Hopefully It won't be five more years..

Memories HD

Aside from Dead or Alive: Dimensions on the 3DS, what other plans do you have for the series?
Dimensions was designed to show the history of the series. If you play through the game you’ll see a message from Team Ninja that says the Dead or Alive series will continue. We’re not ready now, but when we can we will show you the next game.
Are you actively designing the next Dead or Alive? You also have Ninja Gaiden and Ni-Oh on the table too.
Team Ninja grew and is quite large now. We can handle multiple projects simultaneously. The order of the titles that will be released goes something like this Ninja Gaiden 3, Ni-Oh, and Dead or Alive. But, we won’t make fans wait long for Dead or Alive!
I'm sure most of everyone has already seen this on doacentral, just thought I'd share it on Fsd.

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
I don't think it will take another 5 years for a new DOA game to come out. I believe that we will start to see some footage of the game at next years E3.

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
I Highly doubt it. They haven't even started production on the game yet.

True but because team ninja is quite large now than before, they can work on multiple projects and it won't be too long until they start working on the next DOA.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Just because they haven't announced it doesn't mean they haven't started production.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The obvious time frame to announce their next game, likely to be DOA, would be during E3 2012. Ninja Gaiden 3 comes out a few months prior in the spring and they would not want to take away attention from that. Maybe we'll get another teaser ala Kasumi in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 in NG3 but that's all I would expect to see until at least E3.


Well-Known Member
Agree, its likely to be E32012. Hopefully with a short lead to a launch before end of year 2012.
They COULD conceivably reveal something at Tokyo Game Show in September, but as grap3 pointed out, it may take shine off NG3.
If they really are a big team that can handle multiple major games, we could be surprised but I'm not crossing my fingers or toes just yet.

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
From what I've heard, Ni-Oh is apparently coming out sometime in June/July time next year. And DOA5 should be coming soon after.


Well-Known Member
You would think DoA would take priority over some new IP that hasn't been mentioned since like E3 2007.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
But those fans have been waiting for four years! We've already had Dead or Alive Paradise AND Dead or Alive Dimensions. Share the love.