Halloween Designer Challenge 2015


Well-Known Member
As for Ein...
I imagine the face mask would be removed if TN picked this thoughs cool as Ein looks with Hayate's masks that's also the problem.

ES seems to like the asymetrical sleeve thing, personally I'd have both sleeves rolled up but that's me.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor

Nice one, but where's the Halloween theme? :/

There are many costumes this time around, that I don't consider a costume for Halloween. It seems nearly all ideas are exhausted. (People resubmitting their old works to the latest contest, doesn't help either. We have a dozen Snake Queen Christies, Super Girl Tinas, Succubus Nyotengus and Magical Girl Marie Roses now.)
People seem, just like me, already saturated with this kind of costumes. Even more, now that we get the super hero and super villain costumes. I really hope, they make one more contest for casual costumes in the near future. :/

Candy Dragon

Well-Known Member
@Tyaren this is my exact concern. Whilst I'm happy with my Nyotengu entries, my one concern is they may not be "Halloween" enough. I think my pirate Momiji is fine however. I'm also in the middle of a design for Hitomi that I think fits perfectly with the theme.
But like you said, people are running out of ideas for this theme that don't already repeat what has already been submitted or created.
I have far more ideas for casual costumes. I'm hoping too that we get another casual costume competition. We should all just bombard TN with requests for a casual contest :p


Well-Known Member
If your character is wearing something unusual, then it's halloween themed! So I think your dragon Nyotengu is fine. That costume for Ein does look like something he'd normally wear though, aside from the mask :p

And I thought my Alpha entry was bizarre but this guy took weird to a whole new level lol

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Well-Known Member
I was trying to get a link up to a larger image but I couldn't. The images that I sent to TN were much larger so I am not sure why they are so small here. Maybe in the future TN will upload them to their website or something and then you can see them in better quality.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to get a link up to a larger image but I couldn't. The images that I sent to TN were much larger so I am not sure why they are so small here. Maybe in the future TN will upload them to their website or something and then you can see them in better quality.

You can use the upload function but it's okay don't worry, I was just asking it because I wanted be sure that you didn't get problems with sending an high resolution version to them (otherwise I would have tried to give you an help) =)


Well-Known Member
You can use the upload function but it's okay don't worry, I was just asking it because I wanted be sure that you didn't get problems with sending an high resolution version to them (otherwise I would have tried to give you an help) =)

Thanks, I'll try more when I have more time to upload larger images.


Well-Known Member
No problem @Jadeinchains, I just started to use the attachments in the recent times me too =)

And also... why everyone beside me is able to draw in a good way simple and smart designs?! xD
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Well-Known Member
They are very good. Especially Lion Lisa.

Pierrot Helena is a great idea too. That's funny!
I love it.
- French culture (well Italian theater too)
- represents sadness, melancoly, poetry
- way different than Helena's previous "dark" Halloween costumes
- sexy enough if TN decides to make that suits even thigher
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