Dirge Of Ram
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  • Chapter 48 & New Compilation Discs now available. Expanding The New 56 Into The New Millennium. Only On The Dreamcast, It's Still Thinking!
    Newly made Patched GDIs for The New 56, all should be playable now on whatever Handheld Device. Oh yeah more videos on that Remastered Version. It's Still Thinking!
    Chapter 47 now available. Re-Energize The Vanilla Timeline with all New Costumes again. Only On The Dreamcast, It's Still Thinking!
    Chapter 46 now available. Re-Energize The Prequel Timeline with all New Costumes again. Only On The Dreamcast, It's Still Thinking!
    Chapter 45 now available. Re-Energize The Final Timeline with all New Costumes again. Only On The Dreamcast, it's still thinking!
    Fixed Up The Typos. Done A Real Completion List on the Cut-Scene Hex Addresses. Deleted Scenes right there all this time.
    Complete New Overhaul on The New 56 thread.. Tons New Screenshots & cut lot out straight to the point. That's that done.
    Finally listed down all Cut-Scenes with the Four that goes unused. I may not be able to tap into the scripting codes. Got Two New Chapters this month already it's still thinking.
    Chapter 42 now available. Expanding The New 56 Timelines & more SD Remaster goodness. Only On The Dreamcast, it's still thinking.
    Chapter 38 now available with Seventy New Costumes & Combo Limit On 99. Dive Into The New 70, Only On The Dreamcast.
    Chapter 37 now available with over Sixty New Costumes. Build-Up The New 70, To Be Played On The Dreamcast Only.
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