DOA5 E3 2012 Trailers


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Standard Donor
Mr. Wah here since grap3 is too distracted watching the IPL stream to bother cleaning up this front page.

Team NINJA has released the trailer for Dead or Alive 5 now that E3 has finally begun. It's a really cool trailer that reveals three more characters: Kokoro, Tina, and Sarah.

Sarah is coming over from Virtua Fighter 5, but no footage is shown of her actually fighting.

In addition, IPL has released some exhibition combo videos for many of the characters. These give off the idea of each character, along with showing off many new costumes. They are really a great high quality piece of work. I'm sure they'll be showing it on the stream eventually. You can find those videos after the jump.


Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Kokorro looks great and so does Tina and Sarah. Except for that one ear that sticks out pretty far for Kokorro.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice the stages are more like one square area to another. The old DOA had more dynamic areas.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they reverted Christie's bodysuit redesign after all the complaining about the bra :D


Well-Known Member
I'm really beginning to hope that some of these stages have areas closed off that we can't really tell are closed off many square-ish stages..I hope we get some more dynamic looking stages.(unless of course like I said before areas are closed off we can't see)


Well-Known Member
They showed off Bass in some pics:


Didn't see this posted anywehre. He looks pretty cool.

The new Hitomi looks more like her old self and Kokoro looks cool. I think she was the only character that no one used in the stream today.

The gym stage looks a little boring. More of a training stage but I'm still guessing Tatami will be for that. Would be cooler if it looked the one in DOA4 but I guess it would be pretty similar to the picture above. Tina looks okay/good. Looks like her cup size went up or maybe it's just the outfit. I want her hair to be a little bit longer though.


Well-Known Member
I understand the concept of having a tournament and all but there's not much of a point when we basically know who is going to be winning the prize :rolleyes:... also they could have at least brought in the best(or one of the best) of each character to show off that character. I can tell you right now that no one is going to play any character decently except the ninjas, Hitomi, and maybe Akira(if any Virtua Fighters decide to show up). I'd love an awesome Akira to just come in and wreck house. I'd seriously laugh if they took the crown :p


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the VF ground stun that you can launch opponents from is just for the VF characters. Akira does it in the first combo of his DOA5 combo video and I saw the guy playing Akira in the stream today do it a few times. And also that ground bounce he does to Kokoro from an air juggle.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the VF ground stun that you can launch opponents from is just for the VF characters. Akira does it in the first combo of his DOA5 combo video and I saw the guy playing Akira in the stream today do it a few times. And also that ground bounce he does to Kokoro from an air juggle.
If I'm not mistaken Hayate's DOA4 :3::F+K: the first kick slams an opponent on the ground and the second kick relaunches back into the air. I saw that when I watched Emperor Cows tutorial after he had Hayate slam the opponent in the steel beam car dangerzone.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
If I'm not mistaken Hayate's DOA4 :3::F+K: the first kick slams an opponent on the ground and the second kick relaunches back into the air. I saw that when I watched Emperor Cows tutorial after he had Hayate slam the opponent in the steel beam car dangerzone.

You are mistaken. In 4 that kick does not relaunch. it's all knockdown. In 5 they change the properties of the move if you do it to an opponent that is bounced prior to the kick hitting them. That's when the kick :3::F+K: will give a bounce