Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • There are times when i've knocked Nyo into the Throwdown dangerzone and I swear she sometimes says "Shit!", but im like there's no way they'd make her say that, right? that's a line i'd expect more from Ayane, but not the Tengu Princess
    What would you say if you were in danger zone . Characters are humans too
    Only appearance of the Mana series at TGS was Square showing off the new mobile F2P spinoff :/
    oh well, they have a mainline console entry in the works and an upcoming anime series, so I'm chillin'
    10 years ago: you're playing Melty Blood? that shitty anime Street Fighter rip off for weebs who don't have execution? Lol

    Today: you're playing Melty Blood? Awesome! That game is so cool!

    How things have changed...
    Red Arc definetly looking like the day 1 Melty main for me, but I'm weary of playing S-tier characeters right out the gate, 'specially in a new game
    pointing and laughing at Mihoyo for lackluster anniversary rewards is one thing

    going around attacking VA's, streamers, and youtubers with the mindset of " How dare they support a game that doesn't value it's players" is gross and unacceptable
    remember folks, just cause you have a healer in the party doesn't mean you have an excuse to play like an idiot
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    Healers aren't much help to wizards though...

    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    ugh, the classic, where im playing a tank but for some dumbass reason the squishy ass magic damage dealer wants to take point, then ends up drawing aggro, getting themselves killed and get mad at me like that shit's my fault :/

    how is this shit still happening in 2021? are proper team dynamics still not understood by ppl who play mmo's?
    By the words of the great documented rule of FF14:

    "You pull, you tank" - A tank to other party members.
    rip Kokomi banner, hopefully you'll do better in a rerun
    • Sad
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    But as long as we're in a shield and crit rate meta, Kokomi (and other healers) wont get their time to shine, although we did see baby steps taken to move away from this meta with the new Inazuma areas that slowly killed you making shields and burst healing less centralized so who knows, maybe one day we'll all be like "dam, wish I pulled on that Kokomi banner", until then though...
    There are a couple of bosses where bringing a healer isn't the worst idea, level 90 Azhdaha might be the best example, he's a raid boss and a half. For a lot of ppl Spiral Abyss is the end game content where up until this abyss shields+ dps' with the god-tier support know as Bennett was what most ppl ran.
    Maybe later down the line they'll permanently add bleeding (continuous HP loss) like what Honkai has for Abyss and Dirac Sea that gets worse the more it takes you to complete that half, so a healer in a party is going to be necessary in order to be able to complete a floor without your characters dying at the end.
    I was already kinda :/ when the Mario movie was gonna made by Illumination

    But now I'm double :/ :/ after seeing that cast list, mama mia
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    Maybe we can bully them into better casting like we did with the visuals to the Sonic movie (except Jack Black, we can keep him)
    I'll wait for a trailer, maybe it won't be so bad
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I mean, I don't hate THAT much...
    Wish we had that kind of power, but begging to change Sonic's face is a small ask compared to wanting to change pretty much everything about this movie, lol. Yeah, the way things are going, I'm sure I'm gonna want everything changed...
    glad they added some defensive mechanics to Melty Blood, but they may have gone just a lil' too far with it?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Wake up moon drive lookin' like a safe, reusable burst mechanic (which in turn makes normal bursting irrelevant), no more block gauge and having 3 options out of shield instead of 1 seems like an overcorrection, but this is just what i've gathered from pre-release footage, hopefully when the game comes out we can lab out the proper responses to this stuff
    Bayo definitely stole the show yesterday, but I;m equally as glad that they are FINALLY giving my manz Kirby his first fully 3D mainline game, been waiting on that shit since the Gamecube lol
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    Feel exactly the same. Kirby Discovery looks amazing. Most excited I've been for a Kirby since Canvas Curse.
    Kirby getting the redemption he finally deserves. I also think his main highlight for Smash promotion and being Sakurai's favorite had a play in it as well.

    There may be some hope in the future for those F-Zero fans as well, as those guys been trying really hard.
    Bayonetta 1 - Librarian hairdo
    Bayonetta 2- Aged lesbian hairdo
    Bayonetta 3- Cereza inspired hairdo
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, I noticed the VA change and I was thinking "Hold up, is that a grown up Cereza?" but then I remembered that Bayonetta and Cereza are the same person, so maybe this is an alternate timeline Cereza? a younger Bayonetta when she was still Cereza? my mind is flooding with theories
    It would make sense with what Hellena Taylor was implying, with maybe not being able to voice Bayonetta again for reasons she couldn't say. Then remembering what happened in the original Bayo 3 teaser... I'm sure there's some shenanigans going on.
    I just checked, and Hellena Taylor is still listed as a VA for this game. Maybe there's more than one Bayo in this??
    Senran Kagura celebrating it's 10th anniversary, that's wild
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    It is kinda crazy considering the origins of the series. It was probably just gonna be a one shot niche 3DS Japanese-exclusive game... the first game actually never even got a release outside of Japan. It was only until Burst was released in Japan, which had the original game in it, that they even considered a US release. They weren't even going to. I think I remember people making petitions to bring it over.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    the series certainly had humble beginnings, from a simple 2D beat 'em to a global franchise dipping into all kinds of genres, never thought it would last 10 years, but here we are

    can't wait to see what the future holds, I know SK 7even is pretty much dead at this point but im curious to what else they have planned
    maybe it's cause I play ez mode characters like Vanessa, Wolf, and Jeffery, but I really don't get the whole "you need 400 IQ to play VF" stigma, seems like as long as you have 3D fundamentals you'll do just fine, or am I missing something?
    "you need 400 IQ to play VF"... what the hell does that mean?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah that,s one of the big stigmas that been surrounding VF since forever, and is apparently is still thing today, don;t know why it is, but it is

    honestly i think it's just ppl mistaking nuance for difficulty, yes VF has alot of nuance, more than DOA, more than Soul Calibur, more than Tekken, but it's not like you need to take advantage of it to play and win games

    least that's what I think
    That is so weird but then again that's probably came from gamers whom doesn't understand the series in general. I'd been playing the series since VF2 and never understand why people won't play the game(s) as it always this: easy to play, hard to master, especially when it comes to characters like Akira.
    Razer Raion, the premium fightpad you have to disassemble and mod before it actually friggin' works, what a joke, but I paid for it so I guess i'm the clown
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