Matt Ponton
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  • Dear Mr.Wah,
    can i ask you something?
    is the DOAU5 lock region??
    because i didn't find it in local place, so am gonna order it soon after i know
    if it's a lock region or now...
    Best Regards.
    I figured it out. The PS d-pad is indented towards the centre of the buttons. If you press it there, 33 11 etc are fairly consistent. I did a few hundred of each direction and I'm making fair progress.
    How's it going man! Was it you on ranked tag the other day? You had Bass & Akira as tag team. You caught me off guard with the tracking move when I SS''d and ended that round. That last portion was a close one too, I got a bit lucky there lol but nevertheless it was a good match :).
    Is Rachel's long hair in the game?
    Looks like you're fixing up the site quickly. Appreciate it.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Thanks, you'd be surprised how much work is done in the normal hours.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    I've been working on fixing it all day since the upgrade. The upgrade itself took 5 minutes. I didn't want the site to stay down for long and most of the issues (left) are not primary functionality, so I re-opened with the issues.
    Hiiiiiii I'm interested this series again! Hopefully, this means I'll work on that Helena thing you asked me to do a really long while back... (sorry...)
    Will you be unlocking the topic when some news or info surfaces or will a new topic have to be made?
    i posted a thread about the top 3 character specialist and it was locked, and i was sent to a "top players" thread. They are 2 different things, so why was it locked?
    I've created a Hitomi thread on an Leon general discussion thread by accident. I was wondering can you move it? Thanks.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    Just report the thread and the moderators will move it when they get the chance.
    Have you ever played The Last of Us? I heaed nothing but good things about it.
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    I have not, but have heard the same.
    Whats up? I'm going to create a Saints Row thread very soon but im afraid it might end up getting locked if I name the thread "Saints Row Bitches!" is it ok to name the thread that way?
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    No, please choose a different name for the thread.
    LOL okay, how about this, "It's All About Saints Row"
    Matt Ponton
    Big E has promised a $500 pot bonus to the DOA5U tournament if the community gets over 100 entrants at TFC! LETS GO GUYS!
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