DOA5 Bass General Discussion and Why He's So Damn Strong


Active Member
When are we gonna get some Match-up threads going on? I am having the hardest time with Christe. If I can take control of the match, I can usually win, but I have to take control the entire match. even while I sidestep her Jabs realign and beat out my sidestep move. And I swear she is so fast I can even react fast to counter


Active Member
LOL I thought about doing that, but I'm just some random guy and I don't really have anything to contribute. But I'll start one, just to get the topic started.
Also, will double evade actually work... I'ma have to try it out


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Okay, it seems like :P::+::K: can still be used as a juggle extender against half-walls.

edit: haha, you can do it twice on L/Ms and still follow with :6::K::P:.
edit2: wait wait wait, it actually juggle in open ground? Wow.

I don't know what you did, Matt, but this has made my day.

Also, :236::P: throw is very easy to do and you can incorporate it into your combos.

:6::6::426::h::+::P: is still a viable TFBB short cut. I'm surprised they haven't fixed it yet.

Okay, this is really weird. It seems like Tag Mode and Solo mode moves have different properties. In Solo, it doesn't juggle, but in Tag it does.


Active Member
I'm pumped there are so many short cuts. I am trying to learn Bass and was having trouble with that move. Now it is simple.


Active Member
Standard Donor
I'll have to incorporate that into my moveset then. I've been forsaking the air throw to work more on ground control. I think it's also due to the adjustment I'm still making with the gravity change in 5.


New Member
Canada sucks Skeleton,:)

So far after spending a week with this game Bass seems really really good not great. Great throws, awesome pressure game, great damage, and once he gets momentum he can keep it through the round. worst matchups are Jann Lee, Gen Fu, Ayane and oddly enough Helena. After pickup Helena's SS K evades most of Bass's options. anyone with a really fast mid 11f or faster will give him problems but once again if you ever grab the momentum game over. Love the way he plays, so many plus frame attacks


Active Member
Standard Donor
Canada sucks Skeleton,:)

So far after spending a week with this game Bass seems really really good not great. Great throws, awesome pressure game, great damage, and once he gets momentum he can keep it through the round. worst matchups are Jann Lee, Gen Fu, Ayane and oddly enough Helena. After pickup Helena's SS K evades most of Bass's options. anyone with a really fast mid 11f or faster will give him problems but once again if you ever grab the momentum game over. Love the way he plays, so many plus frame attacks

Agreed with everything minus the Canada sucks comment.

Jackass. ;)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Got a question from Matt;

since :6::h: :Link: :4::h: has hold properties, does it mean that you're at frame advantage in case the opponent breaks it?

edit: also, can you still get a Hit Counter OH if you catch someone in recovery frames?


Tell me if this would work as a no-guess touch-of-death combo:

:3::K: (on crouching opponent), :6::6:, :9::P::P:, :3::P:+:K:, Grizzly Launcher, finish as you please.

The frame list was very helpful but there are different stuns and different things you can do off stuns. :P::P::2::P: is a good Bass tool, but the only thing for sure after the stun is :3::3::P:+:K: and :6::h:+:K:, ground throw. Near everything else goes over.