Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread


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GGs to @SweetRevenge117. First time playing you and we played 15 games and I did get destroyed but by playing a better player i'll improve. Hopefully you can show me some stuff with Gen Fu when you get the chance.


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OMG I remember that @Awesmic @SlothFacts .. NO you have no IDEA the other side of this story... Like in that lobby not just me, and sky.. But everyone wanted him to leave. It was no offense to him. Him saying "i'm one of the best player ever " "you only won because my controller died" etc etc. Like every damn time and said that we was all mashing and being super cheap for doing the same move over and over again. like you have no idea how much he was complaining before I started talking trash.
I see...

Well, @My Babenapes, how do you explain this?


Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I see...

Well, @My Babenapes, how do you explain this?

Oh i might add.. what he says is true that he said i might have provoked him with "my controller die" but @Awesmic he didnt say the nice *sarcastic tone* couple of words he put infront of "my controller died" .. Don't get me wrong I can see being a little salty online if your controller dies and you lose a match, but come on I waited like good round for time to run out. its online people are waiting for their turn they dont got time to wait a whole 3 minutes for you to get batteries. Than you lose and say "you are garbage and a coward you only beat me because you took advantage of my controller dieing." even tho I waited a good minute i mean a time out happen on a round on me waiting.. on a 99 second rule Lobby. He literally raged quit against a helena player because he was spaming one move that was really easy to counter. Came back and complained said "i quit because i aint going to play even tho i can easly beat such and such. Because its dumb and cheap I ain't going to play cheap players"... like trust me he was really messing up the vibe of the whole lobby. come on @Awesmic you know me better than @SlothFacts you should know I dont start anything it takes a lot of stuff to get me annoyed, but you can tell why Skydawned was booting him out the lobby like 8 times. Think about if he was booted more than like 3 times and whole lobby didnt want him in there. You should be able to tell he really just trying to start stuff and give people bad names.


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Oh i might add.. what he says is true that he said i might have provoked him with "my controller die" but @Awesmic he didnt say the nice *sarcastic tone* couple of words he put infront of "my controller died" .. Don't get me wrong I can see being a little salty online if your controller dies and you lose a match, but come on I waited like good round for time to run out. its online people are waiting for their turn they dont got time to wait a whole 3 minutes for you to get batteries. Than you lose and say "you are garbage and a coward you only beat me because you took advantage of my controller dieing." even tho I waited a good minute i mean a time out happen on a round on me waiting.. on a 99 second rule Lobby. He literally raged quit against a helena player because he was spaming one move that was really easy to counter. Came back and complained said "i quit because i aint going to play even tho i can easly beat such and such. Because its dumb and cheap I ain't going to play cheap players"... like trust me he was really messing up the vibe of the whole lobby. come on @Awesmic you know me better than @SlothFacts you should know I dont start anything it takes a lot of stuff to get me annoyed, but you can tell why Skydawned was booting him out the lobby like 8 times. Think about if he was booted more than like 3 times and whole lobby didnt want him in there. You should be able to tell he really just trying to start stuff and give people bad names.


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And apologies to @ToKyo PewPew seems our connections didn't want us to play lol

No worries, maybe next time :)

So late at this evening, I finally managed to find a lobby where everyone had a decent connection and was able to play a couple of nice matches. It was fun, but only until this Jann Lee guy joined. In the first match, he won clearly against me, the second match you can see below:

I was about writing "good game(s)" and a compliment about his Jann Lee after this fight, but then he wrote ...


Yeah sorry that I'm neither a The-kasumi-button-masher-number-one type of player, nor a combo master à la Allan Paris or Shade Swifteye ... therefore, bad games to you and thanks for spoiling my remaining evening.
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Kasumi is a rushdown character, forcing you into holds or blocks to counteract her speed and aggression. This makes it easier to open people up with her for grabs than grapplers and the such. Her 33T and 236T are insanely powerful throws for how easy it is to open people up with her.

TL;DR: He's wrong. I've run into itachi a few times before....


Well-Known Member
Itachi told me as i used Bayman i should use more Combos and less tankrolls xD
Then i played Christie and he was sayin always sidestep lol XD
He is great with JL Combos but he have not really any idea how mind gamed based
this game is.

Side note, not meant to derail, just have to respond to this.

"use more combos" (usually followed by some kind of attempt at an insult, either "faggot" or "scrub" or both.)

I get told that a lot. When I'm using Leon (DOA). Or Sheeva (MK). or Alex (SF). Or Potempkin (GG).

Why the FUCK do I/You do I need combos with a power/grapple character? Lot of people just do not comprehend that when only 1-3 hits can floor you for a ton of damage, combos aren't really a necessity anymore lol.

My Babenapes

Active Member
I see...

Well, @My Babenapes, how do you explain this?

Actually this is completely untrue. I never said anything that BBoy has "quoted" me on. All I ever said was my controller died and an argument sparked from that. The fact that you are making this many quotes up from something that happened weeks ago is astounding to me. If you are going to say something in forums about another player, at least say something that is mildly true. Never did I say "I'm the best player ever", "I can beat such and such", and I never called any player "garbage". I don't need to explain myself for the falsely claimed remarks and I most definitely will not be continuing this argument on the forums. If you want to pretend that this is how it happened, then go ahead. You and Sky were directly targeting me. P.S. - my controller's battery pack and/or batteries at the time were not working properly, which caused my controller to disconnect on multiple occasions.

Don't try and quote me ever again without knowing exactly what I said to the point.

Btw, until you brought up these false claims, I had completely forgot about this situation and had moved on.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Actually this is completely untrue. I never said anything that BBoy has "quoted" me on. All I ever said was my controller died and an argument sparked from that. The fact that you are making this many quotes up from something that happened weeks ago is astounding to me. If you are going to say something in forums about another player, at least say something that is mildly true. Never did I say "I'm the best player ever", "I can beat such and such", and I never called any player "garbage". I don't need to explain myself for the falsely claimed remarks and I most definitely will not be continuing this argument on the forums. If you want to pretend that this is how it happened, then go ahead. You and Sky were directly targeting me. P.S. - my controller's battery pack and/or batteries at the time were not working properly, which caused my controller to disconnect on multiple occasions.

Don't try and quote me ever again without knowing exactly what I said to the point.

Btw, until you brought up these false claims, I had completely forgot about this situation and had moved on.
At this point, I dunno who to believe.