Julius Rages Adventures in Online Dating

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Ok, this is a long one.
Believe it or not I get into a lot of a conversations with women that kind of involve them wanting to get to know me.

Which is a shame because, at this moment, thats not even close to what I want.

This is one such conversation (Trust me, its funny.)

*Note* her profile theme was she wanted a tall dark and handsome man, so thats where the first line came from.

Your conversation with brittcrew0810
7/1/2013 10:33:34 PM
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Cute, ur profile got my attention so i thought id say heyy
7/1/2013 10:37:04 PM​
Hi, I'm tall, dark and that other thing.
7/1/2013 10:38:10 PM
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I see, thats the other reason i said hey, lol. Wyd on this dreary monday night?
7/1/2013 10:40:17 PM​
Watching Rockos Modern life and doing push ups :D

7/1/2013 10:41:42 PM
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Cute, layin in bed...talking to u now:)...no push up or tv for me tonight...i gotta get up at 530 for work
7/1/2013 10:46:05 PM​
Getting close to that alarm going off, want to try this again again tomorrow?
7/1/2013 10:47:56 PM
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...im still trying to wind down...i could "talk" a little more if u want. But if not, then sure, lol. BlacklyMcblackblack..thats cracking me up :p
7/1/2013 10:55:34 PM​
Any excuse to stop pushing the.floor, I'll take it. ;)

Yeah, my dad called me that shit once as a kid and it's had a major influence on how I go about my day to day life.
7/1/2013 10:57:44 PM
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Lol, i do love some arm muscles tho, so u cN keep pushing if u want, lol. Wow...so that would make me whiteymcwhitewhite? Lol...u get along with ur father?
7/1/2013 11:02:08 PM​
Hmm, skin pigment.

My dad is a major retard and all our conversations start with the phrase "What's up Lil nigga?" So I try not to accept his phone calls.
You're not a stripper so I take it your relationships with your dad isn't that bad.
7/1/2013 11:05:32 PM
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What about skin pigment?...i prefer darker tones, lol. And sounds like a smart move, sorry about ur retarded father, mine sucks ass too. Lol...and no im not a stripper, i have a non existent relationship with my father, my mom is pretty awesome...and i could make some serious bank if i ever wanted to degrade myself a little to do it. Lol
7/1/2013 11:19:39 PM​
I was just pointing out that skin pigment determines what kind of whattymcwhatwat you are...and because it's too late at night for racism I'll leave the spickymcspickspick stuff does later conversation :)

Hurray for douche bag dads! My mom is great too...even if she has poor choice in men.
Not like you though, you've got an eye for talent.

and if the shit hits the fan you'll see me down at the gold club. Play your cards right and I'll let you slide a dollar down my ass like an ATM.
7/2/2013 4:52:27 PM
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Ha! Ive got an eye for talent huh? ATM huh...interesting, lol. Ur funny, lovin the personality so far. And nobody has time for racism anyway :)
7/2/2013 5:11:37 PM​
I'm black, I get a limited pass on racism.

And thanks, in college, while most people were studying for mid terms and planning their futures, i smoked a lot of weed and watched reruns of the Cheppelle Show.

(I don't do that anymore though, the weed thing.)

So. You? Me? What are we doing here?
7/2/2013 5:15:06 PM
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U get a limited pass on racism huh...i suppose, lol. And im glad u dont do the weed thing anymore, im not really into that. not 100 percent opposed to it, but it never really leads anywhere good. So what college did u smoke weed instead of studying for mid terms while attending? Lol ...guessing that means u either didnt graduate or barely graduated?
7/2/2013 5:18:20 PM
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And idk...what are we doing here? We r talking getting to know each other
7/2/2013 5:23:52 PM​
It was a private college in Arizona. I was studying computer programming at the time and was naturally good at it so studying wasn't really my thing. I ended up coming into a large sum of money midway through and, long story short, not everybody is lookimg out for your
best interests :-\

So I didn't graduate, ended up becoming an apartment maintenance guy got tired of that and now I'm heading into the airforce to finish that degree, I mean serve my country. :p

I also don't enjoy long walks on the beach nor do I want to watch the notebook.

7/2/2013 5:28:40 PM​
Oh and I also plan on hitting the powerball - that's a long term goal right?
7/2/2013 5:32:08 PM
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I dont mind a walk on the beach but it's not first on my list...and i loved the notebook, good movie! Get to servin ur country then:p i know a lot a ppl who dont give a crap and serving their country, but there are benefits to bn in the military...def not for me however. I went to college in upstate NY, and i graduated at the top of my class. I partied like craZy tho. Loved college, so much fun. Im still trying to really decide what i want to do. So what do u hope to do with ur degree? When u going into the airforce?​
7/2/2013 5:32:35 PM
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Absolutely! Especially great if u wanna share, lol
7/2/2013 5:39:44 PM
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I dont play the lotto, hate losin my money, lol
7/2/2013 5:50:47 PM​
I could have graduated at the top of my class if it was just weed but I drank too and if dad ever said anything worth remembering it's "dont be mixin beer with them funny cigarettes Lil nigga" =/

Didn't listen :D

and September is when I ship (fly?) Out.

And as far as the degree, more than likely I'll just hang it on a wall and point at it when my kids ask what I've done with my life...really though I want to develop video games in my free time and, possibly, for a living but I love being a maintenance guy so I'm sure I'll end up back in this field at some point...as a regional director of course :)

So, any ideas on where you want to end up? Was that stripper thing an option, because I think you have what it takes!
7/2/2013 5:54:51 PM
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Iol i know how to work a pole, and ive got some rhythm Nice physical assets, lol. I would love to find a rich man who makes me happy and be a mom full time, but if that doesnt work out then food and bev director at a hotel ora corporate trainer would be the ultimate for me
7/2/2013 5:59:29 PM
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Rhythm and* physical assets :p
7/2/2013 6:00:20 PM​
Well if I hit the lottery tomorrow I'll find a nice rich man and buy him for you.

That sounds like as good a plan as any!

Seems like me and you are of different paths here, no?
7/2/2013 6:02:39 PM​
Yes, yes, I know, you have tits!

You don't to shove em in my face like that...wait :D
7/2/2013 6:03:22 PM
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Lol i dont know...if ur saying that i guess so...u didnt really tell me what u were looking for. I dont need u to buy me a rich man, lol, thanks tho
7/2/2013 6:15:17 PM​
Free food and sex?

I have no idea what I'm looking for. People just kept telling me they are tired of seeing me single and that I needed to do something about that. So this is me kind of sort of acknowledging their concerns.

But, and lets keep this between you and me - I've refined my jack off technique to the point that i literally cannot tell the difference. . .when I'm drunk.

You seem cool but between the military, boxing, work and "Me Time" I just don't have anything left for a relationship and your profile says thats what you're looking for.

But, if your bio is to be believed, I get the feeling that you wont be single for much longer :D

7/2/2013 6:17:22 PM​
Thats a hot little water heater you have there in the background.

What is that like a 30 gallon? Oh, I'd love to stick a screw driver in that. . .


Well-Known Member
This probably might have been a normal everyday conversation between you and your dad :V

By the way. she seems freakin cool.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Yeah she is.

Read her profile, very fun girl to talk to but ultimately we're looking for different things and that's that.
Still talking to her, still feeding her a steady diet of one liners.

And yup, that's my childhood...

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
I think I'm getting away from the original concept of this thread but its funny so what the fuck :b

Your conversation with Sherribabi92
7/3/2013 7:00:45 PM​
My name is Julius.
I would like to offer you the oppertunity to get in on a limited addition african american male.
He wont take you out to dinner, he wont really care about anything you have to say, shit, he'll more than likely not
even want to make babies with you.

What he does offer is an emtpy stomach and a untidy town home for which you to clean up. He comes with a fully articulated back that you'll get to rub as often as he likes. Hes also equiped with a non-adjustable anti-social personality with detachable interests in your friends and loved ones.

Be dailin people, be dailin!
7/3/2013 7:05:48 PM​
Lmaoooo is This is a joke?​
7/3/2013 7:09:37 PM​
I can put you on flex pay!

Clean half my house now, do the rest of it after you get finished washing clothes!
7/3/2013 7:15:33 PM​
Haha you just made my day no lie​
Lets see on one condition you gotta clean my bathroom and scrub the floor with a tooth brush.​
7/3/2013 7:20:28 PM​
Can I get THAT on flex pay?
Do none of it now, have you organize my video game collection and then drop you off at home and never speak to you again?
7/3/2013 8:14:29 PM​
Lmao oh lord..​

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Your conversation with saharadusk23
7/14/2013 5:24:59 PM​
I smoke a ton of weed and play video games till 2 in the morning.

7/14/2013 5:34:11 PM
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Sounds like my ex. I dumped him.
7/14/2013 5:46:25 PM​
I could be an ex :b

I promise, however he f'd you over, I'll do it and embarrass you in front of your parents.
7/14/2013 6:01:25 PM
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7/14/2013 6:05:33 PM​
Let me show you the babys arm.
7/14/2013 6:10:55 PM
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Don't ever message me again you piece of shit.​

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
I'm back.

8/5/2013 7:05:47 AM
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Hey there :)
8/5/2013 5:56:02 PM​
Look, I'm just going to be frank with you.

I'm a cannibal, ok. I eat human flesh.
And not because I need to, but because it tastes just like pork.

And it's easier to catch a nigg@ on the block slippin and gobble him up than it is to stand in line at Walmart with a rump roast.
8/5/2013 6:09:39 PM
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Stop playing u lying
8/5/2013 6:52:34 PM​
You got me.

I joined POF to purchase yellow cake uranium.
8/5/2013 7:00:31 PM
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What's that
8/5/2013 7:02:13 PM​
It's how I'm going to bring Gotham City to it's knees.
8/5/2013 7:02:49 PM
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That must be a game
8/5/2013 7:07:43 PM​
No. . .no its a movie reference.
And you can go fuck yourself.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
8/7/2013 1:48:50 PM

I'm building a rocket ship!

I love rockets!
8/7/2013 1:50:39 PM
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What color will it be when ur done? Where's it going?
8/7/2013 1:52:39 PM
It's big and black and it's headed into your anus.
8/7/2013 1:53:40 PM
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Are u even sure i have one of those?
8/7/2013 1:55:54 PM
8/7/2013 1:56:59 PM
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8/7/2013 1:59:10 PM
This is usually the point where you tell me to "Eat shit weirdo."
8/7/2013 1:59:56 PM
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Eat shit weirdo!
8/7/2013 2:02:59 PM
All is right in the world!

Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar!

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
8/7/2013 10:11:06 AM
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8/7/2013 10:18:11 AM
8/7/2013 10:19:06 AM
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sup sexy u smoke
8/7/2013 10:22:54 AM
8/7/2013 10:24:49 AM
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you funn shit wanna come chill
8/7/2013 10:30:18 AM
As long as you can pick me up.
8/7/2013 10:31:08 AM
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your thing said you had a car
8/7/2013 10:35:19 AM
My thing also said I'm an astronaut
8/7/2013 10:36:17 AM
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whatever bye
8/7/2013 10:38:52 AM
Don't be a bitch =)

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
Hopefully you guys got a kick out how much of a faggot I've become.

Maybe I should become a biker or somethin.

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Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
8/20/2013 12:19:54 PM
I want you to help me blackmail professional football running back Maurice Jones Drew.
8/20/2013 12:55:48 PM
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Wrong girl ... Blackmailing anyone is a bitch move ... I don't participate in bitch activities
8/21/2013 7:35:41 AM
But we can make 3 MILLION DOLLARS!
I'll do all the illegal stuff.
All you have to do is sneak into the locker room and slip some HIV in his gatorade bottle.

8/21/2013 7:43:00 AM
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naw, I'm good on that

8/21/2013 8:32:12 AM
I'm tryin to get your broke ass up out the ghetto. . .