Dear Team Ninja, please give the entire cast a double-mastectomy


Well-Known Member
things getting messier on social media, now there is a group of feminist that wants the violence gone..they keep tagging that sarkessian.
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I don't think these people are really feminists.

I consider myself a feminist and since DOA is a fighting tournament where highly skilled martial artists fight each other, I don't have any problem seeing women OR MEN getting punched in the face.
It would have been sexist if the "punched in the face" feature was only available for women or only available for men, but it's not.
All I can see here are capable fighters who can take hits, get bruises but also kick some asses regardless of their gender, and I think that's a really good thing.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Total false flag operation. They're so bad at pretending. I need to take some screenshots. This is just getting frustrating though... I really just want to see more of the game and to get passed this. When's Evo? June, July or August? I need to look it up. If it's soon, it'll probably be the same E3 build. If it's later expecting an updated build seems reasonable but it means dealing with this longer. I'm already fatigued from the non-stop political crap right now... I don't need this. lol especially because it's a non-issue


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Total false flag operation. They're so bad at pretending. I need to take some screenshots. This is just getting frustrating though... I really just want to see more of the game and to get passed this. When's Evo? June, July or August? I need to look it up. If it's soon, it'll probably be the same E3 build. If it's later expecting an updated build seems reasonable but it means dealing with this longer. I'm already fatigued from the non-stop political crap right now... I don't need this. lol especially because it's a non-issue

EVO is in August this year. First weekend of the month.


Well-Known Member
I don't think these people are really feminists.

I consider myself a feminist and since DOA is a fighting tournament where highly skilled martial artists fight each other, I don't have any problem seeing women OR MEN getting punched in the face.
It would have been sexist if the "punched in the face" feature was only available for women or only available for men, but it's not.
All I can see here are capable fighters who can take hits, get bruises but also kick some asses regardless of their gender, and I think that's a really good thing.
We need more people like you.


New Member
While I'm not a big fan of the increase in violent graphic elements (blood splatters and bruises)*, I always appreciated how all the characters in this game could take it as well as they gave it. Who wants Combat that is Very Deadly? Kick ass, look cool, and I'm in.

*Just my personal taste. I'm not hung up on realism in the slightest.
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Well-Known Member
Weebs and radical feminists are completely ruining DOA6 even before it comes out. They both complain about each other yet both are equally as toxic.

One side complains about SJWs ruining the "main selling point" of DOA (cuz we all know titty physics is where all the resources go...:rolleyes:) while the other side complains about "woman violence" (in a frickin' fighting game LOL, Mortal Kombat also has women and it is WAY more violent, yet smh I see no complains at all).

Funny part is that both of these collectives are the ones who play the game for like 5 minutes and then proceed to just forget about it because "it's not their thing" (and that's if they even buy the game at all).


Well-Known Member
The weebs are pretending to be outraged feminists but they're really bad at it. I don't think this is on any actual feminists radar. The "volleyball" game just got some super creepy clothes-grabbing update and absolutely no one threw a fit about that.
If that's the case then it just makes everything even worse lol, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was true tbh. I remember the firsts days after DOA6 being announced that I went into Gamefaqs' DOA6 board and damn... that thing is full of desperate people who make this whole "toned down sexualization" thing seem like it will cause the whole world to explode. The threads in that board physically hurt me to read, I'm not even exaggerating.


Premium Donor
The weebs are pretending to be outraged feminists but they're really bad at it. I don't think this is on any actual feminists radar. The "volleyball" game just got some super creepy clothes-grabbing update and absolutely no one threw a fit about that.
That's false actually xD there's one feminist on Twitter who's complaining saying this game promotes violence against women in DOA6, yet they didn't have a problem with the women being subjected to the same violence the guys had in all other games. Tina got ganged up on in Lisa's DOA4 ending, Kasumi and Ayane were both slapped by grown men, and Ryu beat Lisa's ass in DOA5 story, but because the girls didn't get bruised and only sweated and got covered in dirt, they didnt mind that.

But in DOA6 you add clothes ripping and minor bruises and all of a sudden its an issue xD The pervs are mad because even tho breast physics haven't been added yet, they're running with the notion its been removed and they're acting like the girls have been neutered yet Kasumi's suit is pretty skintight and conforming to her figure, and Helena still has cleavage and her big ass and thighs still flash in her slitted dress.


Well-Known Member
That's false actually xD there's one feminist on Twitter who's complaining saying this game promotes violence against women in DOA6
One? ONE?

That's the problem I have with these types of discussions. It's the internet. You can always find someone somewhere with a questionable and/or completely bonkers opinion on the internet that suits your point. But, people will be quick to take that *one* person's opinion (or statistically insignificant number), hone in on them, and act like it's a widespread opinion that's worthy of being given more attention.

This can go either way, really. Saying something like "I know a feminist who's okay with DOA" doesn't necessarily mean that much in the broad scheme either. Clearly those two people just canceled each other out. lol

It's a little too much simplification. How prominent are these people we're dealing with and why should anyone listen to them if what they're saying makes no sense? Is it a spokesperson for an organization or something? Did the person get 1000s or retweets or something? Then maybe it should be addressed. Otherwise? Meh.


Premium Donor
One? ONE?

That's the problem I have with these types of discussions. It's the internet. You can always find someone somewhere with a questionable and/or completely bonkers opinion on the internet that suits your point. But, people will be quick to take that *one* person's opinion (or statistically insignificant number), hone in on them, and act like it's a widespread opinion that's worthy of being given more attention.

This can go either way, really. Saying something like "I know a feminist who's okay with DOA" doesn't necessarily mean that much in the broad scheme either. Clearly those two people just canceled each other out. lol

It's a little too much simplification. How prominent are these people we're dealing with and why should anyone listen to them if what they're saying makes no sense? Is it a spokesperson for an organization or something? Did the person get 1000s or retweets or something? Then maybe it should be addressed. Otherwise? Meh.
giphy (17).gif


Well-Known Member
I don't think these people are really feminists.

I consider myself a feminist and since DOA is a fighting tournament where highly skilled martial artists fight each other, I don't have any problem seeing women OR MEN getting punched in the face.
It would have been sexist if the "punched in the face" feature was only available for women or only available for men, but it's not.
All I can see here are capable fighters who can take hits, get bruises but also kick some asses regardless of their gender, and I think that's a really good thing.
It is time to drop the feminist label as one for equality. It is beyond redemption at this point. There are so many types of feminists out there, that no informed person would want to associate themselves with that label. It's the equivalent of Muslims trying to redeem the Islam label as being a religion for peace. There is no credibility there anymore. The ones that still carry the label do so because they have an emotional attachment to it due to some past event, the label flatters them, or they are uninformed about what it actually entails.

Many feminists have become SJWs, and things simply are never good enough, the hypocrisy is everywhere, and the playing of victimhood is beyond the roof. Things have gone as far as the likes of Anita Sarkeesian influencing huge AAA studios and publishers, and any type of criticism is immediately labeled sexist or misogynist.

If you stand for equality, call yourself an equalist or egalitarian, but not a feminist. I hope DOA escapes this leftist SJW bandwagon. It's permeating all media nowadays.

For some truth AND entertainment;