hold-resistant string starters?


Well-Known Member
Are there any other hold-resistant strikes that start a string, outside of Hayabusa's WR 4KK / WR 4KP (and also Mai's multi hitting 214P+K or Alpha's on hit 7KK/7KP/7KH in a twisted way)?
Hold resistant strikes are specific strikes that when held correctly will not directly damage the opponent, but instead an evasive invincible movement animation will replace it e.g. happens when you hold Leifang's shoulder (3P+K).


Premium Donor
From the characters I use:
☆Her 6KKKKP and 2P+K~P start a string but it will only be evasive held at max distance when only the wind will hit, it jails if hits on block and normal hit but the first actual mid punch is holdable.

☆KKK4K...the 4K will be evasive held but it doesn't start a string except near a wall where it causes a splat. It knocks down otherwise.

☆7K~6 on hit


☆9P~K~6 if I recall correctly



☆I THINK BT H+K results in a evade hold and it starts a string.


Active Member
Also, holding environmental Buddha slam causes the automatic evasion
:bradwong:Handstand :H+K: - not a string, but multihit
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So suddenly people don't want to share tech because they're concerned about the integrity of the PC version's online scene?

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Active Member
There should be a deep concern for the community (even PC no matter how small) when someone is actively trying to make it shittier for "the lulz". Toss your opinions aside for a moment on the PC version and see how this impacts other people. It is downright annoying and rude. But, most people by now, I would hope, know to just skip bot users and never allow them the satisfaction of their stunt. But maybe for first time encounters, a new friend trying to get into the game on PC encounters these shitters and has to think to himself "What kind of community did I come into?" It immediately turns them off. You can say other games have bots, well guess what the ratio between non-bots and bot players is much larger due to the fact there are more people to play in those communities. DoA is small and even smaller on PC. You might run into 4-5 people a night and if one of them is a bot that fucking sucks, dude.


So suddenly people don't want to share tech because they're concerned about the integrity of the PC version's online scene?


I think it has more to do with playability over integrity.

Personally I've never even run into his bot, but it happens enough that it's annoyed others and soured their experiences. Not exactly beneficial to anyone except those running it. I do think we have to face the fact that if the bot was truly done "for science" there would have been zero need to release it to the public. It was released for other reasons, and we should at least be willing to accept that much.


Premium Donor
So suddenly people don't want to share tech because they're concerned about the integrity of the PC version's online scene?

I don't mind sharing at all XD I love sharing findings, I just don't wanna be an asset to something that's being used for a negative purpose. All I gotta say is I'm glad Wazaaa didn't do this bot shit on console...

And yeah I agree with CM about skipping users, but that's gonna become harder and harder for a number of reasons:
☆More players are joining PC everyday
☆there's plenty of players who have alternative accounts and can use those for more bots
☆The temptation of being able to rank whore a perfect rank just by using a bot that's easily accessible for everyone will consume quite a bit of people
☆The number of users using the bot increases slowly but steadily
☆Players who lose to a bot multiple times will have a good chance of turning to the aid of the bot themselves as a way to preserve their dignity and possibly exact revenge so they won't feels like the victim anymore

The occurrence of fighting these bots are also becoming more frequent too, Rojikku uploaded a video earlier I believe where he himself encountered one. 0_o


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
☆The number of users using the bot increases slowly but steadily
There's a steady rise in bot users? Really seems like just a handful of people.

I do think we have to face the fact that if the bot was truly done "for science" there would have been zero need to release it to the public. It was released for other reasons, and we should at least be willing to accept that much.
No reason to let the community experiment with it for themselves and possibly discover interesting tech/ functions that WAZAAAAA wouldn't have considered to test himself? I would argue otherwise. Honestly, I don't see any other reason to release it. It's not like WAZAAAAA directly benefits from watching YT videos of other people using his bot to scrub through random opponents.


Premium Donor
There's a steady rise in bot users? Really seems like just a handful of people.
It may seem low now but I've looked in the members online sections at the guests...alot of them view Wazaaaa's bot thread and once more players see how they can easily replicate it, they'll do the same. Why play online fairly and risk getting fucked up by an unfair boss when you can use a bot to counter that and win for you?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the good examples @KasumiLover69 and @AlexXsWx, they really helped.

But well, if you really want to know, yes it was to enhance my bot. Looking for a solution for that category of strikes has been a pretty funny learning experience so far, I've got some new tech in the process.

The most tricky to deal with moves I've found were:
- Helena's hold resistant guard breaks, especially her H+K. That thing tracks, guard breaks with advantage, avoids lows for several frames, it's the only cancellable hold resistant guard break (on block+on hit+on whiff) in the game I've found so far (with 11), which, if held correctly does NOT guarantee a punish because of the ability to cancel into Bokuho stance so the punish must be guessed (that is if you even have the reflexes required to understand the situation in such a short time at all).

- Bass' 3P+KT is dirty. The blockstun of 3P+K is so insanely long that the opponent can't crouch the throw followup, unless he fuzzy guards! This is the clearest example of how stupid it is to have a mechanic that slows down the transition from stand block to crouch block in DOA.
Trying to punish the T after holding 3P+K using Hayabusa's 7K (also 9K and 7P) will not work even though Bass is not using an OH! That hugging throw is the only throw in the game that targets JUMP and STANDING targets at the same time, and Hayabusa's 7K happens to have some air frames so he will get beaten.
Let's not forget that's his -6 on block CB too, which causes a crumple stun (aka not stagger escapable+forces the opponent to the ground, option selects let's go) even on normal hit, which guarantees 2T ground pickups if not Tech Rolled too, and maybe even Unholdables in case of Tech Roll if you look deep enough.
Very easily the best CB in the game.

- Kasumi's 9PKP+K. Double guard breaking airborne hold resistant strikes, with insane reach, safety, a sitdown stun, and tons of air frames? Sign me the fuck up.

- Hayabusa's while rising 4K and its followups. Everyone knows how good this move is, but holding it teached me something new. Holding the wr4K9P and trying to punish the 9P has weird effects. No matter how hard I tried, but that 9P either avoided my attacks entirely or I could do bad punishes with pathetic damage at most. I think I'm going to use wr4K9P as a round ender during stuns every single time from now on lol

^none of these tricky moves can be easily strike or throw punished after being held.

I do think we have to face the fact that if the bot was truly done "for science" there would have been zero need to release it to the public. It was released for other reasons, and we should at least be willing to accept that much.
If I happen to be the only one with access to a program's source code, it could be ANY program even malware, I'll release the source code immediately no questions asked, because of the slight chance that somebody may be interested in the programming side of things and use it as a learning example, which is always good in my book.

^that, and Izunas are fucking dope yo

There's a steady rise in bot users? Really seems like just a handful of people.
It's the same guy over and over again. This is literally the 3rd video I see of him. He's just blowing that shit way out of proportion as usual.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's the same guy over and over again. This is literally the 3rd video I see of him. He's just blowing that shit way out of proportion as usual.
Yan Yan, right? He's the one in every video I see, but I haven't exhaustively scoured the net so I'm not sure if the guy uses multiple accounts or anything.


Premium Donor
Thank you for the good examples @KasumiLover69 and @AlexXsWx, they really helped.

But well, if you really want to know, yes it was to enhance my bot. Looking for a solution for that category of strikes has been a pretty funny learning experience so far, I've learned some new tech in the process.

The most tricky to deal with moves I've found were:
- Helena's hold resistant guard breaks, especially her H+K. That thing tracks, guard breaks with advantage, avoids lows for several frames, it's the only cancellable hold resistant guard break (on block+on hit+on whiff) in the game I've found so far (with 11), which, if held correctly does NOT guarantee a punish because of the ability to cancel into Bokuho stance so the punish must be guessed (that is if you even have the reflexes required to understand the situation in such a short time at all).

- Bass' 3P+KT is dirty. The blockstun of 3P+K is so insanely long that the opponent can't crouch the throw followup, unless he fuzzy guards! This is the clearest example of how stupid it is to have a mechanic that slows down the transition from stand block to crouch block in DOA.
Trying to punish the T after holding 3P+K using Hayabusa's 7K will not work even though Bass is not using an OH! That hugging throw is the only throw in the game that targets JUMP and STANDING targets at the same time, and Hayabusa's 7K happens to have some air frames so he will get beaten.
Let's not forget that's his -6 on block CB too, which causes a crumple stun (aka not stagger escapable+forces the opponent to the ground) even on normal hit, which guarantees 2T ground pickups if not Tech Rolled too, and maybe even Unholdables in case of Tech Roll if you look deep enough.

- Kasumi's 9PKP+K. Double guard breaking airborne hold resistant strikes, with insane reach, safety, a sitdown stun, and tons of air frames? Sign me the fuck up.

- Hayabusa's while rising 4K and its followups. Everyone knows how good this move is, but holding it teached me something new. Holding the wr4K9P and trying to punish the 9P has weird effects. No matter how hard I tried, but that 9P either avoided my attacks entirely or I could do bad punishes with pathetic damage at most. I think I'm going to use wr4K9P as a round ender during stuns every single time from now on lol

^none of these tricky moves can be easily strike or throw punished after being held.

If I happen to be the only one with access to a program's source code, it could be ANY program even malware, I'll release the source code immediately no questions asked, because of the slight chance that somebody may be interested in the programming side of things and use it as a learning example, which is always good in my book.

^that, and Izunas are fucking dope yo

It's the same guy over and over again. This is literally the 3rd video I see of him. He's just blowing that shit way out of proportion as usual.
Blowing it out of proportion my ass Wazaaa, there's more than one guy using it and you know it. You're just downplaying your devil's advocacy as usual, fuck your bot.

Yan Yan is likely the main culprit but I'm pretty sure others use it too and most have evaded being outed and exposed for it.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yan Yan is likely the main culprit but I'm pretty sure others use it too and most have evaded being outed and exposed for it.
Then how come this one guy has been outed a bunch of times and all of these other unspecified guys have evaded it every time?

I doubt anyone thinks only one person has ever used it, but some people are making it out to be some kind of epidemic, and it really seems to be a small handful of people whose tags you could easily note and avoid. Sure, they could start over with a new name, but what's the point? After a single match with the new account, everyone can identify him. He'd never climb any ranks and he'd be stuck restarting over and over again.

It's really only a grave problem if you're concerned with every so often losing one match undeservedly, which happens due to lag or other extraneous circumstances anyway. The bot would be a huge problem if the PC version had lobbies, as you'd have to consistently shut them down/boot the user since most are winner-stays. But with only Ranked mode available, it just doesn't seem all that oppressive. Just slightly annoying.


Well-Known Member
Genras projectles are hold resistant. So is his tyrant 3p,4p, and 2p, leaves him wide open though, so try not to let that happen.


Well-Known Member
Yan Yan, right? He's the one in every video I see, but I haven't exhaustively scoured the net so I'm not sure if the guy uses multiple accounts or anything.

Hacks or best doa player? [STEAM DOA5LR]

Dead Or Alive 5:Last Round

Rojikku gets owned by Hacker on DOA5LR PC!


Active Member
The number of bot users I have come across is around 3 at the moment. Most are within the European region and I only search the NA region so I don't encounter them. I haven't fought Yan Yan so I don't know where he is. They were some Hayabusas and then the first guy (from what I know) to enable the half-bot thing and used it for Naotora. The name was Alexei or something like that.

They aren't really running rampant but it seems people are fed up with this Yan Yan and the bot as a whole and are publicizing it more now. It is annoying and rude. Refer to my earlier post for my opinions.