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Well-Known Member
No, like I think it's a bit strange they have her appearance down to a T, same ribbon, same style of ponytail, bangs etc. It just seems uncanny.

Maybe that's intentional in universe; maybe MIST is making Phase 4 look and behave exactly like Kasumi so they can kidnap her and replace her with Phase 4 as a sleeper agent? Let me bring up (again) my joke theory that maybe the "true" Kasumi we know now is actually yet another clone for all we know and maybe Phase 4 is the TRUE "true" Kasumi who thinks she's a clone...

Mr Armageddon X

Active Member
I forgot that Kasumi is 19 years old (I meant to say Phase was cloned from her and "inherited" her biological age). That means there are 3 girls in the game who are 18 years old, right (Ayane, Honoka and Marie)? I'm pretty sure even Alpha is older than Phase (though I doubt she/it counts as female at this point).
Marie is 12, Ayane is more 19 nearer 20.


Well-Known Member
all the DoA ages are screwed up to me. like helena is 23 (???) in DoA5? and to me she should at least be, at minimum, 28-31ish. same with christie and lisa. tina i think is the probably the most accurate being 24. kasumi and ayane i'd peg around the 21 age and yeah marie rose at 12.


Premium Donor
Why would they lie about age though? That's like saying Lili is actually 18 and Xiaoyu is 16 all because of how different their body types are.


Well-Known Member
Senran Kagura actually does get released in the west, Estival Versus just came out back in March.

I'm also eagre to see what the set will be next month... guess we'll have to wat until the new DOAX3 swimsuit sets get revealed, they seem to be announcing new costumes for Last Round at the same time they announce new X3 suits.


Well-Known Member
Estival Versus actually sold pretty well in PAL territories and North America. I think the main reason everyone in DoA is officially 18 or older now except for the clones is that Team Ninja fears backlash from the gaming media while Marvelous/Xseed doesn't care what the media says, they're making cool shit.

Now that you mention it, I just realized that the only characters whose ages aren't mentioned in doa5 stats are the Kasumi clones (Alpha and Phase) and Rachel. Kinda makes me wonder just how old Rachel is...
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