Release Costume mods


Well-Known Member
I tried to change textures in one of your navy uniforms across Momiji's one but...


I'm going look your tutorial, thanks.


Well-Known Member
Momiji's textures are not at the same location than Kasumi, so the same h, hl files won't work.
I changed it for you and made it for all girls. As for my black navy school uniform pack.
Just tell me if you agree if I share it or not.


Well-Known Member
I recolored ecchos to my preference for characters, but all the colors being available in DOAX3. It's easy to recolor them because each texture has only one color. But it's impossible to use more two Naotora's recolored ecchos including in the Autolink's folder (in the game's folder). The fight loads on and on. I changed slots but it's no use.

About this, it's unique way to use these H and HL files is across this Autolink's folder inside game's folder because when you edit Tropical Paradise Costume & Movie Set in DLC Tool the Hot Getaway bikinis are lost. Other disadvantage is the impossibility to use these details in win and lose animations in "Movies" and in Private Paradise.

After I learn to convert costumes to H and HL files I'll try to recolor the eccho of Hitomi and Momiji, but I don't promise anything.

Join them. :)



I tried to add Phase-4's name on her eccho, but it doesn't work.

The navy costume has transparency or alpha channel
You have to erase the alpha channel if you want an alternate file

What's this transparency or alpha channel?
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Well-Known Member
I recolored ecchos to my preference. It's easy to recolor them because each texture has only one color. But it's impossible to use more two Naotora's recolored ecchos including in the Autolink's folder (in the game's folder). The fight loads on and on. I changed slots but it's no use.

About this, it's unique way to use these H and HL files is across this Autolink's folder inside game's folder because when you edit Tropical Paradise Costume & Movie Set in DLC Tool the Hot Getaway bikinis are lost. Other disadvantage is the impossibility to use these details in win and lose animations in "Movies" and in Private Paradise.

After I learn to convert costumes to H and HL files I'll try to recolor the eccho of Hitomi and Momiji, but I don't promise anything.

Join them. :)



I tried to add Phase-4's name on her eccho, but it doesn't work.

What's this transparency or alpha channel?
To use them in Private Paradise first select the detail in VS mode then quit and go back to Private Paradise. Select the costume and it will show up. If you added the details with lnk reshuffle press triangle square or cross to change the detail in private paradise.


Well-Known Member
To use them in Private Paradise first select the detail in VS mode then quit and go back to Private Paradise. Select the costume and it will show up. If you added the details with lnk reshuffle press triangle square or cross to change the detail in private paradise.
I play with keyboard (it's not so bad). :p But I understood and it worked, thanks.

I always did this with the other details. I thought it was impossible only details from Autolink folder.


New Member
please mr huchi002
many WIP. but none shared, I know I'm not in a position to demand their mods. but it's frustrating not being able to use it. if only you are going to do that I suggest you not show and keep it for you. please
( ='o'= )
I don't think so. What we need is just to wait but not to push. The previews can tell us what Huchi is working on. And this lies on his interests but not our demands. So we should just relax and not be so nervous right now. We don't want to see any of others leaving here.
ok. it's time to leaving this forum. good bye.
Don't be so angry on him and other demandings. Just work on what you like. I will always wait for your masterpieces, wherever you are and whatever you make. :)


New Member
The only thing that leads us to this forum is the interest. Sharing, editing, and even working for a mod together. The interest and the love on characters is the most important here. The author of mods are free to share their wonderful works or not. It's the authority but not the duty. I haven't paid anything on these great authors' works, so why can I put so many demands on them or even blame to them? It's ridiculous.
Every day can I view the forum for more that 10 times, because I hope to see more beautiful characters and clothes in game. Previews are also good for me, because I ENJOY them. Every mods can take much time. So we should be patient and not so anxious even aggressive on the works.
At last, thank for every modders and the excellent works you have made. You are always the best here.:)


Well-Known Member
Lol stop nagging him for shit if you want him to stay simple. if you constantly annoyed me I wouldn't stay either. What @Einsielder said is true if you want him to stay shush up lol. I don't mod personally but looking at what you guys made is enjoyable.


Premium Donor
...Stop quadruple're gonna get in trouble... And I don't know WHAT you're accusing Huchi of, but leave him alone. He makes the mods for people that want him, he's inclined to post his work just like anyone else. Quit acting like you know his motives when you don't even know the rules about posting on FSD buddy. You're just full of jealousy that he and these other modders can seamlessly create and extract their mods while you have nothing to show for it.
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Premium Donor
In fact, I'm not gonna write any more articles and have never even install mod
Whilst expressing that jealousy is so stupid, even if actually boast a public sources
I know that you defended him, but it just happened to be one or two Trying to
Tea legs do not think it would be better to shift security is proud of his pictures

ps. just I want to inform that the person is someone. I have never been trouble with him.
I don't know who "Tea legs" is, but it's actually normal to be proud of your mods and pictures....