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Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
i don't agree, first 3 games were well designed and had a balance of speed and platforming, plus it wasn't until sonic 3 secret hunting was really a thing, but even then they games were designed in a way where you weren't just zooming past everything
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Well Designed How ?
You run... enemy pops out of no where and boom... Sonic loses all his Bling.

But you go slow and the whole thing just feels wrong.... jumps fall short because of a lack of momentum.

Not to mention the first game had to be played in Co-Op.... my brother literally couldn't finish it without me to Carry Him as Tails.
LoL... thats probably where Dark Souls got the idea for losing all your souls upon death.... from Sonic losing all his Rings.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
just press down when you're running and you'll curl up into a ball, crisis averted. other than those floating ball enemies everyone else is gonna die when you collide with them
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LoL.... This isn't Rayman legends where the speed os calibrated for normal human beings.... this is Sonic.... I only realise I crashed into an Enemy after I cash into one.... No warning whatsoever.

I went ahead and watched the Original Video and IGN was Spot On. SONIC WAS NEVER GOOD.... it Was unique... but not good.
"no warning whatsoever". Aside from how most enemies basically stand perfectly still, or move so slowly they might as well be.
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LoL.... Makes no difference consideting How fast Sonic is...

Infact I think the 3D Games had an advantage in this specific scenario because positioning the camera behind Sonic allowed you to see further ahead than the Side Scrolling Perspective.

But they kept fucking it up because of Blind Turns and Abrupt Perspective Changes.... such a shame.
i think you just lack the trained reflexes for Sonic lol. You're not used to it.
The more you play the game, the more you remember where things are.
Also, like Camel said...spindash. That solves the problem of almost every enemy. Now as for environmental hazards, that just comes from memory.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
i think the mistake ppl make when playing sonic is that they assume they're supposed to be moving fast all the time, and that's not the case, you have your speed sections , you have your platforming sections. whether you think the slower platforming sections feel like butt is subjective
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
as for the moving to fast to react to enemies and hazards, spindash is the answer, you don't have to react, you just go into ball form and you'll obliterate anything in front of you. it's been a minuet since i've played the old games, but im pretty sure they weren't so dickish as to add unreactable hazards that would kill you if you didn't react, like a bottomless pit or spikes in the wall
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
i know in sonic 3 and knuckles the worst you'll run into if mindlessly spindash is wall or a spring that pushes you the other way, which is the game telling you "slow dowm, time for some platforming" and usually after that platforming you're rewarded with a speed section that looks cool and shows off the BLAST PROCESSING!
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
and it's in these slower platforming section where most of the secrets are hidden, sonic 1 and 2 didn't really have alot of secrets, it wasn't until 3 you were actively hunting the stages for secret rings, and with the addition of tails and knuckles exploring levels was even easier
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
the 3D game accentuate this idea of "here's the speed section, here's the platforming section" with the boost formula, where in the 3d sections you're just blazing through taking in the scenery, and the 2d section are where most of the platforming and collectibles are (not all, but most)
No arguments here. Any normal human being does. Hence why "Sonic Was Never Good".

You know why people dislike Trial & Error Style Gameplay ? Its Boring. And in Dark Soul's case they try to Spice it Up by lengthening this process... which cures the boredom... with Frustration.
@Camel with 2 thumbs
Sonic was and still is a Unique game... now thats good for obvious reasons but it has a knock on effect of people having no clue how to play it.... and so yeah... People assume Sonic is all about being Fast all The Time.... but thats not their Fault.... its the developer's fault for not cluing the players on which areas are the fast ones and which areas are not.
This could have easily happened to Nintendo aswell but they were lucky.... they Have Shigeru Miyamoto. And he knows full well the Scrubbiness of the Human Condition.
This is why i like Sonic Adventure 1 and Sonic Unleashed the best out of all sonic games. It literally just has seamless high speed platforming. As opposed to all games before and after, where stages are split between "high speed sections" and "slow platforming sections" which I hate. If i'm playing Sonic let me be going fast all the time dammit
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Mark Brown recently did a Video on Snake Pass last year.

Its actually going through the same thing as Sonic. A Unique take on platforming but is riddled with Design Flaws...

Yall should check it out.
Camel with 2 thumbs
Camel with 2 thumbs
i like half of sonic adventure 1 and i hate unleashed, those speed sections are ironically too fast, and modern 2d sonic platforming feels clunky as shit. i feel like forces actually has the best boost game play, unfortunately it's bundled with alot of other bs that makes the game bad
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