like QCF+HCF HS/ 21441236+ HS is a chore to do! So anyway, I m stuck to being in the bawderlands twice! Hi Randy Pitchfork!
    I miss the days of playing versus matches offline. With online matches, it sums with this Bane quote. "Ah you think that lag is your ally. I was born in lag. Molded by it Perfected it! You merely adopted the lag! I was a hatchling when I experienced wifi connections. Everything to me now is A SUPER FAST 5G FIBER OPTICS!"
    • Like
    Reactions: Rob
    So uh.....Bridget is the flavour of the month in we are GUILTY of using GEARs and not ever STRIVING to be super dee duper street fighter FFFFFFFFFFIIVEEEEEE! It would be amusing that the next flavour of the month would be Kuradoberi Jam, ABA, and/or Zappa. Maniacal laughter will intesify if it ever came true.
    No wonder people are staying away from playing super street fighter and super turbo in arcade mode at SF: 30th Anniversary collection. Its because the default difficulty is at 4 and 5 respectively. A red eyed Zangief is coming for you B! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    I m sensing a pattern under the ps4 psn store. Its under the diversity and amazing heroines tab. Nearly every seclection is...

    Someone once told me that if you are a Nyotengu main, you should pick up cyber Raidou! I still dont understand that cuz of the summon suffering motion type of command throw he has at combo challenges. X.x
    I m starting to like Nico, Nico, Knee! Although I have to get used to the lolis suffer in common in DOA 6! The T-rex arms syndrome. X.x
    Sooo lemme get this straight! I m in a demon on a western land that respect free speech and yet I cant swear in any of my vids in youtube? I guess the whole majority of parents out there want me to babysit their kids. PAY ME NOW! *cracks knuckles while having a not so evil ear to ear grin!*
    Hmm...ever since the hailstorm weeks ago, mama nature must of put an extra ingredient to the hailstorm that makes grass grow quicker! Also, I m playing real life mowing simulator with the regenerating stamina and health bar. XP

    Tbh, I like both the english dubbed and Japanese seiyus of both the ps2 and dreamcast ports of DOA 2. Also, 8K after hovering and/or during hiten no mai? Thanks for the idea gramps Tengu.

    The Skies of Arcadia and Disgaea 2 grind paid off. XD
    • Haha
    Reactions: Awesmic
    Shit, I thought you were gonna attempt a world record Speedrun on both games.

    But this is good... this is still good! XD
    I doubt I can do any speedrun attempt with disgaea 2 and skies of arcadia legends in terms of post game content. The optional bosses alone in Skies of Arcadia Legends have a distance between them. X.x
    I don't care about all that. Any% is perfectly fine.

    Besides, I need the motivation to beat the current TAS for Soul Blazer Any% on SNES.
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