being a force for good


Active Member
This was going to be a new thread, but re-reading it made me change my mind. I was going to call it ''being a force for good'' - couldn't find the GG thread, now it's it's own thing again.

I acknowledge that it's likely fun for many of the better players to troll online. That being said, I'd like to encourage trolling for gg's and more interested fighters, rather than just the luzlz.

This mostly relates to the lack of voice on PSN. <and is primarily directed at the less than top players here. It's also far to wordy to fit in as a general post under gg's, unless an Admin thinks so, then please move it;) >

I'm terrible at this game, but I can see much more than I can do. I spent close to twenty minutes today waiting for the first unfortunate soul to enter the lobby I set up. I made a point of having my mic on and enjoying myself. Win or loose. If the lag was bad, I mentioned it, but also acknowledged that I wasn't likely the only person experiencing it.
When I did something wrong <frequently> and got punished for it, I celebrated the other players swift reactions. When I managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat,<or vice versa> I couldn't help but laugh. Especially when it was close and super dramatic, as this game is want to be. I have some habits that I will force people to acknowledge eventually. <Yes, that's a low wakeup kick - lol>
When I felt the other player might have countered, but may have missed it due to online conditions, I told them it was probably the lag that got me the win. Either way, I don't know what my record is, my rank never increased <though ranked have been some of my best connections to date>. and I had the most fun I've had with this game yet.
5 is definetly better than 4 ever was, but the first few days, when very few had a clue and the 360 was brand new, were some of the best online ever. I strongly recommend voice <and not being a dick> to acknowledge what even clueless fighters accomplish.<Especially since I'm one of them;) > Never harass people for beating you <if it was conditions, then you know that to be true and you don't need any outside justification and> if you played poorly, then know you need to learn from that. If you are absolutely violating everyone else in the room, share your laughter at how weak they are and acknowledge their good choices <deliberate or not> and admonish their bad. Let them know how easy to read they are and why. Laughing seems to make people far more accepting of eating the same attack six times in a row ;) - lol. Let them leave with grace.
It's been so silent online lately and consequently less fun. Certainly If someone thinks they're hot shit, invite them to an offline tourney to back it up, but either acknowledge that they're winning <and you could play better, 'cause if they're cheap and you're likely experiencing similar conditions, you should be able to beat that nonsense.> or that the conditions are unplayable and it's no-one's fault <other than TN, until they fix things>.
I guess my point is: Be approachable and positive. I'm loving the random filter, 'cause it makes people think I'm just having fun and not trying too terribly hard <as hard as I can, always, though I definetly have some weak characters in the list. It's actually who I want to fight against for practice in versus offline, not who I want to play as exclusively ;) >.
I played with some people with good reading and reaction skills, who might make good players if they decided to try, but the idea of frame data and analysis was the furthest thing from their minds. Get thrown after a move enough times, and you'll learn that it's unsafe, whether you know what that means in FG terms or not. Comment on the missed opportunity when they don't go after something guaranteed, and they'll start to wonder. Don't ever push too hard.
By some miracle of chance, I failed to run into any assholes online today. After a while, people who had been silent in the lobby found mic's. People used the text to comment on gg's and T.T at the conditions.
I'd like people to use this thread to share how they improved someone else's DOA experience and to encourage more people to use voice on PSN. It really didn't seem to cause any harm and connection icons don't seem to be representative. I've played 3 bar green and dead red with opposite to expected play conditions. This game is totally worthy of serious attention and if you can't find a new *master*, maybe you can inspire a new follower.
You can tell people about FSD or about how you are scared of cerain characters because of some pro's you've seen play them.
Either way, you can help make playing this game an awesome experience, which I feel it to be, for everyone you meet.
<wow, that turned out to be pretty long>
Yeah, come to think of it, it will just turn into people braggin about how wonderful they are and me feeling obliged to metaphorically pat them on the head cause I started the thread. - post in gg's it is.

GG to everyone I played today. Please use voice - and don't be a dick. Thank you for reading.