DOA5's Story

Kaiser Wiggly

New Member
I got the impression that TN ran out of time a bit... It could explain other (very few) deficiencies of DOA5... However I still believe game is great! :D I hope they will publish a DLC with more content for story mode such as missing episodes for Christie and Lisa. :)

Wouldn't be too bad an idea! Lisa and Christie's could explain the inner workings of Donovan's corporation and give more of an explanation to the how's and why's of Rig. Also it'd be nice to find out how (if?) Lisa survived being exploded at the end of the game. I mean, I know luchadores are tough, but explosions don't play by anybodies rules. It's why they very rarely compete in sports.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Was the chick in the end Kasumi or Ayane?

Miyako. AKA Kokoro's mom and the reason I found it weird everyone was so concerned with her.

Well I know I should have been posting earlier, but GUTS and DOA5 have kept me busy.

Ayane and Hayate knew or suspected that the Kasumi clone was a fake early on. Also I knew the moment she tried to stab Hayate after the killing blow. Kausmi WOULD NEVER HARM HAYATE.

Notable fave moments:


Kokoro don't take shit from NO ONE! Regarding Lisa expecting an apology and from her past encounters with other cast members.

Kokoro not catching the nunchaku as a nod to DOA4 with Hayabusa.

Kokoro meeting Akira was TOO EPIC!


Her run in with Eliot showing how he manned up after getting Bitch slapped in DOAD.

Ayane saying how everyone kept getting in her way was priceless.

Ayane meeting Hitomi again and their awkward friendship reminds me of the storyline I was developing for the back when I was making the Team Hustle series.

Ayane chilling in Zacks helicopter wit da headphones! Ayane IS THE HNIC!

Ayane checking Kasumi with her kunai giving her the " I got this" look.

The STONE COLD look of a shinobi and grief of a sister in her when she "killed" Kasumi.


Her helping Leifang "train" and follow Jann Lee was priceless.

Run in with Ayane and Eliot.

Best scene with Hayate telling him that all she need was 1 more match to become Champion. I really wanted her to win :(.

Lei Fang

Following Jann Lee on the train and almost renacting her DOA4 ending.

There's so much more! I REALLY LOVED GOING THROUGH STORY MODE! Wish it didn't have to end cuz got so much depth outta the whole cast.

Oh yeah Eliot and Brad scene at dinner time, Gen Fu RETURNS! Kasumi not being a spoiled kid anymore. And Zack was actually cool even though Bayman says he creeps him out LOL.


Well-Known Member
@Gill Hustle. Yeah, I appreciated all those references to earlier games in the series the most. I really enjoyed those humorous moments. They made the story mode less painful than I thought. Then, the "serious" story behind it (aka DOATEC/MIST, ninjas... ninjas everywhere) is plain retarded.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention Helena and Kokoro's "moment" with Zack figuring it out. And Zack referencing 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I'm surprised no one thought of a 90s milk commercial parody of Eliot's "Milk" cutscene.

Any takers?


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
Hahah! Well, I didn't play DOA Dimensions but I actually DOA5 has the best story mode I played in previous DOA games. Of course I miss a bit special final videos of previous story modes but DOA's cut scenes of Hayate and Ayane killing Kasumi´s clone is more than acceptable repalcement.

Also new story mode forces player to know all the DOA world which I belive is much much better than just pick up a player, fight as hell for just get a piece of history and then never play DOA again (and keep with a very incomplete idea of DOA world) or then repeat final (maddening) final boss 20 times to get "whole" history...

I repeat: TN please at least includes episodes for Lisa and Christie through DLC... :)


Well-Known Member
I really liked the story mode. I thought it was awesome! Helena was pretty cool not trying to stab Christie the moment she saw her.:helena:

Black Dragon

Active Member
1.) If Kasumi was hanging out with Muramasa the entire time, why the hell was one of her clones questioning Helena about Alpha's whereabouts? Unless it was actually Kasumi, but what makes little sense is that Helena sent Kasumi to the rig, and upon finding her there, Hayate and Ayane proceed to kill her. So, the one hounding Helena for Alpha's whereabouts was most likely a clone, right? Why the hell would the clone care?
Why should a clone be emotionless?

And 2.) How did Hayate and Ayane know that was a clone? Do they just have magical ninja senses?
They knew from the start - Ryu had already hidden Kasumi somewhere safe.

I don't know if anyone got the whole point of the 5th tourney, so here it is: it was not only showcase of the change in DOATEC's direction, but was also a distraction so that the ninja (who weren't taking part in the tourney) could find out and destroy whatever Donovan was up to without DOATEC taking responsibility should something go wrong.

The Kasumi clone was bait for both Donovan and the ninjas to lead them where the MIST facility was. After that, she was no longer needed.


Active Member

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
Hahah! Well, I didn't play DOA Dimensions but I actually DOA5 has the best story mode I played in previous DOA games. Of course I miss a bit special final videos of previous story modes but DOA's cut scenes of Hayate and Ayane killing Kasumi´s clone is more than acceptable repalcement.

Also new story mode forces player to know all the DOA world which I belive is much much better than just pick up a player, fight as hell for just get a piece of history and then never play DOA again (and keep with a very incomplete idea of DOA world) or then repeat final (maddening) final boss 20 times to get "whole" history...

I repeat: TN please at least includes episodes for Lisa and Christie through DLC... :)

You can watch the whole story mode for DOAD in the media section:

They're near the bottom of the page.