

New Member
Ok, so I'm new here, and new to the DOA series as well. I'm not new to fighters, I play SF, Marvel, Persona, TTT2, etc, but I have no idea what I'm doing DOA5. I think I'm whiff punishing someone, yet while they're getting hit they counter It feels like they're getting rewarded for getting hit, which seems pretty stupid. I play Hitomi, I've been wanting to play her since the game was announced, and it seems like in order to not get countered you need to mix up your strings, but most of Hitomi's attacks are very straightforward and linear, so they're easy to counter, or sidestep, which is also frustrating. Also, it seems like she's got a bad matchup vs any ninja in this game. Seems like the ninjas are GODLIKE. I press a button, and they STILL beat my jab out even though I know I pressed it first. I need to figure out what strings are safe for Hitomi, what kind of strings could I use to mix up my offense, instead of her strings that mostly hit mid or high, and I need to know why everyone I play against can counter me while they're getting hit, but when I try it, the hold doesn't come out until after I'm done getting hit, and then I get hit some more for a whiffed hold. If I'm sounding noobish I'm sorry, like I said I'm new to this game, but I just don't understand what's going on with Hitomi. Is she low tier or something? I constantly lose to the Eliots, Kasumis, Kokoros, Hayabusas, Hayates, and Ayanes. I really don't want to drop Hitomi, so please, some help me, or at least point me in the right direction, I've never been this bad in any fighter before, and it's killing me. I MUST LEARN THIS GAME


Active Member
I feel ya man. I'm having the same problem with Mila. All of the ninjas aren't godlike anymore, but still pretty good. Personally I have a hard time with Hayate; his :3: :H+K: is so annoying.
But anyway, this is why a strategy guide comes in handy. If your having trouble with fast jabs like me. you need to sidestep alot... I mean like double sidestep moves sometime and also learn your crush attacks. If he is high jabbing, throw your :1: :P: to go under it.
If you feel like your opponent is being rewarded for getting hit, you should change that mind set. Hitomi moves are straight forward, but if you mix in her grab :6: :F+P: with your unholdable move :8: :K: . They should have a hard time with that.
Every time I get hit, I cruse the game, b/c I know if I don't guess right... I will be eating a big chunk of my life goodbye.
Hope that helped man.

... I just realized... your that guy everyone gets annoyed with on eventhubs, by always saying some crazy stuff about Tekken and Dead or Alive LOL.


New Member
Annoying or not, I say what I feel and believe, and I don't give a shit about what you or anyone thinks of it. On topic, I never knew about Hitomi having an unholdable move. I guess I do need to check out that guide. I'll remember about her :1::P:. I've tried sidestepping people mashing the punches, but they track and I get hit. Idk, I just need to spend a lot more time in the lab. There's so much I don't know. Unholdable moves??? Man I wish I knew that sooner. Hopefully the Hitomi thread on here gets updated soon, can't find any info on her besides her combos on doaworld. I did manage to beat a decent Sarah today, although in this game I can't tell if someone is good or if they're facerolling. Sigh.


Well-Known Member
Just avoid going for combos that put your opponents in critical stun. This is the only point where they can counter you mid combo. Think of it like TACs in Marvel 3.


DOA is a unique game and it needs time to adapt its flow and rules.One important thing is to learn which properties have moves on counter is a short list of advices.

-find moves with great range and good speed to reach your opponent and whiff punish.
At first it will be hard to properly block strings,there are many with low and they are often hard to react to at first.That's why if you're able to hit you opponent as soon as possible,you'll be in advantage.

-avoid to stay stationnary.
You'll have greater chance to minimize your opponent's offensive if you use freestepdodge ,especially if you're learning the crazy amount of mixups within strings.

-find moves with interesting properties or with what i call the "tetris" factor.
It will be hard at first to play with the stun/hold system.One thing you have to know is that beginners will often overuse holds.So how to avoid this?

-find moves that launch on counter hit,giving less chance to your opponent to hold.For example jann lee's :7::K:,:4::P::P::P:, wrong guess and you're rewarded with guaranteed damage.Use this as soon as you've confirmed a stun.It will force them to panic hold your first attempt.Then you'll only have to hi counter throw them for massive damage.So basically mix up with Throw /middle with interesting property(middle kick launcher/middle punch launcher)

-the tetris won't find this anywhere it's personnal ...:)String that hit straight forward.Mid mid mid mid.These strings are dangerousfor you.

Strings with different heights of hit are safer in a way..For example Hig mid low,mid high,low mid high etc...These short strings are hard to react to and hold.For example Gen Fu's :P+K: :P: :P: .Its a middle high mid .Useful to reach the threshold within stun.If they missed holding the first hit they probably won't be able to hold the second.So i'ts almost guaranteed for you,cancel the last one for a throw/launch mixup.

Other strings that are important are High mid,a more advanced player will only use mid/low hold and low hold avoid high leaving you in an akward position.So for example jann lee's :P::2::P:(high mid) has great chance to hit without being countered.If the first hit miss because of the low hold, the second will hit the crouch state.Use this if you'r not able to confirm the low hold for a low throw punish.So to speak strictly avoid Mid mid mid mid strings and strings with a late mid int it:jann lee's :P::P::P: :P:.

Many strings are hard to react and hold,so experiment,2/3 hits are perfect.

-throw punish.nothing to explain about it ,first way to punish guarded strings.

-find as much guaranteed set ups as you can to play around the stun game.

-learn strings to properly hold,some strings are telegraphed and quite easy to hold once practiced.Find the overused one by beginners and train with new tools provided.

There are other new interesting things like 2in1 strings,limbo stun,sit down stun that grant in theory guaranteed followups,still waiting my copy so ask members that are more familliar with it as Drdogg Rikuto etc... Once i experiment this i may be able to give a better insight.

This is a personnal view so feel free to correct me :).I hope it helped.

edit:if you want to use middles mix middle kick/punch up.DOA is a middle heavy game as any 3d fighteing game.


New Member
oh shit its illness690 aren't ur the clown i massacred yesterday and you cried sending hatemail? i was the eliot player who had his way with you ;)
Yeah, I remember you. You were the guy I fought that had a terrible connection and took advantage of that by mashing out the same string over and over again, and going for grabs as well. And if sending you a message asking you politely to get a better connection is hate mail, then I'm guilty as charged :) I also remember you replying to me asking you to get a better connection by saying "Shut up wimp." As I responded on psn, I see that your vocabulary has expanded I bit more. Kudos. After I sent you that message you became even more of an ass, still spamming the same stuff, and then constantly taunting like a 5 yr old. You have no sense of good sportsmanship, and you clearly do not know how to act civil. I could see if I actually sent you something that was hateful, but it was a polite suggestion, and you responded with insults, just like a typical online warrior. See, you're one of those idiots that has no life outside of videogames and spends all their time being an asshole on the internet simply because no one knows who you are. Being anonymous plus being having internet access brings out the ass in a lot of people it seems. So yeah, go ahead and brag about how you "trashed" me under a laggy connection by mashing out the same string constantly. It makes you look real smart and skillful. If you're gonna talk shit, you should tell the whole story, my fraudulent friend :) <3


New Member
Yeah, I remember you. You were the guy I fought that had a terrible connection and took advantage of that by mashing out the same string over and over again, and going for grabs as well. And if sending you a message asking you politely to get a better connection is hate mail, then I'm guilty as charged :) I also remember you replying to me asking you to get a better connection by saying "Shut up wimp." As I responded on psn, I see that your vocabulary has expanded I bit more. Kudos. After I sent you that message you became even more of an ass, still spamming the same stuff, and then constantly taunting like a 5 yr old. You have no sense of good sportsmanship, and you clearly do not know how to act civil. I could see if I actually sent you something that was hateful, but it was a polite suggestion, and you responded with insults, just like a typical online warrior. See, you're one of those idiots that has no life outside of videogames and spends all their time being an asshole on the internet simply because no one knows who you are. Being anonymous plus being having internet access brings out the ass in a lot of people it seems. So yeah, go ahead and brag about how you "trashed" me under a laggy connection by mashing out the same string constantly. It makes you look real smart and skillful. If you're gonna talk shit, you should tell the whole story, my fraudulent friend :) <3

Fight! Fight! Fight! Lol
Seriously I can see how someone can take offense to getting sent a message saying get a better connection. First off who says it's his connection? Secondly the only way to get a "better connection" is to upgrade your internet speed through your ISP. I'm not calling anyone poor but seeing as how bad the economy is right now most(financially savvy) people are trying their best to spend as little as possible on entertainment and more on necessitates. Third, It might be both of your connections or maybe DOA5's netcode in general. If you play with someone and there is severe lag just add em to your list of players you won't play. It is sad though, reading dontforkwithme's comment, assuming that it was a laggy match. Lagging and bragging don't mix.

As far as learning the game goes I feel your pain. My favorite fighting game is KOF13 but I never play it because there isn't a scene for it here and KOF's netcode is not so great. I also still play BBCSEX when i can find someone to play it with. I do feel that people are often awarded for mashing attack in this game(especially in lag). I still have a lot to learn though and as of now will continue playing this game. The best advice I can give you is down+punch is great tool against some spammers. Block a string then go for down+punch. It puts you in a crouching state, and it's a fairly fast attack. If the 2A connects go for either launcher or grab or another 2A if your sure the person is still mashing. Depending on your level of commitment to this game you might wanna go into practice for a while and learn the difference between your mids and high. Maybe it's just me but a lot of moves in this game that look like mids are actually highs. Hopefully I wasn't too long winded for you,Good Luck.


New Member
Fight! Fight! Fight! Lol
Seriously I can see how someone can take offense to getting sent a message saying get a better connection. First off who says it's his connection? Secondly the only way to get a "better connection" is to upgrade your internet speed through your ISP. I'm not calling anyone poor but seeing as how bad the economy is right now most(financially savvy) people are trying their best to spend as little as possible on entertainment and more on necessitates. Third, It might be both of your connections or maybe DOA5's netcode in general. If you play with someone and there is severe lag just add em to your list of players you won't play. It is sad though, reading dontforkwithme's comment, assuming that it was a laggy match. Lagging and bragging don't mix.

He specifically said what I sent him was hatemail, and it wasn't. I wasn't even mad. I also checked my connection, and it was 100%, and my connection is wired. So I know it wasn't me. Before I played him I hadn't had any laggy matches. As for your advice, thanks. Tons of people spam in this game, and lag makes it hard to counter. Im also learning, and I'll definitely be in the lab with Hitomi once I get off work tonight. Thanks for the advice.

As far as learning the game goes I feel your pain. My favorite fighting game is KOF13 but I never play it because there isn't a scene for it here and KOF's netcode is not so great. I also still play BBCSEX when i can find someone to play it with. I do feel that people are often awarded for mashing attack in this game(especially in lag). I still have a lot to learn though and as of now will continue playing this game. The best advice I can give you is down+punch is great tool against some spammers. Block a string then go for down+punch. It puts you in a crouching state, and it's a fairly fast attack. If the 2A connects go for either launcher or grab or another 2A if your sure the person is still mashing. Depending on your level of commitment to this game you might wanna go into practice for a while and learn the difference between your mids and high. Maybe it's just me but a lot of moves in this game that look like mids are actually highs. Hopefully I wasn't too long winded for you,Good Luck.


New Member
NP. oh yeah and don't forget to watch match vids if you have the time. I learned a great deal about BBCSEX from watching match vids. Wanna be pro? Watch a pro at work.


Well-Known Member
whiny trash

Funny how you left out the part calling me a button mashing scrub in that message u sent. face it you were outplayed outsmarted, and outmatched. u were constantly spamming counters and got fucked up for it no need to play the victim here, my connection is perfect and the match was fine, how else could i pull off those impeccable and skillfull juggles that laid waste to you as you desperately mashed random counters to prevent your utter destruction and failed miserably.

now im a reasonable guy and will attribute your animosity towards me at being frustrated at losing. learn from your mistakes, practice in sparring mode with the plethora of options and settings available to you, look for help from top hitomi players and seek their input.

most importantly don't forget to buy the DOA5 strategy guide by brian "Dr.dogg" dawson available at your local retail for as little as 19.99


New Member
Impeccable and skilled juggles? You mean PPPPPPP, with a little bit of K mixed in there? I don't know what you consider a perfect connection, but usually when there's lag, this isn't considered perfect. I wish I had a capture card so I could have recorded the matches and expose your bullshit, but arguing on the internet vs a internet troll gets you no where. Oh, and yeah I did call you a mashing scrub, forgot about that. But what you forgot to mention is that I called you that after you said shutup wimp. Wimp wimp wimp. Get your facts straight. The fact of the matter is, the connection was laggy, you mashed the same string constantly, then you came and talked unnecessary shit about laggy wins and lied about hatemail to make yourself look big and bad on a post I made asking for legit help in this game that had nothing to do with you whatsoever. Don't try and offer condescending advice, I don't want or need it from you. The people on here who aren't basement assholes have already helped me plenty, and I appreciate their help. Hit me up when you level up your internet service, I'd love a rematch when there's no lag.


New Member
Anyways I just want to say to all the people that responding helpfully, a BIG THANKS guys, with all this info I'm sure I'll learn this game in no time. I usually don't have a hard to learning a new fighter, this is the first time I've had a hard time, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.


This isn't DOAC guys. If you wanna smack talk each other, take it to a private convo.

Not that I'm against smack talk exactly, but it pollutes the public air. Time and a place, this isn't it.


Well-Known Member
Ninjas aren't godlike. They aren't that strong. But I need to check it.
I second that, with the exception of Ryu Hayabusa. Even though he's not AS bad as he use to be, he's not much lower than he was. I know he's a "grappler" which makes sense actually but at the same time he's not as much of a grappler as the rest because his ground grab oki is non-existent. He's evasive, just as he was before and at the same time he can get you from across the map. The nice thing is his 8k was frame nerfed so he doesn't have answer to everything anymore, making him revert too... a better version of Hayate if you will, better at mid to mid close range, with a large amount of options to come at you with, and once he does, you're gunna take it like a bitch, cause that's what Ryu Hayabusa's purpose is.

I also like that he has actual punch counters instead of straight up launches into the izuna drop too. <---THIS! Paired with his new Onygion options, ESPECIALLY his new combo grab, makes me want to pick him up myself, just because it's bad ass, and his air grab is bad ass too. So yea, Ryu is strong. Hayate is just about the same as he's always been except he can provide a bit more pressure with his Wind Dash. Kasumi and Ayane haven't changed. They just got more moves. Everyone else got new moves too and properties that work with the new stun system and side step system, for the most part.

I don't like DontForkwitMe's attitude, mostly because he brought outside arguments here... BUT he raises a good point. DrDogg supposedly wrote a 5 star guide that I'm waiting to be able to pick up. If you get that guide, you'll start to understand DOA a bit quicker, and be able to apply those ideas to any fighting game you play.

and most of all... follow matsu's advice. Learn all of your combos. All of them. Find out what hit levels they hit at, find out if the tech jump, tech crouch, or hit as a true mid(vertically/from the air to the ground, like Ryu hayabusa's 3P+K or Hayate's 3H+K). All of these basic concepts are part of the foundation of Dead or Alive. Once you understand them, then you'll be able to grow as a player in this game.

You're on the PSN? Add me and I'll train with you if you like. I've got some friends I play with also who have been at this a bit longer, so we can fight with them too, it'll be a broader experience for you, because when I practice a character, I stick with that character for awhile before branching out.


New Member
I'm not really well versed with hitomi, i am however extremely good at Ein. That being said Ein was basically a mix up punisher into strong attacks or grabs.

Some combos i know hitomi can do

:P::P::6::P::K:, good after you launch someone.
:P::P::2::K::K:, notice your not holding down, you'll go low then back to up, can't remember if it his mid or high though, good for catching people off guard though.
:1::K::6::P::2::K:, actually don't know if she has this or not to be honest, think i saw someone do it lol.(and its variations)

and always, ALWAYS punish counters with :3::3::h:(throw), in fact, make them counter, then go straight into that grab, especially when there near a wall, nothing is more satisfying than watching Ein/Hitomi go Agent Smith on someone.


New Member
Tell that to the guy who started the whole thing by coming and posting smack talk on a thread that was asking for help.