Best Mila Combos and Loops Up to date!!!


Active Member
Hi there again!!!
I am about to share all Viable information about Mila combos and loops i found so far. I hope it will be of great help to some players :)
So some advanced tutorials first:
3PP - give you a sit down stun which guarantee you 18 unholdable frames , which means that all moves up to 18 frames , including 18th frame are safe and guarantee after you connect with 3PP.
7K - fully charged - give you a sit down stun which guarantee you at least 23+ unoholdable frames.

Lets begin.
From all my expirience i figured out that IF the first hit of 3PP connect than the 2nd one hit in 19 of 20ty situations. Same goes for KP but it is like 15 of 20 situations.

-Combos with 3PP-

There is a difference in combos if you start with Critical hit Or just with Critical stun.
So these are the difference:
+ 4H+K (Just critical stun) , 3PP , P+K , ( After this you can continue with these moves:)
-P,6P , 2H+K (this gives you a guarantee force tech vs non heavy weight chars) (Force tech LOOP)
-6P , P+K , 2T , P P P. (TakeDown LOOP)
-P,6P,P , P,6P, 6P

+4H+K (As Counter Hit or any other move as counter hit will give the same result) , 3PP , P+K :
-P,6P,2H+K (Pseudo Force tech Loop)
-P,6P,P , 3H+K (Pseudo Force tech Loop)

If your oponent start to hold MID , than you can add Normal Punch (High) before 3PP , you can make 6T (Throw Loop) or you can go for KP combos:

-Combos with KP-

+4H+K (CS) , (3P or P) , KP :
-P,6P , 2H+K (this gives you a guarantee force tech vs non heavy weight chars) (Force tech LOOP)
-6P , P+K , 2T , P P P. (TakeDown LOOP)
-P,6P,P , P,6P, 6P

+4H+K (CH) , (3P or P) , KP :
-P,6P,2H+K (Pseudo Force tech Loop)
-6P , P+K , 2T , P P P. (TakeDown LOOP)
-P,6P,P , P,6P, 6P

IMPORTANT : If you face a Heavy characters you can go always for this combo ending , after P+K or KP - > 3PP , 6PP. ( This works on all weights and guarantee you near 90-100dmg , with minimal risks)

-Combos with 7K-

+4H+K (in this situation it dosnt matter if it is CH or not) , 7K ( charge full -> this goes to 3 situations:)
-If oponents make Counter hold and miss -> take down stun and gurantee Critical burst with 6P+K.
-If oponents holds block ( Guard crush which left you with +25 frames advantage)
-If you do not charge 7K and just hit normaly with it , you go in stun game , which of my expirience your best way is , 4K , T , H , K (launch). If your oponet makes too many holds you must always go for 6T (Throw Loop).

The last step of combos and loops is how to actually finish them:

(Force tech LOOP)
- 66T , P P P (TakeDown LOOP)
- 66P (High guard crush) , (On Block 6T or 2P , 4K , T (TakeDown LOOP) )
- 66K (Mid guard crush) , (On block 2P , 4K , T (TakeDown LOOP) or 2H+K)
-4K , T (Take Down LOOP)

(Pseudo Force tech Loop) - this is non guarantee force tech.
-2P, 4K , T (TakeDown LOOP)

(TakeDown LOOP) - If your oponents interupts your P P P series
- You are in advantage no matter what move you chose here , but your best options are these:
- 2P , 4P -> Stun game.
- P -> 3PP combos
- 6T (Throw Loop) - if your oponets keep block or try to hold.

(Throw Loop)
- K , 6T (Throw Loop)
- K , 214T (TakeDown LOOP)
- K , 4K ,T (TakeDown LOOP)
- KP , 3H+K (Pseudo Force tech Loop)
- 66P (High guard crush)
- 66K (Mid guard crush)

On Launch You can finish combos with these moves:
- P,6P,P , P,6P,6P
- P , 6P, P , P+K , P P P (TakeDown LOOP)
- 3PP , 6PP
- P,6P,P , 3H+K (Pseudo Force tech Loop)

I think this is pretty much Most of my offense game.
As you can see , my strategy is to play with minimal risk ( Maximum 1 or 2 chances of being Hold).
And all my combos finishes with LOOPS which follows to another LOOP and another until your oponents dies or guess correctly.
Have fun i hope this information be helpful.


This guide is much appreciated. Ive been on Mila for a little over a week on and off, but havent really figured out the proper offense with her. This is definitely seems like a good start.


Active Member
Ok here is some games with a friend of mine. Many of the tricks upper and many others are shown in these videos.
I must point that this Tina player is extremely good and if you main Tina too you can learn a lot :)



New Member
Well as TN killed my other combos... here's another set.

152 DMG Lightweight
8PPP, 4KTH . P . 6H+K, P6PP, P+K, 2T, P.P.P

172 DMG Medium weight
6T, 8PPP, 4KTH . P . 6H+K, P6PP, P+K, 2T, P.P.P

In both the above, instead of the High Punch in the middle, you can use critical burst 6P+K.. for more damage and a mix up.

173 DMG Medium/Heavy weight with Power Blow
6T, 8PPP, 4KTH . 6P+K . 4P+K

The 8PPP wil get held against good players and eventually by pretty much anyone... just mix it up, as you are +6 after 8PP, Also mix in the critical burst, power blow after 4KTH.


Active Member
Here is a little hard one but not so undoable.
On the lab stage (for maximum damage)
7K ( Full charged - Counter hit) , 6P+K, 7K , 6P+K (CB) , 33P , P6PP , P+K , 2T , P P P - 207 dmg


New Member
Lol,.. Switch 7K, 6P+K (CB) for 4KTH . P, 6P+K amongst other things and you get 209 dmg :) although you can get the same with a slightly delayed 7K.


Active Member
The upper combo is just for fun , the chance to make this in game nears 0.
The ones that you can actually managed to make are these 2:
Critical hit or critical stun , 7K (full charge) if the oponent make a hold and you hit , little dash 6P+K ( CB) , launch , P6PP , P+K , 2T , P P P.
The other one is:
4H+K, 7K, 4KTH K (launch) , P6PP , P+K , P P P.


New Member
Agreed :) I seldom attempt the Full charge on 7K though. But get get a fair bit of success with mine coupled with a little mix-up to stop being held on the 3rd punch of 8PPP. Have you found any use for 7P in 1.03?


Active Member
Agreed :) I seldom attempt the Full charge on 7K though. But get get a fair bit of success with mine coupled with a little mix-up to stop being held on the 3rd punch of 8PPP. Have you found any use for 7P in 1.03?

7P is only atractive for me -> 7P ,T or 7P ,TH2P.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I swear Mila is super underrated. Maybe just because she's new, but I see huge damage potential when utilizing her throws well with heavy hitting combos like these.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Have you found any use for 7P in 1.03?
There is one guaranteed damage setup that I have found but it acts more like a reset more than anything unless your opponent tries to hold out of it. Foe in "white" Critical :7::P::H+P::h::P: Her 7P get's the limbo stun into a TD Feint that goes into her TD Feint mid punch (you need to be really fast or it will miss, there is no room for error). Recovery is pretty long out of it which is why you can let it become a reset or risk something even further.

Mila is very underrated by a lot of DOA players. She has very easy 150+ damage combos that are fairly universal on all weights, a strong throw game (yeah, ten of them are all Takedown variants) for a non grappler, and amazing guaranteed throw setups off of certain attacks/holds. She is a very versatile character with multiple ways to be played (an unofficial grappler, strong striker, or a mix of both which isn't very common) and is able to shift playstyles in the middle of a match to turn things into her favor.


Active Member
I will check the entire post these days and post an update to the combos , cuz i discover some more tricky things.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
I was slightly incorrect about the :7::P: reset. You can get a CB in but the timing is very strict (maybe three frames to work with) but your opponent can still hold the CB or block it if they Slow Escape just a little bit.


Active Member

I didn't know where to ask this question, so I wrote it here >.>

I want the punch at 2:43 after the 4K throw, I try to do it but it's not working for me, you can't do it after the 1.03 update or am I doing something wrong?


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Has to be out of the "Mount Break" Stance. Mount is when you ground throw someone that is face up head away from you or after using Mila's Takedown variants. To Mount Break you have to let your opponent break your combo throws where you can PPP or T during Mount. The options out of Mount Break you have are :P:, :2::P:, and :K:.


Active Member
Thanks but I didn't mean that. XD
I mean the 2 punches when he won the round (3PP) at 2:43 exactly, I can't do it after the 4K Throw if you couldn't throw the other player.

Edit: OK, I think I know how to do it now, H to stop it if I couldn't catch the player then 3PP.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
My bad I guess. No canceling in that one, that was a full Takedown (Kasumi was in stun for the grab itself) and was just followed with a 3PP.


Well-Known Member
This is an old loop that was nerfed by the increased frames on TD.
Short Version: No, it doesn't work anymore.