Free Step Dodge

You get [too much] off of slow risky attacks on counter hit. High risk high reward attacks need that imo. Every single one of these moves are highly punishable
Project Bokuho
Project Bokuho
If you do something stupid, you deserve the damage. Simple as that.
e.g. Snake Edges and hopkicks
Well with the counter hits into combos, hop kicks into combos, wakeup kicks into combos and low sweeps into combos, and rage drives into combos, parries into combos; still feels like too much leads into em. Just call it salt if you want, just not a fan of it, even if im winning because of it.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
when i hear "getting too much off a single hit" i think of games like marvel 3 where depending on your team you can get 60% dmg combos off of a crouching light attack, which is everyones fastest normal. in tekken, out of the many MANY moves that every character has, there are a select few that will lead to big damage, but these tend to be very punishable or have to land as CH's
you should be rewarded with a combo if you low parry, especially if you get 45-50Max DMG from it, counter hit combos are usually interruptions or reads, rage drives you gotta be dying to hit them, low WUKs are easily countered and stuffed. AND ridiculously unsafe OB. So although they're "one hit", you have to think of the cons of doing them as well.
Tekken's health base is 170. It's why you see a lot of damage. Like Camel mentioned, most of those situations has to land on CH or from extremely slow moves for the payoff. Moves become a natural combo if it lands on CH compared to NH so the offset becomes higher and you can't block it.
When someone does a move that's like -3, some people will still hit a button because they are still safe to do so, but when they get hit in return it leads to CH, which leads to the big damage or single hit launchers that you mentioned. On NH, the damage is pretty normal. CH is where it looks a bit bonkers.
Walls factor into that too, I think. I play Law, so I get pretty ridiculous damage of off wall carry. Stuff like magic 4's are what I would consider crazy in a CH scenario.
LoL... you're just noticing that now ?

VF kinda also works the same way except the juggles aren't as lengthy.

MKX too... except you need meter.
God i cant even follow marvel vs capcoms gameplay. Especially with the camera following the character that jumps so the ground is out of frame :/ It is a very punish heavy game i know @Lulu ive known for a while, but its always treading on deep water talking game mechanics lol.. One thing i will say that is still ridiculous to me is Pauls death fist damage. Even if its unsafe, just wow.
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It's unsafe but it has a bit of pushback too on block, so you'd have to punish it with specific lengthy moves. In all honesty here, Tekken is a game you'd have to play for quite awhile. A huge chunk of that is tolerance. Not that many people can tolerate months getting hit by that.
Deathfist is a retarded attack but its easily SSd, "unsafe", and is somewhat easily stuffed if you know it's coming. However.... in the right hands (in this case... wrong hands) deathfist is the scariest move in Tekken xD