KOEI's Warriors + Sengoku Basara


Master Ninja
Staff member
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I'll be buying it anyway since I have friends who are getting it and want to play co-op (which I have never done before).

But yeah, the price is nutty. And I still don't understand why they put Sophitia in there. If you're gonna add a Soul Calibur character, add fucking Nightmare.
You'll be sorely disappointed by the co-op implementation unless you plan on sitting on the same couch. You have to play through a level solo first before you can play online co-op on it which means you cannot play through the story with a friend.


Well-Known Member
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You'll be sorely disappointed by the co-op implementation unless you plan on sitting on the same couch. You have to play through a level solo first before you can play online co-op on it which means you cannot play through the story with a friend.


Master Ninja
Staff member
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Well you'll just have to do everything twice so that you can play online with your friends.


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you know its funny. initially i couldn't stand Guo Huai he was slow wide open and had insanely long recovery times because of being sick, but now i see why though. if he wasn't on deaths door everyone else probably would be, his charge attacks are insanely strong and wide and if he catches you with his mousou attack its pretty much an insta-kill.
second most OP guy ive seen since Zhou Tai


Well-Known Member
He is kinda like Lianshi in way. Them have strong charge attacks that cover wide distances and they can heal themselves make up for their slow speed. Certainly not beginner friendly.


Well-Known Member
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He is kinda like Lianshi in way. Them have strong charge attacks that cover wide distances and they can heal themselves make up for their slow speed. Certainly not beginner friendly.

i dont know hes the first range character ive felt actually does any sort of damage, normally its just a lot of tiny chip damage over a large radius


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In Warrior's Orochi you don't need range. Just buff up a power character with Reach, Blast and officer killers, then charge in and go apeshit.

Dynasty Warriors is a bit different, though.


That's a hybrid version of Ganondorf and GANON.

GANON as seen in OoT has the long parted hair and carries two swords like so. The only difference being that he is much larger and his face resembles something like a demonic boar animal.


Well-Known Member
Wanted to quickly sketch the new Ganondorf since he looked awesome, but I failed to do him justice and screwed up the face. Ah well D:


ANYWAYS, Nintendo didn't say anything about an online co-op during the Nintendo Direct stream. Which I was looking forward to hearing about as opposed to Local 2-Player. Crossing my fingers hat gets in somehow since Tecmo Koei's been on a good streak with that for a while with their Musou titles.