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  1. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Have a question guys, can't find a topic about it. Is it just me or the last patch improved the graphics of the game (for next generation consoles)? I mean, textures on the stages look better to me, and characters with more details. Do I see things?
  2. LittlePrince-Helena

    When do you think DOA6 will be released and what do you want to see in it

    Mmm I hope, thanks to all its different iterations and DLCs, that TN and Tecmo will learn from their mistakes and have enough feedback from fans about what we need in the game. Personally that's what I would like to see: - better stages, graphically of course but also design wise. More floors...
  3. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Anyone got Momiji drawing pic?
  4. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    It was just a guess. I mean: what if the new character is a small one? (looks smaller than Marie Rose)
  5. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    I was wondering.. what if the little genie Tatsunoko girl (sorry I don't know her name :( ) is related to the new character?
  6. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    I am probably the only one but this could end to be one of my favorite packs, I find them all really good!
  7. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Anyone into Falcom games can tell me which character is Helena sporting?
  8. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Trailer for Falcom costumes collab is out!
  9. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    You mean in a couple of days or will we wait after TGS?
  10. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Sorry for asking but when will we see the new costumes?
  11. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    If they'll do this, I think they'll start teasing the new costumes starting from today, right?
  12. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Thanks, that's a pity. It was good to scroll them and wonder which ones would be in the game!
  13. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    I do this here since it is a future DLC related question: where can I find submissions for the next Halloween pack? I would like to see them all together, I remember the last one was archived in a french forum (I suppose).
  14. LittlePrince-Helena

    Halloween Designer Challenge 2015

    Do we already know how we'll vote them? Like the previous contests?
  15. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Marie Rose Madoka!
  16. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Don't know why but Leifang's giving me Sailor Moon vibes!
  17. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Thanks guys, yes I don't own the costumes yet. As I didn't know this I thought it was a problem that needed a patch! Thanks again! :)
  18. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Do you have any problem on Xbox One? I just downloaded the catalogue but the costumes are not displaying on the select screen.
  19. LittlePrince-Helena

    DLC Costumes

    Aside from the costume catalog the game is also doing an updating! *downloading the costumes right now*