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Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
plus the idea of a tiny 16 year old Ayane weilding a massive fck off sniper rifle is just too funny
Wtf kind of ninja is killing ppl in the doaverse with a sniper rifle?
You know how in Call Of Duty 4, when Al-Asad was supposed to be the guy who all of America hated, only for him to end up getting cornered by Brits? I think DOA4 is more "Death Of The Author", by comparison. TBH, I think we're supposed to believe Christie shot Helena's mother, not Ayane.
Matt Ponton
Matt Ponton
Well, Ayane is assumed to be the killer because I guess she showed up to the very same opera house. Helena only knows her as the assassin Nyotengu of Miyama. Ayane doesn't help the situation by just saying that she may or may not have been the killer because she's killed a lot of people and just doesn't remember (For her, it was Tuesday).
Matt Ponton
Matt Ponton
But yes, Team NINJA didn't have it decided that Christie was the assassin until even DOA4.
ayane being edgy teen that time play around with helena grief
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
Dang, I completely forgot Ayane used to be known as the female tengu of miyama, cool nickname

But yeah, I guess Ayane being at the opera house and indulging in a bit of trolling didn't help the situation at all lol
Matt Ponton
Matt Ponton
I remember a Kasumi fan explaining how they believe DOA2, 3, and 4 only happened because Ayane was a smart ass to Helena during DOA2 and Helena everything done to the ninjas in 2, 3, and 4 was because Helena was mad at Ayane for what she said. Blamed everything on Ayane.