Environmental bounces


New Member
Has anyone found anything effective to use off of the environmental bounces with Mila, like the rpg, pinball and tigers in the circus stage, etc?


Active Member
Down H+K is the only one that hits.
Otherwise you can go 3H+K -> if you hit go make force tech , if not go 2P , 4K,T


New Member
9p hits and with 1.0.3 changes it causes a small bounce. i haven't had much of a chance to mess around with it though.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Some stages you can get her 3H+K and follow up with a free ground throw. Below I focused mainly on finding 3H+K follow ups due to ease of free ground throw access. Assume 3H+K unless otherwise stated.
Below takes small obstacles out of consideration (torches, Home stuff, coconuts, etc.)
Edit: In the case of debris, Home walls/furniture, Show Balls/Chest, ect. you should be going for either a combo extension or a relaunch.

Scramble's Generators lead to face up feet away and you can get a free unmounted ground throw in, you can get a small combo in if you are fast enough.
Flying car you can get 3H+K but is damn near impossible so don't bother.
*After a thought*
I recommend running 66K or 6PP because it can actually lead into the exploding car into a 3H+K into face up feet away unmounted ground throw. Effectively two Danger Zones in one combo.
*Sudden epiphany*
With the combo 7K (any charge), 6P+K, PP, 6P+K, 4P+K Power Blow, hit flying car, 6PP (start running as soon as your opponent hits the flying car, just keep holding the direction, you will automatically stop when you reach opponent and can then do the 6PP) into exploding car, 3H+K into Ground Throw I can get up to 197 damage on Normal Hits.
A nearly impractical combo because the full 7K charge can often be seen a mile away, have to be close to get the 6P+K follow up, and to even trigger the flying car you have to be facing the right way. 7K can be partially charged as well but does 187 damage for the tradeoff, 177 for a non charged 7K. If you do 66k insteda of 6PP then it's only 2 less damage for 195, 185, and 175 (if you look at my Youtube channel you'll see two videos, one with the 66k and the other has the 6PP).
But still 2 DANGER ZONES if you can get the flying car. With just the Power Blow into Flying car, followed by the 66K/6PP shenanigans, you get 117/119 damage respectively on normal hit which is still very respectable.
You can do P6PP into a combo on light and medium weights but don't expect to get the second car, something about moving around the stage at that point will make you hit the wall next to it.

I can't have been the only person to find this.

RPG and Helicopter DZ in Hot Zone leads to face down feet away, KKK Mount on opponent's head.
Exploding wall timing is tricky for ground throws and you might not get them most times.
I know the wall in Hot Zone (the one that separates the stage parts) can lead to extended combos with P while vaulting over (timed right you can get P6PP into P+K, small step forward and ground throw on lightweights and medium weights. Tricky because some lightweights travel a little farther out of reach if you are too quick).

The Show's Star Panels can lead into PPP Mount. Clown is more of a fancy finish, nothing off of that if the opponent gets up immediately.
Tiger Rings lead into PPP Mount. They land close enough to get other attacks as well (ex. 3PP, 6PP).

Sanctuary's rolling ball I can only seem to get with her 66K.

Depth's debris you have to time right to get. If you come out too soon you will hit the opponent too far away from you and you won't get a ground throw. Leads to face up feet away unmounted ground throw. Too far for some attacks but timed right the second part of her 3PP can lead into a bounce for a small extended combo but if you start running as soon as opponent hits the debris you can get close enough to do some actions (very strict timing).


Well-Known Member
I've done that much damage with Mila without double danger zones or power blow... Was rocking guaranteed 3H+K's way before it became cool :cool: