System Back in the fight. What to know?


I'm in Ohio now and have my internet up.I never really got online in DOA5U and now they have 2 additional characters. I don't have any intention of purchasing them, but I'm able to play against them online correct? I'm still not amazed at the amount of cosmetic dlc (for mostly chick characters) this game keeps churning out meanwhile I don't think my main has got a new costume since I started downloading catalogs back in February...

I'm still unlocking costumes after having put this game down for finishing other games. I'm about as scrubby as it can get still clinging onto DoA4 combos and only playing Bayman decently poor with no real secondary even if I want it to be Jacky and Helena.


I just finished unlocking all but the 200 online match Lisa costume. I thought I had more work to do, but it literally took 10 mins to get the rest.. Having again played Momoji for a few mins, I think she might be a secondary. Then again.... Jacky is love....Jacky is life.
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Yes you can still play against them even if you don't own them. A 3rd one comes out today as it happens.

Well done with the costumes, I found time attack tag good for that.

Good luck getting back into it. I'm just a beginner so I'll leave that advice to the old hands :)