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  • Also I want to thank you for being concerned and sincere for my well being even though we weren’t seeing eye to eye. I’m alright now since the best the thing to do is to moving forward. I hope life is treating you well and wish for the best in the near future. Live your to the fullest and take care of yourself. God bless.
    Hey, I just came by to personally apologize about our fallout that happened some months ago. I know what I personally said about you was quite petty and I also don’t want want any bad blood if we ever cross paths in the near future. I not sure if force of nature relayed my message, but just making sure if it come from me and actually serious about it so there won’t be any confusion.
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    I accept your apology, and I apologize for anything I may have done on my side that I may have done in regards to my avatars. I'm glad you're alright since I was worried that you may have committed suicide going off that status you made those weeks ago.
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    I accept your apology as well. I was in a dark place because I lost someone who was very important and quite close in my life so thank you again for being concerned and selflessly seeing it not for attention, but for a cry help. I’m very glad that I met someone like you.
    Its no problem at all, let's just both move on since those issues we had with each other after that falling out was pretty silly looking back. I'm glad you're feeling better tho, Idk who you lost but just hang in there and don't let it put you in that dark place
    Dad retires in September so I'll be able to upgrade my Wi-Fi provider finally! ^.^
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    The main goal is to try to get wired before wireless. Wireless should be the option where you can't manage to get wired. Strive for the wired, then the wireless. Get the 99% connection feedback vs random percentage of signal strength. Wireless should always be the last option.
    Oh I'm good when it comes to wired since I bought a 150 ft Ethernet cable, all,I need is to ditch this provider we have now and then I can use this new one since the cable reachs from my bedroom to the front room xD
    Excitement for DOA6 has risen up 101%! ^.^
    In DOA6 it would be cool if for Kasumi's Hoshinpo wavedash you could "cancel" into non stance attacks like 2KK and such like Lili can do from her wavedash in T7
    That For a SC6 trailer has almost as much dislikes as it does likes xD
    Xhominid The Demon Within
    Xhominid The Demon Within
    It also doesn't help that Tira is a MAJOR character in Soul Calibur as a whole. It's like making Sophitia Day 1 DLC. That combined with Anna and Lei Wulong being DLC you must buy when Harada said a year ago they would be free is like a massive kick in the balls in Namco's reputation at this point.
    I mean I can understand why people are mad but I from my perspective can't be mad is what I'm saying. Plus I don't think Namco can afford to just make post launch characters free although I do agree tira should have been in sooner
    You say they can't afford it as if they were B Tier devs or indies.... ~_~
    Leifang's design in DOA6 is so good that I may try my hand at her again when the game comes out xD
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    The only gripe I have are the ox buns. Its not needed because it looks like she has even LONGER hair and the team trying to make her look exactly like Chun-Li. You may be happy about the loose hair option for her then. The ribbons should be on her braids like her clown outfit.
    For Looks?! I see a sad future for you. Its the inside (mechanics/gameplay) that counts! >:0 Lololol jk. Don't mind me x)
    Yeah I agree with that, and yeah the buns would have been great without the braids xD and @Hailo_Hwm oh i mean I like her gameplay too but I just like her new default since I love the yellow and how sporty she looks :-p I've played her a few times in Ultimate so I think I may still hopefully be somewhat familiar with her xD
    I think when I have the time, I'm gonna make a detailed video on all the similarities and contrasts DOA and Tekken have in one video
    @VAND1TA I would definitely love that! XD I love both series and I think I could do a good job explaining the differences with how they do mechanics which I find fascinating! @Xhominid The Demon Within yeah I hate that too, especially since DOA is more like VF, but they're not even the same that much the way they play
    When I have time since I'll be having a good amount of free time, I may do a short video series speaking on how DOA and Tekken handle same game elements, plus it'll give me a chance to use my real voice and get some experience public speaking xD
    @UpSideDownGRUNT I don't think any game is discount anything unless its a knock off, Tekken imo is vastly different than a DOA or a VF, and arguable less forgiving in some areas xD
    I told my mother they were adding Lei Wulong to T7 and her inner 20 year old literally tomboy came out xD
    6 more days ^.^ I hope TN will surprise us with more reveals besides Leifang Hitomi tho
    My avatar will be my reaction when Phase 4 and Eliot are revealed for DOA6 next xD
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    Eliot looks like a ramen noodle head, why u nutting over him
    He's the only guy in the game I like since he's hot <3 I also like Jacky, Ein, Hayate, Rig, and Akira and Jann Lee tho, all the other guys are eh -_-
    Oh and in this pic he's not nutting xD the guys he's in the stall with were kissing him and rubbing him down. This actually before they start "getting to business"
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