Looks like Day 3 of IPL's 12 days of DOA is here. We're getting one step closer to those double-digits. This time, DrDogg has given a breakdown of the current revision of Leifang. Leifang has traditionally been a character who relied on various holds including parries, sabakis, offensive holds, and advanced defensive holds to really bring the pain and mind games towards her opponent. One last thing to note is that she's apparently had a change to her name. In previous Dead or Alives she's been "Lei Fang". However, this time it is one word: Leifang.
It looks like she's added some new techniques to her repertoire. Jump over to IPL's website to read over DrDogg's breakdown.
Source: IGN Pro League via DrDogg
It looks like she's added some new techniques to her repertoire. Jump over to IPL's website to read over DrDogg's breakdown.
DrDogg said:Leifang is shaping up to be a formidable opponent in Dead or Alive 5. Playing against her is not going to be an easy task. She can go under high attacks and throws with ease, so you won’t be able to focus on them for a bulk of your offense. In addition, you’re going to have to know when she can use her parry during a combo string. This will delay your response after blocking one of Leifang’s combos and give her a chance to stay on the offensive. If you just stand there, she can use a throw that leads into a full combo, or a combo throw for big damage. You really have to pick and choose when and how you attack Leifang.
Source: IGN Pro League via DrDogg