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I only buy costumes for the characters I use as well. And then only the costumes I like.

I just bought Lisa's deception costume because a capoeira nun is freaking awesome. =D


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The point of @Darkton93 imo wanted be that to show the appreciation through such purchases (sadly the only thing that seems to convince KT) can bring advantages in future: for example to buy a proper outfit for a not used unpopular character - as one of the "secondary" girls or a male - is not only a "vote" for that character in particular, but even for the other categories represented from it (outfits that aren't fetish, characters that aren't popular).

This doesn't mean that everyone should always buy everything that represent what they want see even if owned from characters that they don't use, this would be silly; however could be useful to to do it from time to time at least for a bunch of outfits (even just 1 or 2), a sort of "sacrifice" just for incentivate the people behind the game to do more of these outfits for the characters that we really want see (of course only if they are in the same league: to buy an outfit for Brad Wong has nothing to see with Kasumi). If people want see more outfits for Mila or Christie, is not so unreasonable to get an outfit from apparently upopular females as Lisa or Rachel. If people want see more outfits for Leon or Bayman, is not so unreasonable to get the outfit of Raidou or Ein or Brad from this pack.

I admit that for me to do it is higly easy finding fun in using all the characters (indeed for me would be more "convenient" to get the full packs), however as I stated nowadays I play very rarely the DoA5LR Xbox 360 version after getting the PC one, but again I bought a few Deception outfits just for this reason (same reasoning for the previous Fighter Force). The funny and sad thing is that I'm buying a bunch of single outfits in a version that I don't use more, while I'm not getting anything at all in the main PC version because the prices are too much high with their decision to release only mega packs (but I can understand their reasons behind it).
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People, who bought the last Nyotengu's Deception outfit could say me what is the color of her tengu mask in it, please? I'm supposing red however I would like to know it for sure.
People, who bought the last Nyotengu's Deception outfit could say me what is the color of her tengu mask in it, please? I'm supposing red however I would like to know it for sure.
there isn't a mask for the new deception costume. At least i could not find a way to get one on her at the select screen.


Well-Known Member
Then isn't she just No-Tengu?

Ahahah! Maybe you're right xD

Actually this is not strange because Nyotengu in a few outfits can't use the tengu mask, however while sometimes the reason for the missing option is clear (as her ninja clans or Senran Kagura outfits already allowing peculiar masks), sometimes not exactly so (she can't use a mask with her police uniform, but again she is allowed to use her with the nurse one).

I suppose that in this case they wanted keep her cosplay the most possible faithful to the original Velguirie: if they go so far to recolor even her hair for making Nyotengu close to the Deception's character then make sense to not allow the mask (even if I would have liked to use it)


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People are more aware of Senran Kagura than the Deception series, a lot more people bought the SK DLC.
Also the texture quality on some of these costumes is terrible.
See for me though, I've literally never heard of either series(same with many of my friends), and I don't care, the costumes are just different and miles better looking than most of the fetish DLC regardless of textures. I like looking at unique character costumes rather than 20 people in bikinis with a different pattern.

Even the casual costumes are refreshing to look at because they're different for all the characters. In fact, I feel like fetish DLC wouldn't even be THAT bad if there was a bit of uniqueness to each characters costumes and not just copy-paste.


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I dunno if you can say these aren't fetish. I mean, they explode and show the girls' underwear and some are quite skimpy to begin with (Helena's SK). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Still miles better than what we've gotten in the past though.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm pretty sure destructible costumes will soon become the norm, which means anything can turn into "fetish" DLC. I guess it depends on your definition of that, because honestly anything could be considered "fetish" DLC at this rate.
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