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  1. UmbxCrisisx

    Tilting and all things rage 101

    We all do it and we don't want to admit it. But how do we deal with it. How do we even know we're doing it ourselves in the first place? Urban Dictionary: Tilting When your so pissed off from losing multiple amount of games that you play worse and worse till your so pissed you begin leaning...
  2. UmbxCrisisx

    DOA5U in Japan

    anyone ever translated the ranks that are in the arcade version of doa? They're so pretty!
  3. UmbxCrisisx

    Where all the BT combos at?

    I'm having so much trouble finding a combo behind the opponent. I found some for Tina , Rachel etc. But it seems like Momiji's reset them to front facing.
  4. UmbxCrisisx

    Copyrighted DOA streams

    I don't know if I'm new to this but a lot of my twitch streams are being copyrighted for the song Welcome to the Elites by Bad Newsz Greatest. (Look it up and you'll see why). So I would avoid using the DOA rap as your menu music if your streaming on twitch (youtube doesn't copyright it)