DOA5U Marie Rose Availability PSA

As many of you are no doubt aware, the 1.05 patch, Marie Rose, her costumes, and the compatibility pack are available on PSN. Some of you may also have seen Marie Rose up on Xbox Live. You can purchase her individually now on both platforms for $5.99 USD (or her and her costumes for $12.99) however she is not yet playable on Xbox 360. The 1.05 patch is not slated to roll out until tomorrow on the platform and, until that time, Marie Rose will be unavailable on the character select screen. If you do choose to purchase her you are effectively preloading and nothing more.

Additionally, if you choose to purchase any of her costumes on either platform, remember to download the new compatibility pack. Without this download, you cannot see any of her costumes even if purchased.

Happy lab time, FSD!

Thanks to Brute for the reminder on the bundle pricing.
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What's the point in allowing us to buy her... when we can't even play her? That's just adding insult to injury lol
Having a lot of fun with her so far. She seems pretty good with several safe moves, tons of stance transitions and a lot op options to avoid getting held. Love her throws.
I gotta wait till Saturday to finally play her...
Oh well, I'll spend that time when I'm not on Sengoku Basara practicing Momiji, Helena and maybe even Lei-Fang waiting till then.
*grabs stick*

Marie Rose wasn't part of DOA5 (the article in question talks specifically about that title), she wasn't part of DOA5U.

She however was a part of DOA5U: Arcade. They could have left her, let it roll a year, release 5U:A and you get her and a lovely 3rd copy of the same game.

I'm going to buy her when she hits the UK store today. Should be about an hour or so. Going to spend those pennies I worked for, you know, because job.
So you're telling me that the principles they established (that selling DLC characters is unfair) is completely OK to ignore because THIS version of DoA5 has a U on the end? It's disgusting. It'd be one thing to say they had no plans to release DLC characters for DoA5. It's another thing entirely to state that they think it's unfair to engage in such a practice, regardless of the game, and then do it anyways.
Is it really their fault, though? I'm certainly not familiar with the inner workings of the industry, but it seems like the sale and pricing and such of dlc would be a decision on Tecmo's end, not TN's. In other words, the ones making the game may consider it unfair, but the ones selling it probably don't give a damn.
I can't answer that question, but I'd think that surely the man in charge of TN would be privy to his publisher's intended marketing plans and would respond accordingly to avoid this very type of conflict.
She's out on the UK store. Search "Marie" not "Marie Rose" and she pops up. I did it at the PC no problems.

£9.99 for the Character + Costumes.
£4.79 Character only.
I don't even remember DOA not having micro transactions... This is one of these moments when I'd love to be older and remember these beautiful times.