DOA5 play testing in Japan

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
Me and KoF06 hit Yurakucho Bic Camera for today's demo.
Great to see my black dress!
Played VS each other twice for 10 min each (had to wait about an hour for the second time).
After we filled out a questionnaire and they let use choose a badge (pin).
Course we know which one I got.

They only had pads and I'm still not so used to DOA.
Seemed good to me, gotta get some combos down to be ready for it's release.
Too bad I'll be in LA almost all next month so will not be able to fire up my 360...

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
Course there's no move list and I'm still gettin DOA4 down (after a 9 year break) but she doesn't seem harder to play than she is now.

There's a new move (I think it was :4: :P+K: ) that we didn't know. Could it be her Power Blow?...
Lei Fang moves her hands and steps back (similar to taunt 1 in DOA4). Some kinda evade?
Also her 'circle kick' ( :4: :K: :K: :K: in DOA4) only has 2 kicks now (I want 3!).
This is only a demo build and things could/will change though.

Allan Paris

Well-Known Member
Ok, what about her damage, was it about the same as well?

Did you try out any of her defensive moves, sabaki's, parries, advanced holds? I know you only had about 20 mins worth of play. You probably didn't get to look at much I presume.

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
Don't know that much about her damage (mostly KoF06 was kickin my butt and comboin me (we did VS mode)) so was a little hard to test stuff. A staff member was standin at each station (there were 2) watchin so didn't feel like we could go into 'test mode'.
I'm still not good at her advanced holds (or knowin the other chara's moves) but I did deal out some damage w/em so felt good.

As TN want the game to be easier to pick up and play I doubt they made the move :4: :K: :K: :2: :K:. But no I didn't try it.
Don't think I'll have time to go to another demo test (heard they are comin out w/a new demo this month anyways) but if I do I will test it out. Maybe I'll ask KoF to test it...


Well-Known Member
As TN want the game to be easier to pick up and play I doubt they made the move :4: :K: :K: :2: :K:. But no I didn't try it.
Don't think I'll have time to go to another demo test (heard they are comin out w/a new demo this month anyways) but if I do I will test it out. Maybe I'll ask KoF to test it...

It could be 4KK2K now because there's a new attack that will added as 4KKK, or some other variation of the string.


Active Member
I thought I saw something like her old :K: :2: :K: from DOA2U in one of the recent vids. Could that be the it? It was one of my favorite launchers then. I was really hoping the old one would come back.

I really was upset that the move got changed the way it did in 4, because the second stomp is so telegraphed, its almost not to see coming.

Talim JP

Leifang practitioner
Premium Donor
I did :K: :2: :K: yesterday, it's still there (like DOA 4's); used it in the :P: :P: :K: :2: :K: combo.

Asked KoF06 to try the old input, he said he would if he has time/remembers next week.

Yo Lobo, there's a famous US SC playa by the same name.


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong, but does KoF06 = Alexintokyo67 ?

About that third low kick, it's still in that string :P::K::K::K: so perhaps it's just a different command imput like Phoenix said.. can KoF confirm ?
Thanks for your previous report, really nice of you!


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong, but does KoF06 = Alexintokyo67 ?

About that third low kick, it's still in that string :P::K::K::K: so perhaps it's just a different command imput like Phoenix said.. can KoF confirm ?
Thanks for your previous report, really nice of you!
btw the attack is still in the game. Watch the Lei Fang vs Akira battle that was recently uploaded. She does it.


I could be wrong, but does KoF06 = Alexintokyo67 ?

No I'm not this person.I'm just a poor french guy who is trying to survive haha
I see you are French and from Lyon ! When I will come back in Lyon let's do some plays ^^

About the play test, I don't think I need to write a lot since there are already a toon of pages about it. Just the new move of Hayate. After 4P+K there are some mix up but still don't understand the timming.

Last Thursday Mr Hayashi came to say hello. And Saturday it was Mr Shimbori. They were very nice with everybody and everybody was pretty excited to be able to speak with them.
The demo is pretty popular. Almost everybody take girls characters and try to zoom on the lost screen haha

Next time I will try everything you asked, but I think everybody are right about the command. since we just have 10min, we feel "don't want to lost 10sec in the command list" :p
But now I feel I played enough for myself so yeah I can check as I can.

I also subscribe for the Tougeki. I don't receive mail in back but may they don't send it. I will see in 2weeks!

If there are peoples who are living in the Kansai, they add 2days at Oosaka (4 and 5 august)


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
No I'm not this person.I'm just a poor french guy who is trying to survive haha
I see you are French and from Lyon ! When I will come back in Lyon let's do some plays ^^

About the play test, I don't think I need to write a lot since there are already a toon of pages about it. Just the new move of Hayate. After 4P+K there are some mix up but still don't understand the timming.

Last Thursday Mr Hayashi came to say hello. And Saturday it was Mr Shimbori. They were very nice with everybody and everybody was pretty excited to be able to speak with them.
The demo is pretty popular. Almost everybody take girls characters and try to zoom on the lost screen haha

Next time I will try everything you asked, but I think everybody are right about the command. since we just have 10min, we feel "don't want to lost 10sec in the command list" :p
But now I feel I played enough for myself so yeah I can check as I can.

I also subscribe for the Tougeki. I don't receive mail in back but may they don't send it. I will see in 2weeks!

If there are peoples who are living in the Kansai, they add 2days at Oosaka (4 and 5 august)

Can you explain more about this new hayate mixup ? is his teleport back ? or the dash into throw ?

also, any news on the sidestep input ? is it still the same as E3 (:2::2:) ? or did they return it back to the alpha demo (:2::H+P+K:) ?



I think it's almost the same demo. But there had 3 costumes for Bayman, Kokoro and Zack. I though just saw 2cos on E3 demo but I may be wrong. However, everything look same as the E3's demo.

Hayate new moves is :4::P+K: he is dashing on the back for charge a move. the after i saw in the command list after this move :6::P+K::Link::P:or:K: (not really remember the last because I never arrived after the 2second move) or after :4::P+K: we can also do :F: ? I everytimes think saw a F but may be is different thing. Anyways, it's everything after :4::P+K: it's a veryslow middle punch

the demo's dash :6::P+K: we can do a :F+P: but no teleport (don't saw it)


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I think it's almost the same demo. But there had 3 costumes for Bayman, Kokoro and Zack. I though just saw 2cos on E3 demo but I may be wrong. However, everything look same as the E3's demo.

Hayate new moves is :4::P+K: he is dashing on the back for charge a move. the after i saw in the command list after this move :6::P+K::Link::P:or:K: (not really remember the last because I never arrived after the 2second move) or after :4::P+K: we can also do :F: ? I everytimes think saw a F but may be is different thing. Anyways, it's everything after :4::P+K: it's a veryslow middle punch

the demo's dash :6::P+K: we can do a :F+P: but no teleport (don't saw it)

Yeah most of those were in the alpha demo except for :4::P+K: into :F: which I'm not sure what its meant to do exactly .. and :6::P+K: into :F+P: maybe...

I was really hoping that they would improve Hayate a bit more. He just doesn't seem to have anything special and just seems like a weaker version of his former self :/ .. Its unfortunate..

Thanks for the info ! :D


Active Member
Yeah most of those were in the alpha demo except for :4::P+K: into :F: which I'm not sure what its meant to do exactly .. and :6::P+K: into :F+P: maybe...

I was really hoping that they would improve Hayate a bit more. He just doesn't seem to have anything special and just seems like a weaker version of his former self :/ .. Its unfortunate..

Thanks for the info ! :D
:4::P+K: into :F: is probably a charge-cancel or something