Balance 240 vs 300 life


Well-Known Member
The same is with Busa on lowest Lifebar setting a HI Counter Izuna takes exactly 50% of ur Life with Ceiling 3/4 of ur life bar again stupid because Hayabusa has setup were he Force u to Counter like Leon aswell.
Ok. I don't think I'm understanding. Well in rooms with a ceiling, I'd bait holds too if I was a Ryu player just because I know what he can do in ceiling areas. Same with Lisa. If I have low health and you have decent health, I'll try to make you hold so I can Deja Vu you or use her 44T and get 6P8K for a free launch. Any grappler with damaging throws will also bait holds just so they can grab you and get big damage. Even characters that aren't grapplers have throws that do big or decent damage (Example: Kasumi's 33T does good daMage on HiC) or have throws that can reset the entire situation (such as Christie's 3P+KT). So even strikers like Kasumi and Christie would bait holds to reset the match(they would most likely do it if they are loosing or have less life) with a throw that can reset the entire match.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
Mistake, mistake, mistake, do not make mistakes.
-I do not understand why any player here want to be able to make mistake after mistake and still be in the game! If this is your mindset, than you were never attempting to play the game optimally, nor to the best of your ability. All of the hard work you put into the match, YOU would want to be rewarded heavily for outplaying your opponent, not be slapped in the face with your opponent being able to make more mistakes, and have a possible comeback for sloppy play.


Well-Known Member
I am all for heavy punishment for mistakes, I am just concerned, with how easy it is to get stunned in this game, how much punishment is due.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Every time I play the game now I'm more sure we have to tone down to 240. I've reached a point where I simply don't care to punish much if I'm not Tina (Rig's punish throw takes 41 life) and I don't mind getting hit by wake-up kicks because I have so much life that they have to hit me with 20 of those to kill me. No one's neutral throw (the fastest one in frame data) matters anymore because even if they don't escape, the damage is so ridiculously low that they're not scary.

240 240 240!!


New Member
you guys should stop talking about game balance when nobody of you even understands the game. most of you guys are not playing on a high lvl, so please just play the game and get better and in 4-5 months we can consider talking about changes. because i clearly see how ppl are just crying out about everything without THINKING or KNOWING what certain characters are capable of. and i also doubt that team ninja will take threads like these any serios.

games can end pretty quick at a high lvl so please guys shut up and learn the game ask questions to get better and so on. and maybe good players will actually care about
the whole game is balanced around 300 health and its fine the way it is.

and stop argue's like tekken and VF has 240 health too. those are different games. and cannot be compared in their balance with DoA. you cant compare marvel with KoF or street fighter aswell. or street fighter with mk. you dont balance the whole fighting game genre. you balance a single game. and to achieve true balance in DoA (and by any means doa is balanced pretty well) we need time to discover and break down characters and match ups.


Well-Known Member
most of you guys are not playing on a high lvl, so please just play the game and get better and in 4-5 months we can consider talking about changes.

Where have you been? There are plenty of great DOA players and veterans (if not the most) that post here in these forums. They have legit concerns on game balance and playability. It seems you are the one that generally doesn't know what you're talking about. Game balance doesn't start or finish with "What certain characters are capable of" and everybody else -- deal with it.

And to everything else said.. just..

I don't even feel like sifting through it. What you said, just didn't need to be said.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I think 240 life made the game more offensive oriented and allowed for quicker matches. Meanwhile, 300 life definitely makes the game more defensive oriented, but if I remember correctly, throws were buffed in Ultimate. Either way, it doesn't take away from the enjoyment or pace of the game, IMO. If you're going up against a fighter that knows their character and match ups, the amount of life bar is meaningless.


New Member
im playing doa on a high lvl since doa 4 and i know what im talking about.
to explain a little why i said that most ppl dont know a lot about this game or even understand the game is basically obvious if you watch western tournaments.

ppl i followed and loved to watch in tournaments like master are not playing good and it was a pain to watch him at TFC. and no im not trash talking here but if the real pros are not playing their best right now why should some random players on a board talk about balance ? the stream Ecow posted, wuroncha or whatever its called had some good high lvl matches. and it was ONLINE. these matches were lvls above TFC. and that basically leads to the point that nobody of us has a good understanding of this game.

another point mentioned in this thread, was you get more agressive when you have less life. NO you dont.
you will wait out mistakes and punish with way to much dmg that everyone could be able to get lucky and win games.
and i dont see the point how good players will win more when the game itself is played with less life. a lot of characters do 200 dmg with just 1 dangerzone or breaking a table. its a joke if this game gets dumped down to 240 health. and dont tell me now its only Home. no there are dangerzones in every stage. and that could basically lead you to win a round with 1 combo and 1 throw and thats hilarous. and thats really why i said nobody was taking about 5 minutes to think before posting this.

yes guaranteed dmg is nice and needs players to learn more characters in order to play against them and thats cool.
it makes the game more interesting in a long run. but at all honesty doa has enough guaranteed dmg and doesnt need any more. in the end you should win your fights by mind games and not by super high damaging guaranteed combos.

im not even trying to insult you guys here but nobody had enough time to break everything down in this game and its just not worth to spend time over balance discussions this early.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
Seriously, fuck 300 life. We already started playing 240 and all of us agree completely it's the better setting. Every character is scary, it allows for the use of small combos, punishing is better, people play safe, improves poking and even the game's abysmal ground game improves.

I honestly don't think I'm ever switching to 300 again.

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I'd still play in 240 first and if shit kills TOO quickly to up to 270. But 300 is simply a no go.


Well-Known Member
I think 240 in this game is nonsense after playing it. It was more fair in Vanilla imo. 270 would be preferred though, even if it makes Alpha stupid again.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Straight-up I'd say that 300 life is a bit too high because it caters too much to risky/sloppy play and leads to too much reliance on really high damage, environmental setups and hi-counter throws or hi-counter holds to defeat your opponent. Everything else feels insignificant as a result of the higher health. Naturally, most environmental combos feel way too situational. Lowering the overall health to 240 or 270 would be better if holds were reduced to their Vanilla 1.03A status. I like where the throws are at now (though reduce maximum throw damage to 80 on NH, before environmental damage; hi-counter would be the usual 50% bonus).

The only real worry I'd have with 240 is that wall damage would come off as too high from some characters, however that would affect the metagame in terms of ring awareness. I personally vouch for 270 health but would rather play in 240 HP than 300 HP. Also, don't get me started on "LARGEST" health -_-.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
What are the exact health numbers again(from largest to smallest)? I want to go lower than 240 honestly so that its literal "Dead or Alive".