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  1. Itz King Beebop

    Calling All Missouri/Kansas Players

    I live in Kansas City, Missouri (even though you can just check my profile,) I was wondering how many Missouri players maybe out on this site. I'm considering trying to organize some kind of offline get-together, where we all can practice and get a bunch of casuals... I guess Kansas players can...
  2. Itz King Beebop

    DOA5U Online Sessions (Xbox 360)

    Yeah, so the key to getting better is playing better people... anyone down for smacking up some scrubs? I really want to lab with my grapplers, and just get some good games in general. Although I want really good people to lose to, anyone can feel free to come join me tonight.
  3. Itz King Beebop

    Rachel Buffs

    I feel that since the Rachel Nerfs thread has been up since week 1 of the game release, Rachel players should have the freedom to keep this Rachel Buffs thread up for week 1 of the game's first patch. For any of the moderators watching this characters threads, I only want to get a discussion...
  4. Itz King Beebop

    Rachel Tips and Strats...

    I'm pretty sure if you're a Rachel player, you have a good number of stomp setups LOL. But let's be honest, good players will tech the stomp. We need to come together and use some common sense to try to make Rachel players scarier for more reasons than force tech and air grabs. Any ideas?...
  5. Itz King Beebop

    DOA5U DOA5U Community Tier list *sigh*

    Okay, I know what most of you are going to say, "the games only been out for 3 weeks" or "it's too early for tier list noob" I already know, I just want there to be constant discussions, so that we can have a more... accurate tier list. IMO this is what my first few weeks have made me believe...
  6. Itz King Beebop

    I'm ditching Tekken for DOA, I NEED HELP! (XBOX 360)

    The Tekken community is full of ragers, boosters, lag-spikers, and foul-mouthed crybabies... it's not worth putting in +20 hours a week into practicing that game, so I'm officially making the move to DOA. I plan to play offline but since there's no scene here in MO (maybe there is idk,) I'll be...