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  • Yikes, PS forums and ResetEra triggered by Project EVE lel. Well i'm getting the game. Game does look cool and you have something nice to look at.

    No complaints from me.
    @Anura I like the idea of punching machines with bare fists, I know that much
    Never seen Project DT, that one definitely gives off DMC / Metal Gear vibes based on camera control and enemies. Depending on how it goes, I might be more excited with Project DT. Feels like a Project Devil Trigger, and DMC combat combat is extraordinary so if they making a game based off that premise, i'm in for it..
    Never heard of it either, but ya that game looks cool. Character design kind of reminds me of Ghost from starcraft.
    Shoutouts to MASTER for always keeping in touch with me. Always hitting me up on how my day was etc. Great CM and a great friend.
    While some companies are pretty predatory such as Gacha or even types of DLC, I do think that nothing is more worse than Korean MMOs, and they've been doing this for years, way before the DLC floods lol.

    Some of their MMO history is pay-to-win or they end their service at a set date line if I remember.
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    Reactions: Anura
    I'd chalk it up to cultural differences. Korean devs probably think we complain too much.

    In the case of BDO (which is B2P in the west, but F2P in South Korea), western players kept blaming the publishers when, in fact, it was the devs pushing for more P2W stuff.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    The beauty of east asian dev teams, we can complain all we want over here in the west and they can give a fck less about what we think

    and I wouldn't have it any other way
    Yeah Korean MMO design is pretty predatory. Asian publishers take advantage of the fact that most Asian societies are conditioned to not complain about things.
    Tales of Arise getting better. Only the beginning was a bit slow. Game is pretty fun so far, characters are getting better too.

    Huh, will admit but I had lower expectations for how the game progresses but bit of good surprises here and there.
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    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    Good to hear that it gets better and better the more you're playing it. Tales games usually start off pretty slow since you need to unlock moves and items that you can use anytime you'd like, same with their story and its characters, the more the story advances, the more gets revealed about the characters and the more they're starting to change and thus become more memorable.
    Tales director Hirokazu Kagawa apparently always wanted to consider remakes of older Tales titles and putting the word to Namco, but wasn't sure of a good time to begin with them.
    Dude, I hope Tales of Symphonia remake will be a thing! I used to play that quite a bit at my friends house back in 8th grade when I went to her house to practice DOA2 (she was lucky to have a PS2 and a Gamecube at the time. I eventually bought the game by the time high school came around).
    Tales of Arise is pretty impressive so far. Areas of the game are probably the most detailed of any of the Tales games currently.

    Honestly my only gripe is the characters and every NPC out there. They feel and act like sandpaper, though i'm sure they'll grow on me eventually. Think Vesperia and Abyss has the best cast overall that not even Berseria can hold a candle to honestly.

    Arise is a fun game so far though.
    Ah yeah, by sandpaper I meant how they exchange dialogue, interactions with each other, NPCs, what they bring up to talk about etc. There is some depth to the characters i'm seeing so looking more to explore on that.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    that's funny cuz Velvet was definitely my fav when I first played Berseria and I found Magilou to be very annoying, but these days im way more partial to both of them, the revenge schtick is grating after a while and Magilou is just way more fun at the end of the day
    Magilou <3. The interesting thing about Velvet was seeing her progressively become a villain until Eleanor slaps her out of it. A deceptively interesting character despite coming off as a bit tunnel visioned. But yeah, the revenge angle felt very, well, anime...
    • Wow
    Reactions: Force_of_Nature
    That's an interesting idea, maybe somewhere like Hong Kong as an example or South Korea such as Seoul or Busan? Getting a little Shenmue vibe where Ryo went on his trip within Asia haha. Or RGG can go bonkers and have a Yakuza character visit somewhere like New York, Toronto, London or Paris.
    Overwatch changing a character name based off an employee because of the recent issues of Blizzard. And to think all this started from World of Warcraft, can't blame them for changing it but the effort seems so little.
    Anyone getting Metroid Dread?
    I'll get it, since I'm a Metroid fan and I've played and own all the games, and I remember first reading about Dread over 15 years ago (Nintendo fans crossed their fingers for a reveal every E3, probably for DS, but nothing), but I wasn't too impressed by MercurySteams work on Samus Returns (or Castlevania MoF). SR was fine, but its one of my lesser favorite Metroids.
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