Final Fantasy Thread


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Good news, the izjs version lets you pretty much purchase every single gambit at the very beginning of the game. And the job system allows your characters to become really really good at one role, much stronger than they could have in the vanilla version. And quickenings dont use mp anymore, plus the new speedup button for grinding and traveling, plus zoning once now respawns chests and enemies instead of having to zone twice. Etc...

Are you serious?? holy, I did not know that. Damn, now I really want to play it again.


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watch this

"Quickenings no longer consume MP" - Me: Holy.

"Espers can now be controlled in battle and can use their final attack whenever they want" - Me: HOLY.

"Damage cap on 9999 has been removed and can go higher." Me: HOLYYYY

"Ribbon now adds all status effects blocked ******AND****** adds permanent Regen & Libra". Me: HOOOOLYYYYYYYYY

"As you well know, grinding in this game is a problem (oh yeah, true). They now added a speed up fast forward option to increase the game speed." Me: YEESSSSSSS


Oh man, this literally is the definition of getting yourself into gear and just be like "Lol gg monster." They even added an accessory that gives you permanent Berserk along with a weapon in a new trait that grants you instant chaining attacks on the fly. Did Santa Claus do this? because this game sounds nuts and op hahaha.
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Well-Known Member
Yes the game is easier than the original, especially because wither and expose work on absolutely everything now. Enjoy seeing Yiazmat doing double digit damage. But hey, the trial mode exists for the challenge seekers, I am looking forward to the stage 100 judge battle.


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All 5, at once, massively powered up.

Its generally considered the hardest fight in the entire series.





Active Member
I always wanted to play the Zodiac Age version of FFXII. The job system and being able to speed up the game were the main reasons. Wasn't aware of all those other changes.


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All I gotta say is, have fun trying to take out Ghis first...

Well he is immune to all magic and he starts the battle with Great Barrier or something like that. (Not sure now) He was a pain when he casts Dispelga and he did hit pretty hard. Don't remember much though.


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!Big Fat Funny Ending Spoilers!

We already had Cindy, we have...


It's strange my Prompto makes a lot of butt pics of Gladio too. Actually exlusively of Gladio.

Later today it's the 10th in Japan. So get ready for the next Dissidia character! Come on, let it be Noctis. >__<


Premium Donor
!Big Fat Funny Ending Spoilers!

We already had Cindy, we have...


It's strange my Prompto makes a lot of butt pics of Gladio too. Actually exlusively of Gladio.

Later today it's the 10th in Japan. So get ready for the next Dissidia character! Come on, let it be Noctis. >__<
Lol I didn't read the spoiler but when I replied to this by quoting it, the cropped part says that apparently Prompto seems focused on taking pics of Gladio's butt. XD I also can't wait till the new character is announced!


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Lol I didn't read the spoiler but when I replied to this by quoting it, the cropped part says that apparently Prompto seems focused on taking pics of Gladio's butt. XD I also can't wait till the new character is announced!

Good it was the only thing you saw. Seriously, stay away from the spoilers. They'll ruin the ending for you.
I wished everyone in here would have already played the game, so that we can just casually talk about everything.

Here's another glitch out of the boundaries video. This time Insomnia:

Crazy, they modelled the complete thing... What a waste of time and effort, since players don't get to see any of that.



Well-Known Member
Here's another glitch out of the boundaries video. This time Insomnia:

Crazy, they modelled the complete thing... What a waste of time and effort, since players don't get to see any of that.
That waste is too much for me to handle. If you'll excuse me, I need a moment...



Well-Known Member
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!Big Fat Funny Ending Spoilers!

We already had Cindy, we have...


It's strange my Prompto makes a lot of butt pics of Gladio too. Actually exlusively of Gladio.

Later today it's the 10th in Japan. So get ready for the next Dissidia character! Come on, let it be Noctis. >__<

Word on the street is that everyone who's predicting Noctis, another FF7 character, or Seymour is way off, and it could be a character nobody wants or likes.

If this is true, then it'll most likely be Cait Sith, Kimahri Ronso, or worse yet... Zorn and Thorn from FF9.


Premium Donor
Word on the street is that everyone who's predicting Noctis, another FF7 character, or Seymour is way off, and it could be a character nobody wants or likes.

If this is true, then it'll most likely be Cait Sith, Kimahri Ronso, or worse yet... Zorn and Thorn from FF9.
If it's not Noctis I'll be bummed, I thought he was set in stone to be added in the game? Or was this the predicted date?


Well-Known Member
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Word on the street is that everyone who's predicting Noctis, another FF7 character, or Seymour is way off, and it could be a character nobody wants or likes.

If this is true, then it'll most likely be Cait Sith, Kimahri Ronso, or worse yet... Zorn and Thorn from FF9.

Why would they even do this? XD Just to troll?
So far only main characters of a FF (mainline or spin off) and the respective villain/antagonist were included in the game. I don't see why that would suddenly change.
Let's see...

If it's not Noctis I'll be bummed, I thought he was set in stone to be added in the game? Or was this the predicted date?

Noctis is confirmed to make it into Dissidia. The question is when though. ;)

That waste is too much for me to handle. If you'll excuse me, I need a moment...


Serah looks really off here. D:


Well-Known Member
Is anything other than a new dissidia character being revealed by square enix? Also I'm sure Noctis will get in at somepoint so I'm not worried about his inclusion.


Premium Donor
Is anything other than a new dissidia character being revealed by square enix? Also I'm sure Noctis will get in at somepoint so I'm not worried about his inclusion.
I hope his Alternative costume will be his casual one without the jacket, that's my favorite although i would like it more without the hat. I really can't wait to see his style and appearance, I hope he'll have weapon switch mechanic and that hang thing that lets him recover MP.


Well-Known Member
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I hope his Alternative costume will be his casual one without the jacket, that's my favorite although i would like it more without the hat. I really can't wait to see his style and appearance, I hope he'll have weapon switch mechanic and that hang thing that lets him recover MP.

I hope not! D:
It imo looks so dumb and out of place...

I'm rather hoping for his iconic Versus XIII trashbag:


Or the suit:


Since Amano and Nomura are doing the designs in Dissidia I can totally see Nomura taking one of his own designs as the alternate outfit.
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