Combo Challenge 10


New Member
Can anyone provide some advice for Brad Wong's combo challenge #10? I've been struggling with it for hours, having already done all of his command training, and it's driving me crazy. I can't get him to stance change with H after 33K fast enough to pull off the Break Blow before Kasumi hits the ground, so when I manage to get all the inputs right, the last hit invariably goes right over her head. I've been failing at it for long enough that I'm starting to wonder if something could have been changed in the physics since release, but I think it's more likely I just need to 'git gud'.

Is there a trick to the timing? There's a pause in the notation between the H and the 6S, but it doesn't seem like there's even enough time for one while Kasumi is still in the air. And I can't get Brad to change stance back to forward facing before his feet touch the ground. Any help is appreciated.


Premium Donor
Can anyone provide some advice for Brad Wong's combo challenge #10? I've been struggling with it for hours, having already done all of his command training, and it's driving me crazy. I can't get him to stance change with H after 33K fast enough to pull off the Break Blow before Kasumi hits the ground, so when I manage to get all the inputs right, the last hit invariably goes right over her head. I've been failing at it for long enough that I'm starting to wonder if something could have been changed in the physics since release, but I think it's more likely I just need to 'git gud'.

Is there a trick to the timing? There's a pause in the notation between the H and the 6S, but it doesn't seem like there's even enough time for one while Kasumi is still in the air. And I can't get Brad to change stance back to forward facing before his feet touch the ground. Any help is appreciated.
There's not really a trick to it, as soon as you launch the opponent I would buffer the guard H button and hold it and right after that press 6S and it'll land. It's about timing and you're gonna have to sort of trust that the game will make it connect, if you're doing it too late and overthinking and overcomplicating it you're not gonna get it.