Help! - No one join´s my room!

Da Senzai

New Member

I am new to this game and I have a very annoying problem! Whenever I create a online lobby noone ever joins it and it is makes me crazy! I do not know what the problem is.

I use these settings and I am on PS4
4 Players
Solo Fight
3 Rounds
3+ Connection

I have Nat type 2 and my Internet Connection is 80/30 MB.

It is impossible to become better and enjoy this game, when no one join my room. I can join other players room fine, but it seems people keeps making 8 man-rooms, so I have to wait forever, before it is my turn and then I loose and have to wait a long time again. That is no fun. So I want to make my own for 4 people, but I do not understand why no one joins:

Do you know what the problem is?

My friend who is from Denmark like me, when he creates a room, people joins right away.

The problem might be on my end, but I do not know what is wrong.

Maybe it is because I am E+ rank and that makes people not join? But that seems unlikely.

Thanks for your help. I really want to enjoy this game, but it is very hard, when no one joins.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Check if your internet provider gives you IPv6 adresses. You may have to ask them to change it to an IPv4 adress (shouldn't be a problem) in order to make your lobby visible for others.
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Well-Known Member
i'm from asia so it's nearly impossibe to play with U.S and europe friend without lag ..sorry


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Thanks for your suggestion.

According to then I have IPv4

Mhm ... I guess you have applied the latest patch? If so, I don't see any technical reason why it shouldn't be possible to join for someone. You may just have to be just patient when you're creating your own, people somehow don't like joining that much on normal life settings and 60 seconds time limit. 3+ connection should be also ok. Some also seem to be afraid of 1vs1 games, that's why you will get more players very quickly as soon as there are more than one. If you want, I can hit you up on PSN since you're from Denmark, so we could test if your lobby is at least visible in the list.

Da Senzai

New Member
That would be wonderful!

I´ll add you as an friend and then if we happen to be online at the same time, It would help a lot i you see if you can see my lobby, when Searching for "any" lobby ^_^

Da Senzai

New Member
Awright! Thanks to Tokyo_PewPew I found out why no one joins!

It appears, that when I make a Lobby, then my lobby show no bars! So if my critiria is 3+ bars, then no one can join the lobby.

If I set to any, then people can join, but no one will, because, when they can not see bars, then it looks like we will have bad connection!

So....erhmm... How do I get to show my beautiful bars!`?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Awright! Thanks to Tokyo_PewPew I found out why no one joins!

It appears, that when I make a Lobby, then my lobby show no bars! So if my critiria is 3+ bars, then no one can join the lobby.

If I set to any, then people can join, but no one will, because, when they can not see bars, then it looks like we will have bad connection!

So....erhmm... How do I get to show my beautiful bars!`?

As said, can you upload a screenshot from your PS4 Network status (make it via mobile phone from the screen or so)? You'll find these in the settings.

Edit: Thanks, got it.
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Well-Known Member
The problem is not many people playing it and pretty much dead. Best thing to do is create private matches. Nothing wrong with your internet or anything.


Well-Known Member
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The problem is not many people playing it and pretty much dead. Best thing to do is create private matches. Nothing wrong with your internet or anything.

Nah, there are like 6 lobbies online right now that contain 4 players or more. To each of those, he should have a very good connection, since he has 5 bar with me. Lack of players isn't the problem, really not.
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Da Senzai

New Member
Yeah, there are always plenty of people online, and when my friend creates a lobby, then people Join right away.

I heard something about enabling ICMP, but I am not quite sure how go about that.

I´ll try some googling.


Well-Known Member
Nah, there are like 6 lobbies online right now that contain 4 players or more. To each of those, he should have a very good connection, since he has 5 bar with me. Lack of players isn't the problem, really not.
This depends on time when you are on. If it early in the morning you might not see many people, but still connection is not the issue here. This only game where one would have to wait long for someone to join which can take 1 minute or can take up to 10 minutes which why most just join other lobbies.


Active Member
I wouldn't say the problem is mainly in the amount of players (especially now that the game is still "fresh" on the new formats, it's easy to find opponents), but at the same time I wouldn't say it has no relevance at all.

Compared to past titles like DoA4 on Xbox360 (where you could still find lobbies even 7+ years after the game's launch) the user base is probably larger if we look at the total number, but it's also very very split.
Users who bought DoA5 vanilla maybe didn't buy Ultimate/LR. PSV Users are basically alone now.
Then you have PS2, X360 and now XO and PS4. Soon we will have PC too.
Without cross play, once the game won't be "fresh" anymore, it might be a problem to find opponents, especially with the crappy Ranked matches that do not tell you how many fights are ongoing at a certain moment (to give you an idea if other people are really playing or not), it just keeps you there waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting.
Getting rank ups in Ranked it's hard exactely because of that: it's hard to find opponents.

Lobbies situation is a bit better thankfully.

Still, the netcode used for DoA5 uses some strange tunneling. Sometimes I play better with people from overseas than with people who live 30 metres from me and use the same ISP and we both have good connections (judging from
It's strange.
It's like the connection between players isn't straight, but passes through some other "something" in between, and the result is that it slows down players who are physically closer and hence should have a lower latency/better experience.

It wasn't like this on DoA4, but I think this is because PART of the load of lobby rooms was on XBL servers, whereas other parts were handled directly player-to-player.
Either way, it's useless to whine. Not like whining is going to change anything, and overall it seems to me PS4 has a slightly better netcode than the original PS3 Vanilla used to have (or maybe I'm just biased, can't tell for sure)


Active Member
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It does seem a lot quieter than I'd expected, in terms of players. It's a shame but I think the above poster is correct in that the userbase has been splintered. The shambles of the EU release hasn't helped either. Even in the busiest part of the UK day I can just sit there for ages on a ranked match search and just get the same person who keeps declining anyway.


New Member
I have the same problem with the lobby :(
in general when I try to find enemies it takes so much time. For Tag Battle I basically find no one...
With the throwdown-option I get like 1-2 single battles per Acarde I'm doing, which is ok
But still it is not really satisfying :(
I live in Berlin not in Antarctica....


Well-Known Member
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What does your NAT type say when you select online from the main menu?


Active Member
I wonder if I have the same issue (with people seeing my lobby at zero bars and hence being unable to enter).
My nat type says "type 2".
I kinda stopped creating lobbies because nobody ever enters unless I invite them manually.


Well-Known Member
Mostly all nat types will be type 2. Though you don't want nat type 3 as it restricted and nat type 1 isn't easy to get. Though enabling DMZ might help.


Well-Known Member
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The only time I couldn't join someone's lobby was when his NAT type said 3 and mine was 2 as usual. I had to plug the internet cable from my modem into the ps3 instead of the router, that's how I changed into type 1 and I was able to play with him. I think I've read it somewhere that type 2 is the most common, type 1 can play with everyone and type 3 can only play with 1s and 3s. I might be wrong though.


New Member
I definitely have issues finding ranked matches on PS4. I can be sitting in training with throwdowns on and sometimes it hangs and never finds a match. On Xbox One I actually get a decent amount of throwdowns. It's odd because PS4 has the bigger community.