How important is a game's story to you?


The argument there is simply that Kasumi is a crap character from the ground up, it's not really an issue with story in general.

Though as it so happens, I do know a young lady who swears blind she sees herself in Kasumi (more her attitude, not so much the ninja clones thing) and I know someone else who relates (or at least says they do) to Tira in Soulcalibur. Personally, though I wouldn't say I ''indentify'' with any of them to any extent, I do appreciate the DOA characters' personalities and I do wish they would expand on some of them further. If anything the ones that are the least interesting are also the ones which have yet to be properly explained (they really do need to expand Leifang beyond "stalks Jann Lee").

The Tira one I could understand if your friend happens to have similar mental issues. It's difficult to find fictional characters with those, so it becomes easy to relate. Kasumi though? Seriously?

Prince Adon

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People have to realize that most of these characters are typical for the Japanese. All the Japanese characters are pretty much based off of typical popular anime style, and the western characters are pretty much stereotypes. I wouldn't go as far as to say you wouldn't be able to relate to any of the characters, though. It depends on how you look at it.

Ayane for example. I can understand if someone say they can relate to her. I mean the way she were born, and outcast happens to people everyday actually.But anyone who says they relate to Kasumi is pretty funny. Unless they calling themselves a pampered spoiled brat who selfishly ran from there duty to search for her brother, who should be strong enough to handle himself, but is obviously a pansy.

Anyway who say they can relate to Lei Fang is just creepy. Jann Lee? If you're Anderson Silva I might believe you.


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I know someone else who relates (or at least says they do) to Tira in Soulcalibur.
Even to the point where she does naughty things off-screen to a gullible young woman, or so is implied? I'd love to meet her! =P

But seriously, minus the whole assassin thing, I think I can relate to Christie. She reminds me a lot of my babysitter when I was little... even has the same name.


New Member
I appreciate story. It gives me something to think about (aside from the fighting).

As for Kasumi, how can anyone not like her? She's such a good girl, going out to kill her uncle who turned her brother into a vegetable. I wish my sister cared enough to avenge me, even if it meant she'd be hunted down.

Anyway, I view characters more as partners, and I don't really feel the need to identify with them. But then it gets weird because sometimes you want to do your partner. I guess that's why I play females and characters like Hwoarang in fighting games...


Well-Known Member
Funnily enough, i used to LOVE the story for King of Fighters. There was virtually none in the game, but the outside material was exciting. Then they started the whole Ash thing . . .


Well-Known Member
Story is completely irrelevant in a fighting game. I would even go so far as to say a "developed" story is completely detrimental. The less ambiguous your relationship is to a character, the harder it becomes to identify with them and want to play as them. You only need a "hint" of their personality to want to play them, and that's it.

Nobody, regardless of what they say, is going to identify with Kasumi. You are not a runaway ninja with loads of clones and siblings who keep trying to kill you.

I totally agree with you. That's why I really liked DOA2, Helena's personality/past was what made me fall in love with her.

Another example is the elevator scene. You may think it's stupid and it doesn't make any sense, but I really like it.
To be honest, after playing DOA5's story mode, I'd rather have a DOA2 Story mode-like in DOA6.

But some scenes in DOA5 were really nice/cute/funny.


Well-Known Member
Ahhaha, i forgot about that scene. It made me laugh how Lei Fang just came out of nowhere, next thing you know, it's ROUND ONE! FIGHT! lol


Active Member
The story itself is unimportant, but I appreciate something more fleshed out than just "arcade". SoulCalibur's unlock system greatly appealed to my OCD. Note: I haven't played MK, though it looked like it could be a great time killer too and everyone seems to love it.


Active Member
I love games having stories. One of the reasons I choose characters I want to play as is their personality and background. I didn't get much of the story pre dimensions, but after that it was so much better knowing the characters. When the DoA5 story mode videos were leaked, I watched it in english dub on youtube, and it made me feel a variety of things. There were epic scenes, cute scenes, and scenes that disappointed me ( why did Hitomi come second??) and at the end of it all, it felt like a jumbled mess. Later playing it a home with tons of friends made it so much better, and then it went from with is this to wanting to play it again.


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I think stories "help" the game as far as sales & interest in the series, but I don't care about them. Look at MK9's story mode. It was sick! One of the best in a fighting game stories I played through. DOA's was pretty sick too. Now for Kasumi, yeah she's my favorite character. I can agree with some of ya'll but not a lot of you. With the "how they relate part", I do, but the "crappy character" I don't.

The 1's that's saying she's a crap character, Kasumi ain't a "bad girl". Hell Ayane ain't even what you call "bad". Ayane has a bad attitude( That's why I always liked her. That's the way I wanted Kasumi to be too). She abandoned her village to avenge Hayate. She thought Raidou killed him. However, after she won the 1st tourney, she couldn't go back because of the consequences of leaving the clan (which I don't think she abandoned the village). Why most people say they can relate to her? I think it's just because she's a good girl with a good personality, but at the same time when push come to shove, she'll beat your ass. That's my thought.

Only thing I didn't like about her was they made look weak & threatened between DOA3 & 4. In 5, they made her more like a ninja. The way she should be. At 1st, I thought "Oh no. Don't tell me she's running scared again." Then towards the end, it was more of the Kasumi I was wanting to see.

Other than that, I don't care about it, but I still thought it was dope.


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the entire reason I actually got into DOA was cause of the story actually,I wanted to know everything I could about Ryu Hayabusa I could so I branched off of NG and picked up DOA4 and that was that. I mainly just want to find out every little thing about my characters infact i wanted to see more of Baymans past than anything to tell the truth,but then again how a character reacts to a given situation in a story helps map out their personality as well so the two go hand in hand.