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Active Member
Nice costumes :)
I hope no more collaboration like Tatsunoko, Falcom... etc
I like a lot Honona's and Marie Rose's Casual Costume, and Phase 4 with her school uniform
Nyo Tengu have Bed and Bath time costume now


Well-Known Member
It's listed under what's included in Season Pass. So that's either implying that it's paid or misadvertised

season pass 3 said include the new character which is not free.

season pass 4 said include the new stage which is _________

fill in the blanks.


Well-Known Member
If they're going to charge for the stages. I expected stages to be high standard, all weather, high pixel , beautiful scenery and multiple platform.


Well-Known Member
Did the third season pass at any point mention the stage? I thought it did but I could be remembering wrong
No, it didn't. At least not in R3 PSN.

We can confirm we're royally fucked now. lol TN

Its a bit of a sudden turn around to charge for new stages.... Ya know, since we've been getting them for free for the past 3 years.
In my last status, I was talking about the absence of rainy stage in DOA. Under my latest status, there were jokes about how TN gonna charge the rain feature. In the latest Season Pass, we can see it's going to be paid.

Coincidence? I think not. Because aliens.

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
Called it, Ayane got Season Pass 4 exclusive costume to once again claim the "most costumes" title.

Too bad I don't feel like wading through every post I made in this topic to find the one I made my prediction in.

And now for my tradition of clearing every training mode and the combo challenges I can do in the new costumes.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt the new stage would be paid, that seems too greedy even for them, especially since all the new stages have been free (not counting the new stages added in the rereleases). Maybe I'm being to optimistic but I honestly think this is something they know better than to charge for.

Called it, Ayane got Season Pass 4 exclusive costume to once again claim the "most costumes" title.

Next thing you know, they'll be releasing a new season/costume pass with each girl getting their own exclusive outfit, meaning we'll be getting another 12 passes over the next 3 years. After which, they release a pack containing all the exclusive costumes just before they officially announce doa6 4 years from now.


Well-Known Member
I really doubt the new stage would be paid, that seems too greedy even for them, especially since all the new stages have been free (not counting the new stages added in the rereleases). Maybe I'm being to optimistic but I honestly think this is something they know better than to charge for.

Next thing you know, they'll be releasing a new season/costume pass with each girl getting their own exclusive outfit, meaning we'll be getting another 12 passes over the next 3 years. After which, they release a pack containing all the exclusive costumes just before they officially announce doa6 4 years from now.
The new stage is included IN the Season Pass though, that means its paid dlc.


Well-Known Member
Nyo's casual and Marie's pink hoodie are definitively the stand outs here, but I'll get the pass like I always do... I'm a sucker for all these costumes :) Just bad timing that I have to go away for a few days tonight, but Saturday morning, coffee and new costume playtime will make up for it :p

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
US website doesn't have the changes yet, but that's not surprising since it's 4:54 a.m. right now. I should go to bed soon.

BTW, I'm calling it now, if there's another costume pass, Momiji is the girl with the pass-exclusive costume.

I'm going by the DoAX3 poll results, btw.
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