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Well-Known Member
Looks really interesting. I like all of them but Tina. Last time Kokoro was the ugly duckling, now Tina. Maybe i'll buy all of them.


Well-Known Member
These are actually kind of good. Nice to see some effort with the hair even if most are just recolors. And non-breakable I assume means $2 instead of $3?


Well-Known Member
Many of them look very nice. Special mention to Kokoro's. Sadly Rachel's is shitty :/ I think what Christie is wearing should have been for Rachel.
I love Nyotengu's as well.
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Well-Known Member
Underwhelming.... Rean has a perfect costume for Ein but obviously guys get absolutely nothing......

Hitomis is pretty weird and not at all what I would see her wearing, however, I knew Kasumi would get the Main female of Cold Steel and I knew Ayane would get the ninja girl.

But yeah, looks like I'm saving £1.59/£2.36


Well-Known Member
I like them. Good designs. But yeah, the trailer is stupid, the overlay really ruins everything.
A lot of clipping as usual with these kind of costumes, but it's nice.
I believe DOA6 will have a fantasy art direction in opposition with DOA5 which was more urban at first. The last DLCs make me think they want to "Japanese" the game a bit more. Good thing!

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Well-Known Member
It's a shame for the lack of male outfits at all, this is truly a lost opportunity. Even so the pack seems to me very good with so original outfits and all various between them: I expect before to see better the costumes, but I really think that could already be one of my favourites packs of the DoA5 series.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
More generic anime/jrpg stuff...of course only for the girls. They probably thought, as the Halloween costumes next month will have to include all males, why not at least have the DLC before and after be exclusive to the females. (What DLC pack is planned after Halloween again?)
I haven't felt the incentive to buy DLC for months (man, and I bought so much for DOA5 and Ultimate...), but that's actually a good thing. So, thanks, TN, for saving me a lot of money. ;)
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Well-Known Member
You know what makes me cringe?

1. Just like in SK collabs, this pack has cool Christie costume imo. But why can't Team Ninja take references and produce something original for her instead?

2. Alternate color are always welcome. But this kind of hair color is what I would expect to come from amateur modders, not the actual developer. Color + hair model just don't match imo.


Personal rating: I think Christie's, Momiji's, Nyotengu's, Kokoro's look good and tempting. But then this is a collaboration and I don't know about the participating title. So I'll pass this up, as usual.


Well-Known Member
More generic anime/jrpg stuff...of course only for the girls. They probably thought, as the Halloween costumes next month will have to include all males, why not at least have the DLC before and after be exclusive to the females. (What DLC pack is planned after Halloween again?)
I haven't felt the incentive to buy DLC for months (man, and I bought so much for DOA5 and Ultimate...), but that's actually a good thing. So, thanks, TN, for saving me a lot of money. ;)
Couldn't agree more. Haven't bought anything since the Ninja packs and on the one hand I'm thankful to Team Ninja for saving my money but on the other hand I still like to see costumes for the males which would give me a reason to buy costumes again.


Well-Known Member
Alternate color are always welcome. But this kind of hair color is what I would expect to come from amateur modders, not the actual developer. Color + hair model just don't match imo.
I couldn't agree more.
How long have the Tina faithful (all 5 of us left) been asking for a option for brunette Tina back, just for fun! Instead we get silly pony tails and now fire truck red?

Come on!
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