A very random question....


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I'm working on something and I was wondering:

Are there any wrestling fans (any wrestling, WWE to Japanese, and everything in between) here, who have a background in programming?

If so, please let me know. Like I said, Im just tinkering with some stuff and if you, or know someone, who meets this weird criteria, throw me a message.

Fiend Busa

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Well-Known Member
Is this one of those "I have an idea, I just need a programmer to do all the work for me while I take all the credit" requests?
Not at all, I have a decent knowledge of C++ but wanted to talk to some one regarding an idea. Your smart ass response is duly noted however. Congratulations on being the first person with such a predictable retort.

Anyway, I shall take it as a no!

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
To answer your original question, yes there are WWE/wrestling fans that frequent this site.

However, I can't answer your other questions as you're being extremely vague on what you would like to talk about besides "something" and "stuff". So most people won't bother responding because they don't want to or feel obliged to ask you for more details.


Well-Known Member
In response to your post @Mr. Wah , I am putting together a presentation piece for a very simple computer game based around a pro-wrestling-esque reality. I am in the very early stages of developing the idea. I am working on a basic flow chart, and some character concepts, but I was wondering if any wrestling fans would be interested in getting involved (not doing all the work).

I feel like this would be a project that would initially only attract those who may be interested in pro-wrestling, thats why I ask, and in relation to the original vagueness of the question, its because this is something I was running with, and wanted to brain storm with like minded people.

I have paths to funding, and people who would market a developed idea. So it wouldn't be a fruitless pursuit. There is the potential of money to be made, if the product can be created to a certain standard.

I appreciate your post @Mr. Wah , Im sure you can see now why I was being vague, because this is as early as early can be when come to an idea. I just don't appreciate smart ass kids and there trolling messages and idiotic statements!

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
I understand why you were being vague. Normally I wouldn't mind helping out, but I'm working on my own pro wrestling themed project as well.